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The chart shows the leisure time enjoyed by men and women in a week. According to gender and employment status, among full-time employees, men have an average of 50 hours of leisure time, while women have about 37 hours. No number of male part-time workers are provided, but female part-time workers have 40 hours of leisure time, which is only slightly more than that of full-time women.

This may reflect that their work at home has retired among the unemployed and that leisure time for both men and women is increasing. As we expect here, men enjoy more leisure time over 8 hours, compared with 70 hours for women In contrast, this may once again reflect the fact that women spend more time at home than men. Finally, housewives enjoy about 54 hours of leisure time.

On average, there is no overall figure for housewives. The chart shows that men have at least 10 hours of extra leisure time in the categories with men's leisure time statistics.




Business beauty and beast more and more men are suffering from stabs and cuts to look younger at London's George Roman clinic, women lined up to see a cosmetic dermatologist known for removing wrinkles and smoothing eyebrows. Well, in the past few years, Dr. Roman has treated a series of bankers and businessmen in London and Paris who don't want to look more beautiful, he said, They don't want to look more beautiful, just "fresher, less worried"; "usually, rapid injections of botulinum (a muscle freezing toxin) are aimed at the deep forehead fissures that can befall men, especially if they frown at the screen all day long.

Other popular treatments are lasers, which brighten the skin tone and the deep groove between the nose and mouth According to the American Society of plastic "I don't understand what's unpleasant," complains David Piot, the boss of Allergan, which makes Botox important in the market. "You want a real old investment Banker, a very old lawyer working for you? " Mr. Piot asked, "men's minimally invasive care is growing, and market researcher Mintel said that sales of men's beauty products in France, Germany and Spain, despite the recession, have risen and will continue to grow, with moisturizers in France, the UK and Spain dominating.

Germans and Italians prefer to buy deodorants.


商业 美容和野兽 越来越多的男性正在忍受刺伤和割伤,以看起来更年轻 在伦敦的乔治罗马诊所,妇女排队去看一位以除皱和抚平眉毛闻名的整容皮肤科医生,唉,在过去的几年里,罗曼医生在伦敦和巴黎治疗了一系列的银行家和商人,他们不想看起来更漂亮,他说,他们不想看起来更漂亮,只是“更清爽,不那么担心”;“通常,迅速注射肉毒杆菌素(一种能冻结肌肉的毒素)针对的是可能降临到男性的深额裂尤其是如果他们整天对着屏幕皱眉的话,其他受欢迎的治疗方法是激光,它能使肤色变亮,还有鼻子和嘴之间的深沟的化妆品填充物,罗曼博士说,英国人都是大把花钱的人——肉毒杆菌治疗的起价是法国人的两倍(fiddlier程序的费用是法国人的两倍)据美国整形外科学会(American Society of Plastic Surgers)统计,英国人与妻子一起独自一人在美国男性中使用肉毒杆菌(Botox)的次数,但女性面部被冷冻的可能性仍然是男性的两倍,“我不明白是什么让人不快,”Allergan的老板大卫·皮奥特抱怨道,这使得肉毒杆菌在市场上显得很重要“你想让一个真正的老投资银行家,一个非常老的律师为你工作吗?”皮奥特先生问道,“男性的微创保养正在增长,市场研究人员Mintel说,男性美容产品在法国、德国、西班牙的销售,尽管经济衰退,英国和意大利在这段时间内还是上涨了,并且将继续增长,法国、英国和西班牙的保湿剂占主导地位。德国人和意大利人更喜欢购买除臭剂。


The perfect girlfriend is 5-foot-5-inch-tall, has an Irish accent and is a Manchester United fan, according to a new BBC survey. When asked which of their ideal partners Kelly Brooke, Cheryl Cole and Jessica Ennis topped the list of film interests, Patrick Switze ROM's classic dirty dance should be her perfect film, and "the daily game" should be one of her favorite TV shows. Corrie and her friends don't want to date a brown The hair nurse or teacher, who thought it would be more attractive if she made up, but only liked a little Irish accent, and roast dinner was the fictional girl's favorite food.

"British men have a very special taste for girls," said Benjamin Baker, founder of the dating software lovoo. "We know everyone has their favorite hair color, sometimes even the color and height of their eyes." but we think we should avoid a woman because she may support an opposing football team or like different types of movies To show you, it may be too picky. "Men obviously don't want a woman to impress them, and they want a girlfriend to get along with another important woman in their lives - their mother, but after all, three-quarters of the single men interviewed said they didn't think they would meet their perfect woman, so they had to do the opposite What's more surprising is that many men who have already been in love admit that their current wife or girlfriend is not the perfect woman for them.




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