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Canada is located in the northernmost tip of North America. It is one of the Commonwealth countries. It is known as the "hometown of maple leaves".

Its capital is Ottawa. The famous cities are Toronto and Vancouver. The Pacific Ocean in the West and the Atlantic Ocean in the East.

The Arctic Ocean in the North of Canada is a highly developed capitalist country.




More than one million Canadians served in the first World War more than one million Canadians served in the Second World War the establishment of Canadian citizenship the change of royal title designating the monarch as king of Canada Canadian multiculturalism act Canadian Constitution Act was signed by Queen Elizabeth II in April last year, giving Canada the sole power to amend the constitution. Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau read the name and history of Canada before World War II. The evolution of Canada as a political entity began with the arrival of French and British colonists and the establishment of Hudson Bay Company in the name of Canada, which originated from Huron Iroquois Kanata means that a village or settler, in the British North American Act, unites Canada (divided into Ontario and Quebec) with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to form "an autonomous territory under the name of Canada".

The transcontinental countries and their mature economic formation period, relying on the existence of colonies gave way to the vigorous development of semi autonomous countries rooted in their own countries, and made remarkable achievements in the war period. However, the rapid development also brought urban slums, labor dissatisfaction and social disharmony, accelerated development of language, ethnic and religious division and the first time The military glory of World War is at the cost of blood and national division.


超过100万加拿大人在第一次世界大战中服役超过100万加拿大人在第二次世界大战中服役加拿大公民身份的建立指定君主为加拿大国王的皇室头衔的改变文森特·梅西被任命为蒙特利尔第一届加拿大总督博览会《宪法法案》结束了英国对加拿大的控制加拿大宪法修正案加拿大多元文化主义法加拿大宪法法案由女王伊丽莎白二世于去年xx月签署,赋予加拿大修改宪法的唯一权力加拿大总理皮埃尔·特鲁多在二战前看了加拿大的名字和历史。加拿大作为一个政治实体的演变始于世纪初法国和英国殖民者的到来,以及以加拿大为名成立的哈德逊湾公司,源于HuronIroquois kanata,意思是一个村庄或定居者在英属北美法案中把加拿大省(分为安大略省和魁北克省)与新斯科舍省和新不伦瑞克省联合起来,形成“加拿大名下的一个自治领”。横贯大陆的国家及其成熟的经济的形成时期,依赖殖民地的存在让位给了半自治国家植根于国内的蓬勃发展,并在战争时期取得了令人瞩目的成就,但快速的发展也带来了城市贫民窟、劳工不满情绪和社会不和谐,以及语言的加速发展,民族和宗教的分裂和第一次世界大战的军事荣耀是以鲜血和民族分裂为代价的。


Toronto is the most populous city in Canada. The capital of Ontario is located in the south of Ontario, on the northwest Bank of Lake Ontario. Toronto's history began at the end of the century, when the British royal family bought its land from the new credit bank's mississaugas, where the British established settlements known as Yorktown, and its deputy governor, John graves Simcoe, designated the capital of upper Canadians.

During the York war, York City was looted in the battle of York. York City was merged into one city and renamed torrent. It was damaged in two fires over the years.

Toronto expanded its border several times by merging with surrounding cities, the latest in.


多伦多是加拿大人口最多的城市,安大略省首府位于安大略省南部,安大略湖的西北岸。多伦多的历史始于世纪末,当时英国皇室从新信贷银行的米西索加斯购买了它的土地,英国人在那里建立了定居点,被称为约克镇,其副州长约翰·格雷夫斯·西姆科(John Graves Simcoe)指定为上加拿大人的首府。约克战争期间,约克战役中,约克城遭到洗劫。



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