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关于”什么软件里是全是的篇章“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:What software is full of chapters。以下是关于什么软件里是全是的篇章的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What software is full of chapters

Since I was seven years old, I have always dreamed of becoming a good photographer. When I see a picture of a lovely panda, I dream of becoming a good photographer. I was very moved when the photographer tried to tell a touching story about how people saved this endangered animal.

I think the work of a photographer is very interesting and meaningful. He can record the beautiful moments in people's lives, which are all taken with his camera: a beautiful young girl, a lovely dog, strangers helping each other, etc. Imagine how sweet it was when an old man looked at the pictures of himself taken when he was young.

I want to be a photographer who can record these sweet moments. Of course, the photographer not only records the beautiful moments in life, but also the ugly things, so that he can attract people's attention and change. For example, when people see these photos, he may take some social problems, such as air pollution, endangered animals and plants, and social inequality.

They will better recognize these serious problems and improve the status quo to a certain extent, A photographer is helping society progress in his unique way. I know that it is not easy to realize my dream of becoming a good photographer: I have to work hard, buy a good camera for myself, study hard to learn skills, but I will continue to work hard until I succeed.






Toddas like as two peas, the secret of life from moving small stones is to use stumbling blocks as stepping stones. Defective diamonds are much better than ordinary stones. Reality is a hallucination caused by lack of alcohol.

I drink much more from alcohol than from me. Winston Churchill is a metal man but not exactly the same. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

The dog is the only animal that has seen God.




I'm tired of all the guesswork. I've broken my promise. I've spent a lot of money and time on this boat, but it's worth it.

I'm alive. I'm quiet. I'm terrible.

I'm sorry. I'm a kid from hell. Are they they? Are we all my predecessors? We're willing to help but can't do anything about it.




标签: 六年级 作文 万能 年级 美文

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