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关于”塑料污染的处理方法“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Treatment of plastic pollution。以下是关于塑料污染的处理方法的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Treatment of plastic pollution

Since the free use of plastic bags has become a huge threat to environmental pollution in supermarkets, although the use of plastic bags has become a huge threat, I think consumers can not effectively control pollution by paying for plastic bags. It is unfair for consumers to bear the responsibility for environmental pollution caused by plastic bags. It is unfair to provide free plastic bags to consumers A marketing strategy adopted by supermarkets.

Although supermarkets must pay for plastic bags, from this point of view, compared with this minimum cost, consumers bring them much greater economic returns. It is that supermarkets obtain hidden profits through free shopping, while consumers only get proper shopping convenience. It is too much to think that charging plastic bags will help reduce pollution Optimistic and stupid.

My observation tells me that in most supermarkets, the sales staff provide plastic bags according to the actual needs of customers. Since there is a need for shopping bags, it is not effective to charge for these plastic bags. Moreover, not only supermarkets provide free plastic bags, but also most food markets and stores do.

Therefore, it is expected that this policy will help reduce the pollution caused by plastic bags The problem is unrealistic. In short, it is not a wise policy to charge for shopping bags to protect the environment. People should take a variety of effective measures.




2:,When we shop, it's a very common phenomenon. We use many "free" plastic bags to buy things we need in our daily life. We tend to discard them at will.

Seeing many old plastic bags flying in the sky, especially in the strong wind, we call them plastic bags. It's a kind of interesting "beautiful scenery" and "white pollution". We all know that white pollution is becoming more and more serious now.

Although we know its bad effects, we find it difficult to refuse them because they are very convenient for us. For example, if we put plastic bags into bowls when we eat food, we will find it easy to wash, but we have ignored its adverse effects. I think we should carefully observe them to keep us healthy and have a beautiful environment.




3:塑料污染的处理方法,These days, we have discussed how to protect the environment and build a harmonious society. Many students have provided us with their methods. I think these methods will help me to think that how to deal with garbage is a very important thing.

Garbage is a big pollution of the city. How to deal with this garbage has always been a big problem. There are many methods such as classification and collection, sometimes We can buy garbage without forgetting to deal with the polluted water.

The way to prevent and control pollution is very important. We should make laws to prevent people from throwing away the garbage and make the city more beautiful. The society is ours and the world is ours.

Everyone should contribute to the protection of the environment and protect everything around us. I believe that if everyone can help us build in a short time Building a harmonious society.




标签: 初三 英文 作文 万能 方法

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