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关于”校园浪费“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Campus waste。以下是关于校园浪费的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Campus waste

(reduce campus waste) as we all know, campus garbage has become a more and more serious problem. It is not difficult to see that many students throw a lot of food in the garbage heap, some students spend thousands of yuan to buy Fashion and so on. The negative impact of waste can first be shown in the following aspects: it makes some students rely on their parents to earn money.

If they don't learn to support themselves, this It is harmful to their development. They become useless after graduation. It's not easy for our parents to arrange us to go to school, but equally important is the undeniable fact that our country is still very poor, many people can't go to university, and many poor people still need our help.

First of all, I will set an example on campus to reduce waste. I will not waste anything from food to stationery, Ireland National universities are determined to call on more students to fight against waste. Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus==============================.




It is suggested that waste is a phenomenon and we should do something useful to eliminate it. However, what we often see in our school are: leave the tape behind after washing your hands, turn on the light when you leave, waste paper, and throw away food after dinner. It is suggested that students work together to eliminate waste, turn off the tape after washing hands, turn off the light when leaving, and put the food in the refrigerator after dinner under the guidance of the monitor.




标签: 初三 作文 满分 校园

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