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关于”感恩医护人员“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Thank the medical staff。以下是关于感恩医护人员的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank the medical staff

According to a report I have collected, environmental problems are caused by the unreasonable development and utilization of natural resources by human beings. The environmental problems mainly include air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, food pollution and unsuitable development and utilization of natural resources. In fact, we iron, like a demon, devour human life mercilessly, and it threatens life State balance endangers human health and restricts the sustainable development of economy and society.

Therefore, I solemnly declare: "as long as we don't give up the consciousness of protecting the environment, and have the consciousness of environmental protection according to law, the global village will be a beautiful paradise." the sky in the future must be dark blue, the water is clear, the flowers are green, and we can use our happiness The real test of our environment is not words, but action contribution "although I have done some small things, I firmly believe that if we all have the responsibility to protect the environment, start from ourselves, start from small things, and start to protect our home, the return to human nature will surely grow up in the cradle of woma grassland and the source of bathing in the river.




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销售员【selzmən】销售代表【ˈseilzˌrepriˈzentətiv】作为一名销售员,你的首要原则是尽你所能让客户满意销售员带了一些他公司产品的样品,销售员给了他零钱他是一名旅行销售员在我们的场景中,我们有两个不同的用户,一个是销售代表,一个是经理,所以我决定问雪佛兰的销售代表,如果经理拒绝了你的车,你会通知销售代表阅读和更新由销售代表角色执行的客户记录,以进行现有客户过渡,对于新客户或新应用,请咨询您的Allegro销售代表:https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0: https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0。


Listening skills: one of the most important characteristics of a nurse is good listening skills. This can be listening to the patient or the doctor's good listening skills to you. The patient will be better under your care because you can tell the doctor how they feel, and they feel that you really care about their needs.

Double check instructions: good nurses always double check their instructions or sometimes triple check their instructions, which can be obtained from the tests the doctor asks for on the chart or they prepare Injection of the patient's special touch: in order to be a good nurse, you need that kind of "special touch". You know how to put patients to bed, or give them a sponge bath in their bed. You know how to make them think that you are their grandmother.

People who really care about their health should be observant: there are a lot of people and things around you who are observing doctors, patients and staff It's a good way to prevent mistakes or hurt others. For example: there is a patient in the room who has breathing problems. When you walk through their room, you can hear that you can a: ignore them, B: ask the nurse to check, or C: if you choose C, you may have noticed that their oxygen level has dropped a lot, and they need to pay attention immediately.

Observing your environment is a good feature of nurses' attitudes: have you noticed that when you have a bad day, the people around you will start to have a bad day, which is why nurses need to have a positive attitude in their working environment. If you have just lost your only child due to cancer, yes, your face will be sad, but It's you who need to put aside your private life (your quarrel with your husband, your son's messy room) and make your patient's day as bright as possible.





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