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关于”病毒防治“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Virus control。以下是关于病毒防治的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Virus control

In the East, young bulls are tested in the arena, each being taken to the ring and then allowed to attack a matador who stabbed them with a spear. Then, carefully assess each bull's bravery according to the number of times each bull shows willingness to charge, and from now on, I will realize that I am being tested in the same way every day.




Computer virus: the origin of the term "computer virus" refers to the similarity between biological viruses and evil programs that infect computers. The characteristics of computer viruses are the only channel for viruses to enter from one system to another. One of the main features of computer viruses is that we should be alert to computer viruses.




I believe that diseases can be far away from human beings. Many people are easy to get sick, and diseases spread to people. Why? Because many of them don't have a healthy life.

They don't exercise very often or never do exercise. They don't have a balanced diet. They eat a lot of rich food and seldom eat fruits or vegetables.

These are the reasons why they get sick. So many doctors suggest us To keep healthy and many people know the importance of being healthy.




标签: 高分 三年级 作文 年级

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