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关于”怎么总结自己“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:How to summarize yourself。以下是关于怎么总结自己的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to summarize yourself

The winter vacation is coming to an end. I have learned a lot and heard a lot. I have a good time during the winter vacation.

I make good use of my time to enrich myself by reading books and magazines every day. Sometimes I also spend the winter vacation by surfing the Internet or watching TV. Of course, the most interesting thing is to understand the Chinese culture year.

China is a civilized country. It has a long history in the past Always playing with friends or visiting my relatives, but now I'm beginning to understand what they say and do. This year, I made many friends during the winter vacation.

We played together and shared our happiness. We all felt very comfortable.




The summer vacation is coming to an end now. When I remember my vacation, I did a lot of things. I learned the swing with my parents and exercised with my friends every morning.

The most important thing is that I am very lucky. I can watch the Olympic Games at home during the holiday. Now the new semester is coming.

I think I should make a study plan and try to make greater progress in the next semester.




Becbecbecbecbecbec [instruction: to be submitted by the academic department of the association. Attention should be paid to the details of the near-term plan, such as date, relevant personnel and digital work progress report, by tomr ng sikhung chair man Shanghai evergreen Association ref date: April bebec.


Becbecbebecbece[指示:由协会学术部提交报告以下应注意近期计划详细信息,如日期相关人员和数字工作进展报告,由Anny lee学术部主任ToMr Ng sikhungChairman Shanghai Evergreen Association Ref日期:xx月Bebec。


标签: 考研 高分 作文 总结 模板

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