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关于”老虎处于危险之中“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The tiger is in danger。以下是关于老虎处于危险之中的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The tiger is in danger

Tiger is a kind of cat. It looks like a cat, but a tiger much bigger than a cat is very fierce. It mainly eats meat.

It has yellow and black stripes all over its body. It looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong enough to hit prey.

Tigers live in the dense forest, the small animals in the forest are tigers. In the past few years, many forests have been cut down. The living conditions of tigers are getting worse and fewer tigers are left in the world.

Tigers are animals in the world. They should have their own living space. We must do our best to protect tigers and their environment.





When a tiger came, two guys suddenly walked in the jungle. A tiger appeared from a distance and ran towards them. One of the guys took out a pair of Nike shoes from his bag and began to put them on the other person.

He looked surprised and exclaimed, "do you think you can run faster than the tiger with these shoes?" His friend replied, "I don't have to run faster than it, I just need to run faster than you.".




Dog and tiger a long time ago, one day, a dog lived near a stream. He went to the brook to drink water. The water was clear.

The tiger asked you that you were a big dog. I wanted to eat you, but the dog was not afraid of him. He saw a big dog in the stream.

The tiger trusted him. He jumped into the stream and the old tiger didn't return the dog.




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