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关于”大象的小介绍“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Introduction to elephants。以下是关于大象的小介绍的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to elephants

Elephants have been an integral part of Asian culture for centuries, especially in Thailand, where elephants were once regarded as sacred symbols, but over time, elephants were domesticated in zoos, and thousands of tourists rode elephants to enjoy the project, but they didn't realize what they had done to these poor creators. The video was taken by a foreigner who revealed the pain the elephant suffered during training. The babies were forced to leave their mothers.

Once the elephants refused to do what the trainer told them to do, they would be punished for not getting food or being beaten so cruelly. As the public saw this video, many people asked the zoo to stop providing elephant riding activities. More people realized that the elephant was hurt in the process of enjoying the ride.

They stopped to join in The project helped protect the elephants, and then things changed. Zoos began to give up domesticating elephants. They let tourists feed them.

It was a win-win situation. Animals enjoyed their freedom, while humans could see how harmonious their environment was.




Elephants are the largest animals on land. Only some kinds of whales are hunters. But they live in the ocean.

Elephants are the second tallest animals in the world. Elephants are the only animals with long noses called trunk. They can use their trunks like hands to use trucks.

Elephants can pick up a kilogram tree or pick up a peanut. Elephant ears are among all animals maximal.




Elephant is the largest animal on the land today. It weighs about 90 kg and is about 1 m high at birth. It has more than 3 m nails and no longer grows.

Elephants are usually gray. They have a long trunk and ivory protruding from both sides of their mouths. They usually move and care in groups.

As we all know, elephants are very gentle animals. For many years, people have been using the power of these powerful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephants have been and will be important tools for people to do many things Continue to be one of the greatest creatures in the history of mankind.

Contact its beauty of size and size, power will always be useful to human beings.




标签: 英文 高分 五年级 作文 介绍

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