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关于”内容健康向上“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Content health upward。以下是关于内容健康向上的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Content health upward

Money is necessary in our life. When we have a lot of money, we will have a rich life. When we are rich, most people think that we can do anything.

If we have money, I don't think some people are unhappy because their money is obtained by improper means. They always live a life of fear. Money often makes people do bad things, Even if it's illegal activities, we should make money and consume in a reasonable way.

We will be happy.




How to keep a healthy diet is a good idea. As an old saying goes, "an apple a day keeps away from doctors", so we should eat more vegetables and fruits, and don't eat foods harmful to our health, such as non-smoking. Smoking is very harmful to our health.

Develop good habits, such as early to bed, early to rise, exercise, which can help us to have a strong body.




We are responsible for our own lives, not others. Although all success requires the help and cooperation of others, our success must not be left to anyone. Luck is not a strategy.

No matter how many years we live or how fast we live, we have more reason to do what we love because we don't know how much time we have to leave. We should treat every day as our last.




标签: 初二 作文 真题 内容 美文

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