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更低翻译为英语可以这样读:151 The experiment result shows that HCCM has the shorter response time and lower server load.,其次还可以说成"lower",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到12个与更低相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. 151 The experiment result shows that HCCM has the shorter response time and lower server load.

更低翻译为 151 The experiment result shows that HCCM has the shorter response time and lower server load. 。

示例:潜在的购房者会为更低的利率而欢呼。 Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates.


2. lower


示例:它将以比核电厂更低廉的成本生产电力。 It will produce electricity more cheaply than a nuclear plant.


3. low better

更低翻译为 low better 。

示例:这些系统正变得更小而且使用更低的电压。 The systems are getting smaller and using lower voltages.


4. lower

更低翻译为 lower 。

示例:Try crouching a little lower. Try crouching a little lower.



1. cheaper(成本更低 比较便宜的)

2. tiefer( 德更深的,更低的)


3. lower energy consumption( 低能耗;

英语短语&俚语, test lower ( 测试更低价位 )

Less than red ( 比红更低 )

Lower Cost Cheaper ( 成本更低 )

At a lower price In order to lower prices Lower price ( 以更低的价格 )

HigherLower ( 更高更低 )

lower interest rates ( 更低的利率 )

lower Res ( 转入更低一层 )

Easy to buy affordable color ( 更低的购置成本 )

Rongerchen ( 至更低 )


1. The reality is that covering Britney is cheaper.

译文:现实情况是报道布兰妮成本更低 。

2. Cheaper than a horse to keep.


3. The bank measures one sterigma, the oil consumes nature also much lower.

译文:排量一小,油耗自然也就更低。 。

4. it's gotten smaller, it's got less detail, less resolve.

译文:它变小了,细节更少,分辨率更低。 。

5. They going to get to a much lower altitude to jump.


6. You're right. That is more menial. Hello, i'm Sheldon.

译文:你说的对 你那活地位更低。

7. More claims offered for sale and prices pressed downward.

译文:更多资产出售 价位更低。

8. My chair is lower than your chair.


9. Their children have lower rates of absenteeism, higher rates of achievement.

译文:这些孩子的缺勤率更低 表现更好 。

10. They have lower self-esteem.

译文:他们的自尊心也会更低。 。

11. When we talk about latinas, it goes down to about 58 cents.

译文:而拉丁裔女性则更低, 只有58美分。 。

12. The numbers are even lower for local elections.

译文:这个数字在地方选举中 会更低。 。

13. Norr would i love at lower rate.

译文:我也不愿用更低的格调爱你。 。 。

14. Great. Lower it, though. i'd give it more bass.

译文:好 但是更低点 弹更多低音。

15. Greece, Spain and Turkey that produce more... and sell for less.

译文:希腊,西班牙,土耳其... 生产更多, 而且价格更低。


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