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关于”写一个征用酒店“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write a hotel requisition。以下是关于写一个征用酒店的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a hotel requisition

Dear Mr. XX, thank you for taking the time to read my letter. My name is XX.

People in XX Department of our company hope you can give me a raise now. The reasons are as follows: Yes, my last salary increase has been several months. Now the soaring prices have greatly increased the average cost of daily life.

My salary can't maintain the balance of our family's income and expenditure. I have to pay for me recently My daughter pays tuition. Considering the above reasons, I would like to ask you for a raise.

I look forward to your reply. You are happy every day.




According to the survey, our students have to have seven classes a day. In the evening, they have to spend three hours doing their homework. There are almost no physical education classes, sports games or extracurricular activities.

Therefore, these activities take up too much time of our students, so that they can sleep seven in the school Hours. As a result, they often feel sleepy in class and have little time to learn what they are interested in. The survey shows that the reasons are as follows: we students have too many subjects to deal with.

Our students are looking forward to going to university. They must do their best. Through this survey, we can clearly see the necessity of curriculum reform, so as to reduce the burden of students.




Dear Mr. / MS (), I would like to take part in the reporter position of our school English newspaper. I think I have the ability to be one of them, because I am good at virtue, wisdom and labor expected by the school, and my English achievement is at an excellent level.

I also participated in the English speaking competition and won the first and second prizes. I have participated in the National English Proficiency Contest for middle school students and won seven awards. I hope you can give me an opportunity to participate in the school English newspaper.

Thank you very much, XX / XX / XXXXXXXX.




标签: 英文 作文 万能 专业

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