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关于”有关学习“的英语句子54个,句子主体:About Learning。以下是关于有关学习的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:About Learning


1、Knowledge- and learning-related activities


2、Her students learn about the holiday as they discuss being good citizens.


3、Justin embarks on a crash course to learn about the pharmaceutical industry.


4、In this course, students will learn about plasmas , the fourth state of matter.


5、The design of learning contents in fathering education program includes cognition, behavior, emotion and also related to the abilities of these four levels.


6、There is much still to be learned about the biology associated with cloning.

上午他和我谈了有关他的学习情 况。

7、He talked with me about his study this morning.


8、Among these

11 exercises ,

7 of them are as to elementary theory of physics , the other

5 are those of cosmology related.

有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅 与知识和学习相关的活动部分。

9、See the Knowledge- and learning-related activities section for more information about this.


10、The main focus of the related studies in SLA field is on PAL of individual words, but few studies have been conducted on the multiword units like idioms in PAL context.


11、Classroom practice is a critical factor in children's learning.


12、E study is quite related to the achievement motive, and the lack of study motive is the chief factor which has influence on the students study initiative.


13、Having uninterrupted study time is key to CCNA and CCNP certification success.


14、The vocabulary is very important in studying languages, studying words is relevant to the learners' memory ability, however, the ability is relevant to a lot of factors.


15、Please visit the Language Exchange area of these forums for language-related discussion.


16、Students should accept the arrangements of study settled by LNU. Pay every fee in time.


17、One essential question is what tasks are most effective for vocabulary retention.


18、"What is the use of this" will be asked by many students, who are career minded.


19、It is closely related with population genetic structure, environment heterogeneity and song learning.


20、But piano learning needs technology and personality. The student's conscious learning ability is the key to learn the piano well.

21、Take a time-management course to help you learn tips and tricks for coping with your workload学习一个有关时间管理的课程来帮助你学习减轻工作负荷的方法和诀窍

22、Teachers'adoption of new teaching patterns can directly help students form scientific and efficient learning methods and improve their learning ability as well.教师课堂采用新型教学模式对学生形成科学、高效的学习方法和学习能力的发展有直接的关系。

23、Connectivism attempts to provide an understanding of how both learners and organizations learn.关联主义试图提供个人学习和组织学习是怎样的解释。

24、Also, we provide all our new students with study material, a card, files relating to their course, a study plan, the complementary courses and computer software access .我们还为新学员提供学习资料,学生卡,有关课程的文件,学习计划,基本课程和电脑软件。

25、Mulan told me her class had begun studying frogs.穆兰告诉我,在课堂上,已开始学习有关青蛙的知识了。

英文句子26:,26、We were learning about tithing at the time.那个时候,我们都在学习“什一税”的有关理论。

27、Teachers communicate effectively with families and involve them in student learning and the school community.教师应有效地与家庭沟通并使他们关注学生的学习和学校群体。

28、You should study hard in YUFE. Your tuitions can't be refunded if you are expelled by the university due to violation of its regulations.留学生进入我校学习后,必须认真学习。若因违反有关规定而被开除,所交学费一律不退。

29、Then will come advanced studies in ichthyology, oceanography, ethology, and other scientific subjects.然后你将有机会进一步学习鱼类学、海洋学、动物行为学和其他相关学科。

30、Confucius Institute at Nnamdi Azikiwe University carries out cultural and other educational activities that are necessary for the study of Chinese language and culture.纳姆迪•阿齐克韦大学孔子学院还举行一系列与有关中国文化和语言学习有关的文化和教育活动。

31、There was a significant correlation between learning preferences and academic achievement(P<0.05, P<0.01).学习倾向偏好与学习成绩存在显著相关性(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

32、There is a negative correlation between e-Learners' reaction time towards e-Learning materials and the learning achievements.数位学习者对侦测讯号之反应时间与其学习成就呈现负相关关系。

33、That existing senior In fact, English learning with a "point - line - face" relationship.其实,英语学习有一个“点-线-面”的关系。

34、This learning machine is closed.这个学习机已关闭。

35、There is a column in China Daily concerning language study.《中国日报》上有一个关于语言学习的专栏。

36、Primary learners must open the database connection with the source code, for the understanding of learning-related knowledge is very useful.初级学习者必备, 开放的与数据库连接的源代码,对于了解学习相关知识十分有用。

37、Today, our focus will be on football idioms.今天我们来学习与足球相关的习惯用语。

38、These results are a combination of father's efforts. 爸爸不但关心我的学习,还关心我的生活,为我提供了良好的学习环境。

39、According to Plomin, these 'generalist' genes can be linked to language and math disorders, and even spatial and memory functions.根据Plomin的观点,这种“通才”基因与语言和数学的学习障碍有关,甚至还与空间和记忆的功能有关。

40、Effects of foreign language learning are closely connected with non-intellectual factors.外语学习效果与非智力因素有着密切关系。

41、In order to get the semantic correlation of images, two learning methods based-on mutual information and image association factor, are proposed.提出了基于互信息的图像间语义关系学习方法和基于图像关联因子的图像间语义关系学习方法。

42、Learn more about the vCard protocol.学习有关 vCard 协议的更多知识。

43、In university, he chose Chinese history as his major and studied almost everything about China .在大学里,他选学中国历史为主攻专业,几乎学习了有关中国的一切知识。

44、So paying attention to the effectiveness of classroom teaching and the actual effect of students'learning become self-conscious behavior of every teacher.关注课堂教学的有效性,关注学生学习的实效,成为每个教师的自觉行为。

45、Numbers are hard. That's why we teach whole semesters worth of courses in number theory.因此我们整个学期关于数学理论,的学习也是物有所值。

46、All the students studied hard lest they should fail the examinations this term.所有的学生都努力学习,他们怕他们这学期考试过不了关。

47、Nowadays, college has the right of dispositions which involving the right to education and learning.目前高校拥有对学生的处分权,关涉学生的受教育权与学习权。

48、Diversity among the individual learners is deemed to be a key issue in ensemble learning.个体学习器的差异度是集成学习中的关键因素。

49、And that it suggests that the acoustics environment that people life, work or study in must be more cared.因此建议有关方面应关心人们的生活、工作和学习的声学环境。

50、Leaming strategies constitute an important subject of common interest in educational psychology, and the research of learning and teaching.“学习策略”是教育心理学、学习理论和教学论等学科共同关注的一个重要问题。

经典英文句子51:有关学习,51、There is significant correlation between NEMF's English learning Motivation and their Learner Autonomy;他们的学习动机与学习自主性总体上成明显正相关;

52、The reason of this is that most of mobile learning resources' development isn't following to the related learning resources construction standard.究其根源,是因为大多数移动学习资源开发没有遵循相关的学习资源建设规范。

53、The next step is to learn about SOAP and Web Services.下步是学习有关SOAP 和网页服务。

54、It then clarifies the meaning of the learning-oriented TRG, studies the theories of its construction, and probes into its characteristics and functions.接着理清了学习型教研组的内涵,学习了相关教研组建设的理论,探寻学习型教研组具有的特点和功能;

55、First, the correct definition of bullying and conflict is necessary before the plan of "Cooling Conflict" and the issues of "Peer Teaching" should be chosen carefully.研究结果发现,学生在进行此计画后不论在「学习有关戏剧概念」、「学习有关冲突、霸凌相关议题」以及「透过戏剧认识自己」的能力皆有成长。

56、Small class size-more attention and practice.小班化学习环境,关注多,练习多;

57、Learn about practice tips for jugglers in this free juggling video.实践提示有关魔术师在此免费学习杂耍视频。

58、Learn about the latest science impacting healthcare-associated infections.学习医疗相关感染的最新科学发现。

59、Research-based learning is a learner-centered curriculum based on learners' interests and learners' own control, and it is an individualized curriculum about discovery and relation.研究性学习是关注学习者的课程:以学习者的兴趣为基础,学习者为课程控制中心,是一种个性化关于发现和联系性的课程。

60、Officially that is, in the past, teaching, teachers paid little attention to student interest in learning, learning orientation;即在以往的公外教学中,教师很少关注学生的学习兴趣、学习倾向;

61、Hope to learn SMPS students some help.希望对学习开关电源的同学有所帮助。

62、Students' level of rudimentary knowledge and basic skills has much to do with the teacher's performance in exercises teaching.中学生学习的两大要素:基础知识、基本能力,其高低与教师的习题课教学水平有很大关系;

63、Relation between moral and reason senses in teaching activities is expounded.道德感与理智感同学习活动具有紧密的关系。

64、And for English learners, is not only to learn language points, more to study related English culture background knowledge.而关于英语学习者来说,不只是要学习言语知识点,更要学习相干的英语文明配景知识。

65、I`m trying to learn more about TCM. Would you help me sometimes?我在努力学习有关中医的知识.你能帮我吗?

66、Third part, related theory and implementation step: Mainly has a mind the Nee-Confucianism study transport theory and constructs construction study view.第三部分,相关理论与实施步骤。 主要有心理学的学习迁移理论和建构主义学习观。

67、English learning achievement and Chinese learning achievement of Grade 初三学生英语学习成绩和汉语学习成绩存在高相关。

3 students in junior middle school have high correlations.

68、Visit the DB2 Developer Domain to learn more about DB2.要学习有关 DB2 的更多知识,请访问 DB2 开发者园地。

69、In particular, feature selection removes irrelevant features, increases efficiency of learning tasks, improves learning performance, and enhances comprehensibility of learned results.特征选择能够移除不相关特征,提高学习效率,改善学习性能,增强学习结果的可理解性。

70、My English teacher concerns not only our English study but also our learning of all the other subjects.我的英语老师不仅关心我们的英语学习,而且关心我们的各门学科学习。

71、As a new learning style, inquiry learning caused extensive concern in the experimented area.探究性学习作为一种新的学习方式在实验区备受关注。

72、This article is cuts into by Gagne's study theory of conditions, understanding study course, learning phase and essential factor and so on related knowledge.本文乃以盖聂的学习条件論切入,瞭解学习歷程、学习阶段及要素等相关知識。

73、Mastery goal and performance-approach goal orientation are positively correlated , while performance-avoidance goal orientation negatively correlated, with learning performance;掌握目标和学习接近目标与成绩成正相关,学习回避目标与成绩成负相关;



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