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关于”用虚拟语气写“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Write in subjunctive mood。以下是关于用虚拟语气写的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write in subjunctive mood

If I were a millionaire, I would donate half of my money. Maybe many people will spend their money on traveling around the world or buying a big house. But for me, I prefer to sponsor the establishment of a school so that children can afford to go to school and learn more with the construction of the school.

More children will become the mainstay of our country when they grow up.




I'm old, and I've never been to my mother's birthday unit. My mother can work in a unit far away from home. She goes to work before dawn every day, and comes home after dark, cooking, washing, tutoring, doing homework, checking.

She is busy working until very late to go to bed. My mother loves me very much. When I get sick, she is very anxious to send me to the hospital.

I passed my 10th birthday, My mother gave me time to buy a birthday cake and prepared a birthday present carefully. However, when she was celebrating her own birthday, she never mentioned that her birthday this year was to rush to Saturday. I wanted to give her a surprise to repay my mother's birthday, which she loved so much.

Her unit had been working overtime very early. I got up when my mother left. I would be very busy after work.

I know my mother Mom likes a clean, polished table, so I first clean, and then sweep the floor twice, clean the room, put things in order, take out my pocket money this month to buy a bunch of flowers, pink carnations and a beautiful card in the nearby store. I put the flowers gracefully in the vase, and I will write "Happy Birthday Mom" card She opened the door, called my name, and walked out of the kitchen. Holding a bowl of steaming noodles in her hands in the soup, she said respectfully to her mother: "today is your birthday.

I try to make longevity noodles. You can taste the delicious food." mother laughed and looked at the flowers and cards on the table She stroked my head gently and said happily, "my child, you are really grown up and smarter." Then, she quickly picked up my bowl, sat at the table, ate with relish, even that delicious I was flattered, has been watching my mother eat noodles, while quietly said to himself: "every time to your next birthday, I will be like this." I want to make you longevity noodles. I wish you health and longevity.

Mom, I love you.




In ancient times, life was very simple. People planted crops when it was dark, and tired people went to bed early, because there was no modern invention. Even if they saw the light bulb, they would be very surprised.

The children's life was boring. They didn't go to school, most of them could not read books, and never played computer games. They just helped their parents do housework or did not play computer games They do farm work, but they can eat their own green food, such as fresh vegetables and delicious pork.

They are still very happy every day.




标签: 雅思 作文 真题

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