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关于”写一篇作客“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write a guest article。以下是关于写一篇作客的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a guest article

In my life, I have met many people who are worth remembering, but perhaps the most unforgettable person I know is my English teacher. Often reminds me of my school teacher, first of all, his special qualities, he gave us a teacher can give us the greatest gift, awakened our enthusiasm for learning. He not only made us appreciate the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in deeper exploration in this field.

I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students are always looking forward to his class eagerly, because his lecture is very humorous and never makes people laugh or laugh. Although I have been in a class for nearly two years, he is the talk material of our old classmates, and I know that part of him has been left in my heart.





2:写一篇客座文章,Every year, we have a sports meeting, which is one of our biggest activities. It is coming soon. Everyone is preparing for the sports meeting.

It is very interesting and exciting. I like a lot of competitions very much. I didn't take part in the 1500 meter race until last year.

I ran so fast. So this year, I was the last one in that group. I will take part in the 800 meter race The race was shorter than last year, but it was more difficult because I ran fast.

I couldn't reach my destination because I was too tired. In order to finish the race in the afternoon of November, we held the opening ceremony of the fourth Dongzhou middle school sports festival. Every class had a wonderful performance the next day.

We had an exciting sports meeting. Many athletes were in it. Others were just watching them, Some people are busy writing about it.

The meter race of boys and girls is the most exciting race, and the relay race is also very exciting. When they score for their own class, everyone cheers for their best competition and everyone is excited to jump. The sports meeting didn't end until

4 p.m.

We were tired, but we were so happy.




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