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关于”学习的建议“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Learning suggestions。以下是关于学习的建议的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Learning suggestions

In order to learn English well, you should first follow these steps, and then concentrate on listening to English class, and write down every mistake you have made in your notebook. Otherwise, you should change the line once a week. Otherwise, you can speak English aloud every morning, listen to English broadcast and watch English programs.




Dear Mr. Wu, I'm sorry, you gave us a lot of homework to do. You hope we study hard and get good grades.

This will make us feel a lot of pressure. We don't have enough sleep. We seldom do sports.

My parents don't let me watch TV on the Internet. I feel bored. Do you remember the sentence "all work and no play makes Jack stupid" To live a colorful life, we should have a lot of activities.




There is always a lot of pressure for students to go out of the classroom to study, because they need a lot of time to study The outside world is beautiful. They can play with their friends, watch movies, take a break once in a while. They can make their study better.

Students can have new ideas, so they won't fall into the unsolved problems that need to be combined with games.




标签: 英文 四年级 作文 真题 年级

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