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After you graduate from University, you may face the decision of your employer, whether to work at home or abroad. In fact, many people think that working abroad is the first choice, but others think that working in China is the first choice. This is also my view.

First of all, there are three main reasons why I prefer to work in China. After years of college study, I have acquired a lot of knowledge and skills. With these knowledge and skills, it is difficult for me to find a suitable job.

Moreover, I am familiar with the environment, customs and working methods, which can help me work easily. In addition, there are many friends at home, classmates and relatives I can turn to when I have difficulties. Finally, I will not be too far away from my parents, which is very convenient for me to take care of them.

In short, I choose to work from home based on my own conditions, my ability, educational background and social relations, which determine my work at home.





Lijiang is located in the southwest of China. It is a beautiful and quiet city with numerous winding bluestone sidewalks, antique houses and quiet rivers. If a city can be compared to a person, Lijiang will be a beautiful girl, looking forward to meeting a special person.

I met a boy on my trip to Lijiang last year. We spent two days together When I wake up, I hope to take some beautiful pictures of sunrise. I munch on the junk food in KFC.

We become fast friends that we have never had before. I suddenly think that I will meet someone who shares my ideals.




Hotel employees rely on tips to increase their usually meager salaries, rather than getting annoyed at having to tip your doorman as part of the cost of the trip and prepare dollar bills to be distributed before you arrive at your room, depending on the amount of luggage. Tip the doorman from $to $with your bags and hand them over to the bellman. If you come to visit and have no luggage, you will not tip him, because when you leave with your luggage, he will take it from the bellman and help you load your luggage into your car or taxi when the doorman gets it.

Naturally, you will not tip him a taxi and tip him $1 to $3 (if he has to stand in the rain for a period of time to get his luggage) If the bellman does something special for you, such as shopping or bringing the things you want to your room, but does not provide room service, he or she should get a small fee of $to $for each service. When providing the service, the bellboy should stay for one night or more, and the bellboy should stay in the hotel for one night or more People should be tipped $2 per night, and in cheaper hotels, a $per person per night should tip the waiter, if not found, put it in a sealed envelope marked "room attendant" valet service has been added to your bill, so if you clean and iron in your room, you don't need to tip for ironing or cleaning, but for one or two items When several items are delivered, restaurant staff restaurant staff's tips are exactly the same as those of any other restaurant. Only in the most elegant restaurant, the tip is%.

If you live in an American plan Hotel, your meal fee has been included in your general ledger. The tip is the same as usual. In addition, you should take care of it during your stay Your foreman provides an extra tip.

The tip ranges from $to $for a family or family of four weekends, and $to $for long stay or larger groups$.


酒店员工依靠小费来增加他们通常微薄的薪水,而不是因为不得不给接待你的门卫小费而感到恼火,认为这是旅行费用的一部分,并准备好在你到达房间之前需要分发的美元钞票,这取决于行李的数量,给门卫小费$到$,门卫拿着你的包,把它们交给行李员。如果你来拜访,没有行李,你自然不会给他小费,因为你带着行李离开时,他从行李员那里拿行李,并在门卫拿到行李时帮你把行李装进你的车里或出租车上,你自然不会给他小费给你一辆出租车,给他1到3美元的小费(如果他必须在雨中站一段时间才能拿到行李,则更高的金额;行李员给每包1美元的小费,但不少于2美元,如果行李员为你做了一些特别的事,比如买东西或把你要的东西带到房间,但是不提供客房服务,他或她每项服务应得到$到$的小费,在提供服务的时候 服务生入住一晚或更长时间,服务生在大酒店每人每晚应得到2美元的小费,在较便宜的酒店,每人每晚$给服务员小费,如果找不到的话,把它放在一个标有“客房服务员”的密封信封中 代客服务已添加到您的账单中,因此,如果您在房间内清洁和熨烫,则无需为熨烫或清洁支付小费,但是,对于一件或两件物品,您的小费为$,当有几样东西被送到时, 餐厅工作人员 餐厅工作人员的小费与其他任何餐厅的小费完全相同,只有在最优雅的餐厅,小费为%,如果您住在一家美式计划酒店,您的餐费已包含在您的总帐单中,小费与往常一样,此外,还应向在您入住期间照顾过您的领班提供额外的小费。对于一个家庭或四口之家的周末,该小费的范围为$到$,对于长期逗留或更大的团体,则为$到$。


标签: 小学 英文 作文 万能 工作

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