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关于”我学校周围“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Around my school。以下是关于我学校周围的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Around my school

Protecting our environment protecting our environment protecting our environment protecting our environment is very important no matter where you live, what can you do around your neighbors? Our responsibility is to keep our environment clean and tidy. You may ask yourself, "did I pick up some garbage and throw it in the trash can? Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling? I have planted trees or flowers nearby or nearby. "If everyone contributes to the protection of the environment, the world will become more beautiful.

We have only one earth. But now, the environment is getting worse and worse. There is not enough clean water for people to drink in the world.

People in many countries have lost their lives because of water. People have to cut down trees for a living, so there is nothing to stop water We have polluted the land, rivers and air, so we have to face more and more floods and droughts. It's time for us to do something beneficial to protect our environment.

We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save water and ask our parents to do so. We can not throw any garbage on the ground.

We should It's time to collect them for recycling. If we take good care of our earth today, tomorrow will be more beautiful.




One day, our teacher said that our class was going to organize a picnic. We should let the students sort out their works and work together. We went to school for a picnic tomorrow.

Before Mr. Xu had time to forget, the students were excited to get up and look for team members immediately after class. At noon on the second day when the division of labor had begun, we came to one of them I've been working on the barbecue for a long time.

I believe it's not easy to set the fire in the oven for a long time.


有一天,我们的老师说我们班要组织一次野餐活动,要让学生们把自己的作品集整理好,并分工合作,明天到学校去野餐,徐老师还没来得及淡忘,同学们兴奋地喊着下课后马上起来找人组员,而到了分工已经开始的第二天中午,一个早早的自学,我们来到了一个广阔的野餐地点,开始烧这火可不是一件容易的事啊,相信火灭了,我用了很长时间,才按照分工在烤箱里放了些木炭,我是专门烧烤的,因为我已经烤了好几次了有 经验。


The elderly and the young are two indispensable parts of society. On the one hand, we should treat them well, on the other hand, the whole society should respect the elderly. We should always remember that what we have and enjoy now is what the old Chinese proverb says.

It is created by the old people in the early days. "One generation plants trees, the next generation sleeps." those who think that the elderly are useless can not deny that they will grow old one day. Therefore, any abuse of the elderly should be prohibited.

On the other hand, we should take good care of it Young people, also children, let us see the future of our country, because they are the builders of our country's future, we should take care of them, protect them from harm, but this does not mean that we can spoil them, spoiled children are very good, now they are very dependent on their parents, without them, they can do nothing, how can we say We hope these children can make contributions to our society. We should take good care of the young people, so that they can become respect for the elderly, love the elderly, love the elderly, love the young. This is the Chinese tradition.

Let us jointly maintain and carry forward this virtue, because only in this way can we feel that we live in a happy family, then our society It will develop harmoniously.




标签: 初三 英文 作文 万能 学校

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