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And the Lord appeared to Abraham in the form of three angels as he sat at the door of the tabernacle in the plain of Mamre. And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw three men standing before him; and he ran to meet them, and fell on his face to the ground, and said, my Lord, if I have the favor of you, please do not leave; take a little water from your servant, wash your feet, and rest under the tree. And I will bring bread to comfort you and comfort your heart, and then you may go away.

And they commanded him, and Abraham hastened into Sarah his wife's tent, and said in a hurry, make three measures of flour, knead it, bake cakes on the stove, and run to the cattle, and take a good and tender calf, and prepare it for a young man. And Abraham took cream, milk and the calf, And they put the food under the tree, and they stood before the people by them, and they asked him, where is Sarah your wife, who is in the tent? And Jesus said, a man said, Sarah your wife is going to have a son, and Sarah stood at the door of the tent behind him. When she heard this, she and Abraham were old and barren.

And Sarah laughed in her heart, and God said to Abraham, why is Sarah laughing? She is too old to have children. What's the matter? The Lord couldn't give birth to a son at the appointed time. Sarah did not admit that she had laughed because she was afraid.

But God said no, you did laugh, and the LORD did as he promised. Sarah gave birth to Abraham in his old age, and Abraham named him Isaac, which means "he will laugh.".





I like watching movies very much, especially American movies. I am attracted by its high-tech and amazing plot. Bible stories are always mentioned in movies, which is the common sense of Westerners.

But for Chinese, only a few people have read classic stories, so most of them don't know what they really mean. I decided to buy a Bible story book and read it one by one at the beginning. With so many English names, it's hard for me to remember them.

But as I read them deeper and deeper, these stories give us I was very impressed. This book shows readers that the world is coming, and God will never abandon his people. God also made many good rules for his people.

Now I understand western culture and broaden my horizon.





The holy scriptures of Judaism and Christianity, the Jewish scriptures including Torah or the Pentateuch, the works of the prophet nivim and Ketuvim, together constitute what Christians call the Old Testament. The five books of Moses and Joshua tell about how Israel became a nation and achieved the promised land described by the prophets, the establishment and development of the monarchy, and the message of the prophets. These works include good deeds With the poetry of evil and history, the Roman Catholic and orthodox scriptures also include other Jewish works called the Apocrypha.

The New Testament includes early Christian literature. The Gospels tell about life man and Jesus' teaching and apostolic behavior. The earliest historical letters of Christianity are letters from early church leaders, mainly St.

Paul and addressing the needs of early congregation. Apocalypse is the early Christian world The only typical representative of a major school of doomsday literature.




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