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Whatever kind of F-K I want, this is a comment by Tillman fetita, the world's richest restaurateur, and, as recently quoted by Forbes magazine, does it reflect a common belief among successful entrepreneurs that at the latest gathering of business elites, I surveyed their main motivation, not wealth Wealth, power or fame, among these self-made men and women, the most important driving force is the desire for autonomy. Of course, if you are your own boss, no one can fire you, because many entrepreneurs, from Michael blonberg, have been able to fire you In the beginning, being fired was the trigger for them to start their own performances: they all vowed that it would never happen to them again after they were fired · (Michael blonberg rich entrepreneurs can also wear the clothes they want to wear, be late and get away with it, spend money to get out of trouble, take a year off, retire early, or go on until they go out of business Close your door, sell it, give it out, hang your name on the door, or post a picture of yourself in every store - just as the founder of pizza express once wanted to do (my partner and I convinced him that if you have a big business, it's not a good idea, and that ownership gives you the right to make all the corporate decisions you want to make. In contrast, CEOs of listed companies have to persuade the board of directors to support them, and sometimes put things to shareholders for voting.

They are actually employees. Being CEO of a large company is an unstable job - the average tenure of employees in this position is only six years; there are exceptions, of course - Steve jobs is one of them—— All of his personal data after his death described how autocratic he was, how he could bully his subordinates and even give orders to customers, but he allowed his seemingly unreasonable behavior to go unpunished at Apple.


不管我想要什么样的f-k,这是世界上最富有的餐馆老板,一位名叫蒂尔曼·费蒂塔的亿万富翁的评论,正如最近《福布斯》杂志所引用的那样,这是否反映了成功企业家中的一种普遍信念,在最近的一次商界精英聚会上,我对他们的主要动机进行了调查,而不是财富、权力或名望,在这些白手起家的男人和女人中,最重要的驱动力几乎都是对自治的渴望 当然,如果你是自己的老板,没有人可以解雇你,因为很多企业家,从迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)开始,被解雇是他们开始自己表演的导火索:他们都发誓,被解雇以后再也不会发生在他们身上了····(迈克尔·布隆伯格 富有的企业家也可以穿他们想穿的衣服,迟到而逍遥法外,花钱摆脱困境,休xx年假,早点退休,或者继续干下去,直到他们倒闭,关门,卖掉,送出,把自己的名字挂在门上,或者把自己的照片贴在每家分店——就像PizzaExpress的创始人曾经想做的那样(我和我的合伙人说服他,如果你有一个大生意,这不是一个好主意,这种所有权使你有权做出所有你想做的公司决策。相比之下,上市公司的首席执行官必须说服董事会支持他们,有时还要把事情交给股东投票,他们实际上是雇工,当一家大公司的首席执行官是一项不稳定的工作——一般在职者在这一职位上的平均任期只有xx年;当然也有例外——史蒂夫·乔布斯就是其中之一——他去世后的所有个人资料都描述了他是一个多么专制的人,他如何能够欺负下属,甚至对客户发号施令,但他在苹果公司允许他这样看似不合理的行为逍遥法外。


Excellent learning is not an easy thing. First of all, you need a good learning environment and self-consciousness. To be a good student, first of all, you should have a correct attitude, set a goal for yourself and move towards the goal.

Secondly, things have their own principles. Of course, this principle must not violate the truth when dealing with others, and do everything To be worthy of our conscience, we should first grab all the difficulties in the classroom, and finally everything is necessary. We must be strict with ourselves at ordinary times.

We can't want to have sexual relations with ourselves. We should also be calm and amiable when we get along with our classmates every day,.




There is no consensus within the company on how to hire employees. Some bosses are in favor of hiring young people. They think that young people are more enthusiastic, while others think they prefer their elders because they are more experienced.

If I am the boss, I will hire young people because young people have greater enthusiasm, they will accept new ideas and things, they are open, which will make my company more creative experience, I can give Their time, because no one is born to be a veteran.




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