A typical Chinese table is round or square, with plates placed in the middle of the table. Everyone will find himself with a fan bowl, chopsticks, a saucer and a spoon. These dishes are shared by all and must be regarded as common property, while the fan bowl is regarded as private property.
When chopsticks contact with the mouth, chopsticks work between the two chopsticks. The host usually signals to start eating at the appropriate time. After everyone has eaten rice and picked up chopsticks, the guests usually take food from the ordinary plate, put it in a bowl, and then put the bowl If a guest does the opposite thing, the host will be insulted, and it is considered impolite to suck or chew chopsticks directly.
Different countries have different eating habits. Chinese have a saying: eat a big breakfast, but eat less dinner. Many Americans think that they should have a big breakfast from a day, but they don't like lunch The idea of dinner and dinner is different.
Most Americans only give themselves a short time for lunch, so they have a small lunch after work. They will have more time for a big dinner and a quiet dinner at home. Talking about their day with all the family members is a way to have a good rest after a long time.
In China, people like to eat at the same time They're just having a good time in America, not as they are now. They want a quiet place. If someone talks too loud, they can have a good meal, and the manager of the restaurant may come out and tell them to be quiet.
In the past decade, China's influence in the world has been greater than ever before. More and more foreigners pay attention to the Chinese people. According to them and their friends, they think that the Chinese people have certain characteristics.
The Chinese are very smart. We can produce many famous brands and are good at them. Second, although Chinese food is delicious, most Chinese people seem to like spicy food.
Chinese people have money to buy many expensive products. In fact, most foreigners like Chinese people very much I hope we can better impress people on the global stage.
The beauty of the West Lake lies not only in the lake, but also in Longjing, which is surrounded by mountains and lakes. In the south of Shanxi Province, there are scientific Anshan mountain, Nanfeng mountain, Wusong mountain, Daci mountain, Qinyan mountain, Nanping mountain, Fenghuang mountain, Wushan mountain, etc., which are collectively referred to as Nanshan Lingyin north mountain, Beifeng mountain, Xiangu mountain, Qixia mountain, Baoshi mountain, etc However, the mountains show that the beautiful north and South peaks of the forest spring are far away from the confrontation. Gaosai Yunwu lake was formed in the Southern Song Dynasty and is basically distributed around the West Lake.
The lakeside areas are: the spring dawn of SUDI, the wind lotus of Quyuan, the love of red beans, the snow scenery of broken bridge, Liulan Wenying, Huagang fish watching, Leifeng sunset, Shuangfeng Saiyun, Nanping evening bell, and three pools reflecting the moon The ancient essence of West Lake scenery, therefore, whether local or foreign scenery, Hangzhou passengers are willing to talk freely..
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