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关于”我的第一次经历“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My first experience。以下是关于我的第一次经历的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My first experience

The computer is the product of advanced civilization. According to some people, its invention marks the arrival of the second industrial revolution. It used to be a heavy machine that needed a lot of space.

Now the computer is getting smaller and smaller. Scientists have made it more complex, so it becomes more useful. As we all know, computers can do all kinds of work It includes complex calculation and analysis.

Now people also use it as a teaching tool to design all kinds of software that can be put into the computer, which explains why it is so powerful. However, one thing we should remember is that the computer can't think, but people can think. One day, the computer will control us.

What we should expect is that we should try our best to make it a perfect computer Generation is not a daydream. One day most of our needs can be met by this wonderful machine. Until now, inventors have developed a series of impressive machines called computers.

At first I was fascinated by these machines, but now I know what they are and what they can do. As a complex electronic device, computers have a wide range of applications Function, including information storage and memory, calculation, however, with the computer to deal with unemployment and unemployment problems, these two methods can often help people correctly deal with various complex unemployment problems, but both methods can help people correctly deal with unemployment and unemployment problems. Is the modern trend still there? We can't resist this trend.

In a computerized world, all people interested in computers should take the time to master it.




"Oh, who's cooking today?" no one answered me. I searched all over the house, and no one saw this note. It said, "we won't go home at noon, you can eat." I was silent for a while, and the word "I can't cook" appeared on my head.

My stomach began to complain. I couldn't do it myself. I put my hand into a kitchen that made me uneasy.

First, I opened the refrigerator "What" eggs: today's cabbage and potatoes are one egg, the first egg mixture of Chinese cabbage and fried rice is stirred. To make Chinese cabbage, wash it first and then cut it all at once. "How can it be" varies in size, thick and broken, and eggs fall all over the place.

Filling the stomach is the most important first oil, which can be less than a little In order to put eggs, fried, fried cabbage, continue to fry, put rice fry again, put half a spoon of salt, turn it over, its apple color can smell a little strange, do not eat on the courage to taste a little, a little salty, and the taste of lettuce is ripe, too oily to sum up, I just wait for my mother to help me pick up pieces, help me to make some food, eat.




Last summer, I went to visit my uncle by plane. I had never been on an airplane before. So when I heard the news, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep.

The crew took me from my parents to my seat on the plane. Fortunately, my seat was by the window before the plane took off. I imagined how beautiful the sky would be, but soon I was too tired to sleep Just landed, isn't it fun.




标签: 小学 作文 真题 经历 范文

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