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关于”对于你的问题我有一些建议“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:I have some suggestions for your question。以下是关于对于你的问题我有一些建议的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I have some suggestions for your question

People who hold different attitudes towards this issue / proponents / proponents / the latter / to some extent provide the following reasons / evidence / to a certain extent / to a certain extent / to combine theory with practice is an irresistible trend of increasingly fierce social competition. Long distance running has its advantages and disadvantages, such as promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, learning from strong points to offset weaknesses, learning from strong points to offset weaknesses, and learning from strong points to make up for weaknesses, The healthy development of anything has its own two sides, which vary from person to person. We should pay attention to social status, put time and energy on the expansion of physical and mental knowledge, directly or indirectly related to compromise.

We should suggest, think, advocate, maintain, argue, insist, think / reduce the pressure / burden / take precedence over something / be opposite to it On the contrary, it will replace / replace / replace unbearable analysis / unsustainable views / beliefs, which will undoubtedly provide employment opportunities for social progress, / no doubt, enhance mutual understanding, make full use of / take advantage of work pressure, ensure social stability and prosperity, pay more attention to social development, realize their dreams and realize their dreams. The main reasons are as follows: first of all, first of all, starting from the second, second, in the second place, in addition to that, in addition, and finally, finally, but not least, first, last, in a word, in a word, we still have a long way to go.




I'm glad to read your email today. Thank you very much for your encouragement. I really appreciate your help.

Which school is most suitable for you to stay there. I should recommend my school. First of all, my school welcomes exchange students.

In addition, we have the first-class facilities: the laboratory, all our students can use the modern library and electronic reading room, in the playground and gymnasium to provide us with a wide range of vision, we can certainly have a lot of fun and make a lot of friends after class. We have a variety of activities, these activities provide us with opportunities to improve ourselves. The most important thing is that we have the best teachers and the best students.

The teachers are kind and the best students. They are willing to help with their unique teaching methods. They often make their classroom lively and interesting.

We encourage students to speak English in class and out of class, so I believe that if you come to our school, you will not have any difficulty in communicating with us. As long as you can make a decision, I think I can be a good link between you and other students, and the teachers hope you will like my school.





I hate being in the hospital when I was a child. Although I rarely get sick, I remember a time when the injection was a nightmare. The doctor or nurse pushed me to the operating table with some injection equipment.

I was so scared. I screamed that God knows how I spent that terrible day, but now it is confirmed that I don't want to spend the rest of my life in the hospital.




标签: 专八 高分 作文 建议 问题

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