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关于”逛超市“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Go to the supermarket。以下是关于逛超市的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Go to the supermarket

Today is my grandmother's birthday. In order to entertain my grandmother's guests, my parents and I went to Yonghui supermarket to buy things. The three of us went to the crowded Yonghui supermarket.

We bought the varieties we needed in the supermarket. I was confused. I went to the stationery counter and wanted to buy a pencil and two books.

Wow, there are so many stationery, a lot of beautiful things Xi I left to choose, which is also beautiful, that also let me not put down, suddenly two exquisite stationery boxes appeared in front of me, a pink Winnie bear pattern, and a snow-white pattern. I picked up two beautiful stationery boxes and looked left and right, and felt that these two pencil boxes were a pencil or a snow-white pattern, because it was a multi-functional pencil box Five buttons, I immediately pressed a button, a pen and ruler box appeared in front of me, and I in the second, an eraser box appeared again, to the third, a pencil knife, immediately jumped out, to the fourth, the steering wheel came out, press the fifth, and then a small notebook, I thought: Wow, this pencil box is good, I have to buy, and then I will buy it They bought dumplings, cakes, peanuts, shredded meat, ham, instant noodles, chocolate, candy and jelly. On the way home, I thought, ah, now science and technology has improved, shopping is convenient, and things are getting better and better.

Although my functional pencil box is only a small pencil box, my wife can't think of any more this year What a wonderful thing! China is developing so fast. You must study hard and strive to contribute to the country when you grow up.




It was sunny today. My mother took me to the supermarket to see a lot of things. As soon as she entered the supermarket, there were snacks, stationery and toys.

I really wanted to take them home. I wanted to buy snacks. My mother bought a lot of snacks.

Just like me, I really wanted to eat them. All the snacks were instant and edible. My mother didn't spend three months to buy snacks, so I thought Take your time.

I like the supermarket.




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