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关于”有关最喜欢的杂志“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:About favorite magazines。以下是关于有关最喜欢的杂志的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About favorite magazines

I like many kinds of animals, but my favorite animal is dogs. They have a very good sense of smell. People who can smell smell can't find the smell after training.

They can do a lot of things. For example, dogs can help the police catch bad people. Some dogs can smell the drugs hidden in goods and bombs.

There are rescue dogs, sheep and so on. In the frozen Arctic area, the dog sled is the most convenient transportation tool Loyal and smart dogs, under the command, understand that their owners will follow people's instructions. Just like circus dogs, they will perform various programs.

Dogs will also feel people's feelings in human nature. If you are happy, it will follow you. If you are not happy, it will lick you and make you happy.

Every dog has its own characteristics My favorite dog has golden fur. Its eyes are round and bright, and the corners of his mouth are smiling. He looks at the pug there with a flat nose.

It looks like a little poodle with sand like fur. But its hair is like a lion and a bull dog. Its head and body surface have wrinkles.

I like dogs They are very smart. In human nature, very cute dogs are human's best friends.




My favorite magazine Susan: what's your favorite magazine eddy: right now, I'd like to say reader's Digest is my favorite. Susan: what kind of magazine is it? Eddy: it's really weekly, isn't it? Eddy: No, it's semi monthly. Susan: it's very popular among the younger generation.

Eddy: Yes, it's very popular. This book sold out as soon as it reached the bookstore. Susan: Oh I think I should try.




My favorite newspaper, century, is my favorite newspaper. It is an English newspaper and is published in Beijing every week. It has different kinds of pages, including weekly news, the world today, language, sports, music and student reports.

There are many beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it. I like reading newspapers. I read it to improve my English.

I learned a lot of new words and useful expressions. And I can get information about different things, from politics to sports and sound Ledu is very popular with students and English learners.




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