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Dear Lee, dear Lee, dear Miss Thomas, dear dad. You sincerely, yours, you will be speaking in-house on July 4, dear father, Dear Tom, dear lady, dear sir, gentlemen, dear sir, dear Professor Tim scares, dear John Hello, dear grandfather, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, Taipei, September, dear Susan, I love reading your letter, your friend, Joe SEP Sep dearfirst Dear Susan goodbye) I wish you will always be your friend sincerely love you sincerely love your friend your dear son will write to his pen friend Mike Clinton Mike's address: Long Street, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. George's address: the second lane of Nanjing East Road, Taipei, the Republic of China, Taiwan, please write an envelope to him by airmail () George Wang Lane Lansi Π Nanjing East Road, Taipei, Mr.

Republic of China, Mr. George Wang Long Street, San Francisco, American airmail ().


亲爱的李,亲爱的李,亲爱的托马斯米小姐,亲爱的爸爸。您真诚地,您的,您将于xx月xx日在内部致辞敬爱亲爱的亲爱的父亲亲爱的汤姆亲爱的女士亲爱的先生先生先生们,先生们,亲爱的先生亲爱的蒂姆·斯卡尔斯教授,尊敬的John Smith博士信体您好,敬爱的爷爷,亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的台北,台湾xx月亲爱的苏珊,我很喜欢读你的信,你的朋友,Joe Sep Sep Dearfirst name亲爱的Susan再见)祝你永远永远是你的朋友真诚的你真诚的爱你的真诚的爱你的朋友你的爱子(Daughter yoursFaithfully Your smirmsmissmisszip code1 double o two七F(例如2F)车道(如Lane第二段胡同(如第二段)胡同(如胡同路例如中华路街道)杨光将写信给他的笔友Mike Clinton Mikes地址:美国加利福尼亚州旧金山市长街,乔治地址:台北市南京东路第二巷,台湾中华民国请给他写一个信封航空邮件()乔治王巷兰斯西∏南京东路台北,台湾中华民国先生乔治王长街,旧金山,美国航空邮件()。


Suppose someone gives you a pen, a sealed solid color pen, and you can't see how much ink it has; it may dry up after the first few tentative words, or it may last just long enough to create a masterpiece (or several), which will last forever and affect the arrangement of events; according to the rules of the game, you don't know that you really never know before you start You have to take risks. In fact, there are no rules of the game that require you to do anything other than pick up and use a pen. You can put it on a shelf or in a drawer, where it will dry up and not be used; but if you really decide to use it, how would you use it to play games? Do you plan and plan before you write? A word your plan is so extensive that you don't even start writing? Or do you take a pen, plunge in, do it like this, try to keep up with the twists and turns of the text, and take you where you are going you will write cautiously and carefully, as if the pen may dry up in the next moment, or will you pretend or believe (or pretend to believe) that the pen will write forever and continue to write accordingly; what will you write: love and hate, pain, life, death Is nothing ‰ would you write to please yourself or others or yourself would your strokes be trembling, timid, bold, fanciful or plain? Can you write? Once you have a pen, there's no rule that you have to write.

Can you sketch, doodle or draw? Are you going to stay in the lines or on the lines, or you can't see the lines at all, even if they're there or they have a lot to think about here, right? Now, suppose someone gave you life.


假设有人给了你一支笔一支密封的纯色钢笔,你看不出它有多少墨水;它可能在最初几句试探性的话之后就干涸了,或者持续的时间刚好足以创作出一幅(或几幅)名作,它将永垂不朽,并对事情的安排产生影响;根据游戏规则,你在开始之前不知道真的永远不知道你必须冒险。事实上,没有游戏规则规定你必须做任何事而不是拿起和使用钢笔,你可以把它放在架子上或抽屉里,在那里它会干涸,不用;但是如果你真的决定用它,你会怎么用它来玩游戏?你会在写之前计划和计划吗一个词 你的计划是如此的广泛以至于你甚至没有开始写作?或者你会拿着笔,一头扎进去,就这样去做,努力跟上文字洪流的曲折,把你带到哪里去 你会谨慎而小心地写,好像笔可能会在下一刻就干涸,还是会你假装或相信(或假装相信)这支笔会永远书写下去,并据此继续写作;你会写什么:爱恨情趣、痛苦、人生、死亡什么都不是‰你会为了取悦自己或他人或自己而写作吗 你的笔触会是颤抖的胆怯的还是大胆的幻想繁茂还是平淡?你会写吗?一旦你有了笔,没有规则说你必须写你会画素描、涂鸦或画画吗?你会呆在线条里还是在线条上,或者根本看不到线条,即使它们在那里或者它们在这里有很多值得思考的地方,不是吗?现在,假设有人给了你生命。


How to start your letter? You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your expired account. We remind you once again that your account has exceeded our daily limit and that your account is still unpaid, despite our constant reminders for payment or explanation of your delay, we urgently ask you to pay your outstanding balance immediately, even though we have sent it many times If you want to keep your account open, our next step is to take legal action to collect our money. This is not pleasant for both of us and will damage your credit rating Specify your deadline or ask for immediate payment.

We must now insist that you pay you within the next five years. Unless I receive your remittance within the next three days, our lawyer will be instructed to start the process to recover the debt. If we do not receive the remittance within five days after the above date, we will have no choice but to continue other collection after April Procedure, we will have no choice but to cancel your letter of credit and hand over your account to the collecting agency.

How to close your letter? We look forward to your prompt payment. Your immediate response is necessary whether we take legal action or not. It is your decision now.

Please make every effort to ensure that we are not forced to take such drastic action. We must hear in order to avoid further action Please inform your company immediately. If you are overdue for more than six months, we will have to resort to legal proceedings.

We hereby inform you that unless we receive your US dollar check before June, we will deposit your account into our collection lawyer's hand. Your third sincere reminder selects a firm tone for your letter to remind the addressee of your previous reminders The payment letter reminds the addressee of all the necessary details, the length of time for the amount owed by the addressee, the additional overdue fine for overdue payment, if any, and the legal action to be taken if the final collection fails.




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