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Merlion is a beautiful hybrid of lion and fish. It is strong and light. Its lion head indicates that the legendary beast once roamed in this ancient island country.

Although its fish body symbolizes the origin of Singapore, as a prosperous seaport, Merlion first built an 8-meter-high sculpture at the mouth of Singapore, but this famous landmark building of Singapore is located in Saint Paul Sentosa Island gets a bigger copy. Once in the Merlion, visitors will be themed as a pirate ship sinking into the underground rock. The tower is full of treasure and jewelry left by the Bukit pirates, which once ruled Southeast Asia.

The mysterious atmosphere is also mixed with waves, whistling wind, fog and seagulls to complete the underwater effect. Visitors can see the colorful tropical fish and coral through the cracks in the rock.


鱼尾狮是狮子和鱼的一种美丽的杂交体,强壮而轻盈,它的狮子头暗示着传说中的野兽曾经漫游在这个古老的岛国,虽然它的鱼体象征着新加坡的起源,作为一个繁荣的海港,鱼尾狮最早建成的一座8米高的雕塑位于新加坡河口,但这座著名的新加坡标志性建筑在圣淘沙岛(Sentosa Island)得到了更大的复制,一旦进入鱼尾狮,游客们就会被主题为这是一艘沉入地下岩石中的海盗船,塔内装满了布吉斯海盗遗留下来的宝藏和珠宝,这些宝藏和珠宝都是由曾经统治东南亚海域的布吉斯海盗遗留下来的。神秘的气氛中还夹杂着海浪、呼啸的风、雾号和海鸥的叫声来完成水下效果,游客可以透过岩石上的裂缝观看五颜六色的热带鱼类和珊瑚。


2:狮,The lion is one of the four big cats of the feline family. The lion is a member of the cat family. It takes a long time to rest and rest every day.

Some male animals weigh more than kg, which is the second largest feline after tigers.




3:狮子,The lion and the mouse lion were awakened by a mouse from his sleep. The mouse ran across the lion's face in anger. The lion caught him and was about to kill him.

The mouse pleaded, "if you spare my life, I will repay you for your kindness." The lion laughed and let him go. Soon after, the lion was caught by some hunters who tied it to the ground with strong ropes. Recognizing his roar, the mouse came up, took hold of the rope with his teeth, released him, and exclaimed, "you laugh at me for helping you, and don't expect anything in return from me, but now you know that even a mouse can do good to a lion.".





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