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关于”中秋的诗句“的英语句子26个,句子主体:The verse of Mid-Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋的诗句的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The verse of Mid-Autumn Festival


1、Autumn rain showers over the place, everywhere, under a clear engraving one song after another in exchange for the sweat and hard work of harvest poem!


2、Promoting the conservation of Scaly-sided Merganser in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Yiyang County by the Yiyang Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation Society (RMB8,804.4)


3、Weeping is the sound of this season, according to Chinese philosophy.



5 contains God's stipulations.


5、This is the Hainan Island autumn wind autumn charm.


6、"Reslish the moment"is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24:"This is the day which the Lord hath made ;

过中秋、吃月饼、赏明 月、人团圆。 是我们中国人的传统习俗。

7、Mid-Autumn festival, eat moon cakes and enjoy Ming month, reunion.


8、In the autumn breeze, we end this pleasant trip.


9、Wanted to know the latest MoonCake promotion for Mid Autumn Festival?


10、Drunk in a dream, and rain, are waking troubles.


11、Speaking of rabbit doll, this is the Mid-Autumn Festival symbol;


12、This fall, EF gave three students a trip of a lifetime!


13、My wet eyes felt warm in the brisk autumn wind.


14、In poetry, dialogs, epigrams, and essays he attempts to right our minds from their upside down view of existence and stop us in the tracks of our spiritual journey.


15、Wei Qiuming, 25, a tour guide in Beijing


16、The first is that, in the last fairy the Mid-Autumn festival.


17、To differentiate sections about Chun-Qiu theory in Chun Qiu Fan Lu, is a necessary way to comprehend the book.


18、Qiushi Translation Center has become a channel for the communication between China and other countries, a bridge to the world as well as a window to the international market.


19、Monk female imagery poem reflects the monks in this process the various concerns, as well as a breakthrough.


20、As a line by Li Bai, a great poet in Tang Dynasty goes, "In the Yellow Crane Tower the jade flute is being played while in the River City of Wuhan plum blossoms are dropping in May."

21、And cicadas cry in fall leaves at the ruined Han palace.蝉在秋叶中哭泣,在毁损了的汉宫里。

22、Qiuying has made painstaking efforts to run her gallery well. She will always have all sorts of feelings well up in her mind when thinking of this experience.秋莹为她的画廊付出了很多的心血,这其中的酸甜苦辣让秋莹很是感慨。

23、Fall Color, Skippers Canyon, Central Otago, New Zealand.秋天的颜色,斯基珀斯峡谷,中部奥塔哥,新西兰。

24、Under the same autumn moon, I miss you, from afar. 同样的中秋月亮下, 我远方想念你.

25、While climbing this autumn activities of the grand opera!爬山时这次秋游活动中的重头戏!

英文句子26:,26、The ah, China, really is a troublous times this year.哎,中国,今年实在是多事之秋。

27、Permanent change, the mind has a right to feel nostalgic autumn.永久不变的,心中多了一份对秋的眷念。

28、Waves of cool wind hint a trace of autumn in the air.阵阵凉风透着空气中的一丝秋意。

29、Years of great famine, story, vibration - until the autumn, Joe said: "new to autumn, autumn into Yang also said, this can have?"岁大饥,故事,振贷迄秋止,乔新曰:“止于秋,谓秋成可仰也,今秋可但已乎?”

30、The strong wind swept away the layers withered leaves of late autumn, the poet-like wild goose fly to distant place side by side.深秋的败叶给劲风扫落了一层又一层,大雁犹如诗人一般并肩飞往远方。

31、Qiuqiu knelt down before Granny Yinjiao's tomb.秋秋在银娇奶奶的坟前跪了下来。

32、Autumn, think of Indus Yela sound, only because of easy ANN that trees more with rain, because of the subtle euphemistic sorrow.秋,便想起梧桐叶落声,只因易安那句梧桐更兼细雨,只因那道淡淡的委婉伤愁。

33、Ultimately, that's what is meant by the verse in the Bible about "beating swords into plowshares." It took some visionary scientists--once mortal enemies--to join hands and figure it out.一些富有远见的科学家曾经是不共戴天的敌人,他们就像圣经中的诗句所说“化干戈为玉帛”,为此携手破解难题。

34、"wind, " although some immature, words are not mature enough, but it is a great praise of nature, lashing the tiny human.《秋风》虽然有些稚嫩,词句也不够成熟,但它歌颂了自然的伟大,鞭挞了人类的渺小。

35、This colorful garden throughout the year Coleus, especially in autumn when the walk through the gardens, that glowing red, glistening yellow fruit of the autumn leaf fall is even more beautiful.此园xx年四季彩叶缤纷,尤其在秋高气爽之时,漫步园中,那红彤彤、黄澄澄的秋叶秋果更是美不胜收。

36、So we had to spend the night in Leer!因此我们必须在秋波中度过夜晚!

37、Deep autumn's lotus flowers often let people in pondering.xx月秋荷,常让人思索于其中。

38、Looked from the artistic technique, Rung Yu has inherited the Du poem multipurpose "the running water to" the syntax characteristic, has used "the running water massively in the creation process for".从艺术手法上看,戎昱继承了杜诗多用“流水对”的句法特征,在创作过程中使用了大量的“流水对”。

39、Do you know that in parts of China,in the autumn你知不知道在中国某些地方的秋季里

40、From Autumn To Ashes - Autumn's Monologue 05 .从秋季到东邪西毒 - 秋的独白 05。

41、This kind of verse can be open to a variety of interpretations about how to live your faith more respectfully, not just in this month but throughout life.这一诗句从多种方面诠释了应如何更加恭敬地对待自己的信仰,不仅仅在这一个月里,而是在整个生命历程中。

42、The Mid-Autumn Festival is near, coolness comes, you may be safe.中秋已近,凉意渐浓,远方的你,可安好。

43、It is the custom of song Mid-Autumn moon food.这就是宋代中秋食月饼之俗。

44、Day wild boundless, grey, a creature in the distance. The Mid-Autumn festival could back to hometown? . The autumn wind blow, rice fragrant flowers.天苍苍,野茫茫,有个人儿在远方。中秋可否回故乡?。秋风吹,稻花香。

45、By autumn last year I couldn't concentrate. At times I found myself incapable of stringing a coherent sentence together. It was a scary, isolating experience.直到去年秋天,我都无法集中注意力。我时常发现自己无法连贯地说出一句话。那真是太可怕了,我感到了孤独。

46、The cool breeze carrries a slight hint of fall in the air.阵阵凉风透着空气中的一丝秋意。

47、She's alluding here, I think, to one of the most famous passages in Paradise Lost in which Milton is asserting nothing other than his poetic power.我认为,她这里是在暗指,《失乐园》最著名的篇章之


48、Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by autumn winds. Fall is the artist. (Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata)炽热的色彩在秋风的助威中踏上了每年一次的对群山的征程。秋天是一个艺术家。

49、But this profound taste of autumn, especially this profound taste of autumn in China, can be enjoyed fully nowhere else than in the North China.可是这秋的深味,尤其是中国的秋的深味,非要在北方,才感受得到底。

50、The same as The Evening, I do not know who first think of the festival, and do not know who the first Mid-Autumn Festival is in the past.像张若虚一样,我不知道是谁第一个想起过中秋的,也不知道第一个中秋是哪些人在过。

经典英文句子51:中秋的诗句,51、Light white candles against the growing darkness of the season. Or place white flowers on your table. White is the color of autumn in the Chinese tradition.对照着秋季里日益昏暗的浅白色蜡烛。或者把白色花的朵放置你的桌上。白色是中国传统中秋天的颜色。

52、As the winds did those of the upper air.正如秋风把花瓣在空中扬散。

53、Two. The theme "gold" autumn together;活动主题;相聚“金”秋秋。



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