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关于”对父母的爱“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Love for parents。以下是关于对父母的爱的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Love for parents

We want to share some of the positive effects of love on us. Love means that I know the person I love. I know many aspects of another person, not only the beautiful side, but also the limitations, contradictions and shortcomings.

I am aware of the feelings and thoughts of the other person, and I feel some of the core of that person. I can get to know each other more deeply through social masks and roles.




There is no doubt that our parents are the people who love us most in the world. They give us life and nurture us to be independent people. No matter what difficulties we face, they are always behind us and give us support.

The way they love us is different. We can feel that love is around us. My mother is a housewife.

She sacrificed a lot when I was born The woman in is that she advocates to be a professional woman. If they can handle the household chores well, and my mother gave up her career in my eyes, what she does is the greatest work in the world -- cleaning the house and cooking. All these jobs need a lot of patience, and only people with strong will can do it.

My father doesn't like to talk, but he will never miss every important moment before I go to bed every night. He will check my homework and ask me the latest situation. The most comfortable thing is that he never makes me feel bad.

I am very happy to fall in love with him. My parents make me stronger. I will fight for my future.




My father is a farmer. He came to the city four years ago and found a job. Then my mother and I moved here.

My father earned very little money and could hardly support the family I am small, short and thin. My parents sometimes buy me some delicious food. I remember clearly that once they gave me roast chicken.

My favorite is that I invite them to eat together, but they all said that I didn't like it, so I ate it. Now our life has a night, my father bought some roast chicken, we suddenly eat happily, I understand why they don't eat it, and then they just want me to eat it. It's my parents' love.


我父亲是个农民,xx年前他来到城市,找到了一份工作,然后我和妈妈搬到了这里,我父亲挣的钱很少,几乎不能养活这个家庭 我又小又矮又瘦,我父母有时会给我买些好吃的东西我清楚地记得有一次他们给了我烤鸡哦,我最喜欢的是我请他们一起吃,但他们都说不喜欢,所以我就把它吃了。现在我们的生活有了一个晚上,我父亲又买了一些烤鸡鸡,我们突然高兴地吃了起来,我明白了为什么他们不吃它,然后他们只想让我吃这是我父母的爱。


标签: 托福 作文 满分 父母

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