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关于”餐馆广告“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Restaurant advertising。以下是关于餐馆广告的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Restaurant advertising

This is an advertisement for a restaurant. The name of our restaurant is that our restaurant is clean and tidy. The food is delicious and delicious.

Our service will make you feel warm. The director of our restaurant is world-famous. He is good at cooking Chinese food in our restaurant.

You can have a birthday party with your friends and family. We can hold some wedding ceremonies in the restaurant. Welcome to our restaurant If you think it's very nice here, please tell your friends to go with you.




Hi, our name is blue sky restaurant specialty tomato omelet. His price is 8 yuan. The taste is sweetheart.

Women and children like to eat special chutney. His price is 28 yuan. His taste is hot hot hot spring 3 vegetable salad.

His price is No.18. This taste is very delicious. Go to the blue sky restaurant to eat more dishes.

Our name is blue sky restaurant.




First of all, the advertisement of the restaurant. I think the plane advertisement must be well done. The signboard of the restaurant and the signboard on the front of the restaurant should be beautiful.

It may not be beautiful. But how to explain this problem properly? For example, if you open a restaurant in the market, the toilet next to you. Sorry, the fruit shop next to you.

I have to say that your food price is not high, so the business must be very good. I think so Most people can see that they don't want to eat. Secondly, the menu of the restaurant is reasonable.

In my opinion, the price is moderate. As long as the color and pattern of the restaurant complement each other (it's me, I may be more romantic, or the relationship between art students finally gets better. Of course, the decoration style is not fresh and elegant, but it's just right Local, I mean appropriate, that is, if a street is very small, a restaurant, you stand there, to meet the style of the whole street, say, the chef and the waiter must be good, a good cook and reasonable staff training and service English training, can make a restaurant business fast (generally speaking, this article not only wrote an advertisement for a restaurant, it wrote More about the location, pattern and operation of the restaurant, so that the business of the restaurant is more and more complete.

I hope it can help you. The above suggestions are empty words. Ha, just look at the pictures.




标签: 初中 英文 作文 万能 广告

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