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关于”骂人的霸气“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Cursing domineering。以下是关于骂人的霸气的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Cursing domineering


1、At the Griffith Observatory, Keith angrily attacks Carl, demanding justice for George Ferragamo’s death.


2、Likely is angry curses at people, arrives the smile joyfully, I arrive the sob sad, despairs is affectedly unconventional, then circulates once more.


3、A: She told me off for about ten minutes, told me that I was the cheapest guy she has ever met, called me loser, and then stormed off.


4、Don't go in yet, father's letting off steam about the razor you used to sharpen your pencil with.


5、Ailey scold product such as occupied her Venus, loud to product such as the Venus her back.


6、Papa charged me nothing: he'll not scold me, Ellen--he's never cross, like you!'


7、The other buffalos became angry and shouted at him. There you are, trying to deceive us!


8、Nine sister gas but, on the blame mother liu to calculate words you want to scold her, didnt teach her.


9、If you get upset, ticked off, cry, pout you don't appear as confident.


10、In Chinese history, there was a very aggressive warlord who lost his senses over a woman. The opera based on this is called "Farewell My Concubine".


11、Gold mother see high well-being indifference doesnt like jinyuan, flew into a rage lambasted high well-being is a beast, scold the high well-being gold mother gas fire heart faint in the ground.

12、 Whenever his boss reprimands him,he eats crow with no resistance.无论老板何时责骂他,他都忍气吞声,毫不反抗。


13、" They replied, "Five gold tumors and five gold rats, according to the number of the Philistine rulers, because the same plague has struck both you and your rulers.


14、As a man, he made a generation of equation;


15、Editoral:This is my first dairy on the Internet here after iciba changed her form.


16、In fact, there have been numerous Alexander the Greats in mankind's history;


17、One song overlord don't , singing exhausted human life to leave sorrow don't hate;


18、Raging bullies: These people intimidate everyone in the vicinity with their out-of-control anger.


19、Installed air-conditioning and Yuba Water heaters for me this afternoon.


20、This made Confucius really angry, and he knocked Yuan Rang on his shins with his staff, scolding him, "You!"

21、One day his mother was mad at him and made the mistake of calling him a puppy. His retort有一天,他的妈妈对他忍无可忍,在气头上错骂他小狗崽子。

22、Tang Guanzhong is very angry curse in the fields in the day, just tin heart out.唐冠中还是很气愤的骂在田在天,正好田心也出来。

23、For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him.目中无人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。

24、This enraged many people, who severely reproached him for his permptoriness. One of them, an old translator, felt so insulted that he burst out crying.这就触犯了许多人,都大骂傅雷狂傲,有一位老翻译家竟气得大哭。

25、A female can't flood the gene pool by commandeering extra mates;一个女人不能通过霸占更多的配偶来繁衍足够的后代影响人种的进化。

英文句子26:,26、But Chick Hicks wasn't about to lose this race to a rookie.路霸可不想在比赛中输给一个新人。

27、The CIA acts like bullys and expects nobody to fight back?中情局的行为就像恶霸而且无人能够制止?

28、Dad bad-tempered, no less dozen you scold you, you can not bear grudges father ah!爸爸脾气不好,没少打你骂你,你可不要记恨爸爸呀!

29、I picked up this bad habit when growing up in Santiago, Chile, where drivers are ill-tempered and routinely curse each other.当我在智利的圣地亚哥长大时养成这个坏习惯,那里开车的人脾气很坏并且习于互相咒骂。

30、Idea 想法

1: Mark is upset that the men wearing blue tracksuits called him stupid. What does he do?

一: 马克很气那些骂他迟钝的蓝衣男子,他会怎麽做?

31、Just because you've lost your temper, you needn't round on me.你用不着困为自己发了脾气就对我乱骂一通。

32、This shames the person being criticized and makes it very likely that the person will want to attack you orally rather than listen to you.被批评的那人受气以后更不会跟你沟通而是会想直接跟你对骂了。

33、Really, when he opened on me in that unreasonable tone of displeasure after I had scolded Heathcliff till I was hoarse for him, I did not care, hardly, what they did to each other;真的,我为了他而骂希刺克厉夫,为了他骂得声嘶力竭之后,他却用那种不快的无理的口气向我开口,这时候我简直不在乎他们彼此怎样对待了。

34、她母亲责骂她时,她气鼓鼓地离开了家。She huffed off the house when her mother scolded her.

35、Embroider cloud scolded said officer with silver is relief, MaXiaoHu black eat black fundamental and wu is the day, is not justice.绣云斥骂说官银是赈灾之用,马小虎黑吃黑根本和吴霸天无异,是天理不容。

36、In the society, we always hear some abuse on the academy and think it is an apple of discord for copy and no life.我们常听到社会上对学院的诅骂,以为是照抄现象,毫无生气的“祸根”。

37、See the casualties of students, captain Duan Zhenguo angry scold a meal.看到死伤的学生们,队长生气的责骂了一顿段振国。

38、You worthless bag of filth – and continues in that tone ad infinitum.你,只配与污秽长存——以这种语气开始了那永无止境的斥骂。

39、He has a very bad temper. Yelling at his kids and beating his wife has become a habit.这位父亲平常脾气很不好,骂孩子、打老婆已经成为习惯。

40、"Beast! Animals! "Qiao son spirit criticize openly, her fire, her breast blocks up badly.“畜牲!禽兽!”巧儿气得破口大骂,她火啊,她胸口堵得厉害。

41、Do not want now few people scolded, meets the unlucky endured said don't say is a very tangled.不想现在少有人骂了,碰上晦气了挨一顿嘴上虽不说心里是颇为纠结一番的。

42、Researchers studying tyrannosaurs have had a leg up over those working on other dinosaurs—and even some extant animals—given T. rex's wide popularity.研究霸王龙的科研人员在研究其他种类的恐龙,甚至是在研究一些现存的动物上很占优势,这也就使得霸王龙广受欢迎。

43、We don't threat or invade others. We oppose hegemony.我们不去威胁别人,也不会去侵略别人,我们反对霸权主义。

44、But once, a student let teacher be mad, teacher then scolded him as the wall which the dung stuck.但有一次,一个学生让老师气极了,老师便骂他是大粪糊的墙。

45、The Ousters:eon-long mutated humanoids bent on overthrowing the Hegemony.驱逐者:经过万年进化、决心推翻霸权的猿人。

46、After her harangue was over and I had been dismissed, the party continued, but the atmosphere was much more subdued.她骂够了,让我走开,晚会继续进行着,但晚会的气氛已经大打折扣。

47、The cantankerous bus driver rouse on the children for singing.那个坏脾气的公共汽车司机因为孩子们唱歌而骂他们。

48、In both original SC and SCII, there is not any melee unit in Terran. Will you consider of introducing a melee unit into Terran units in the future?在《星际争霸》和《星际争霸II》中,人类没有任何的近战系单位。你们会考虑今后给人类种族加入一种近战单位吗?

49、Lord Mu of the state of Qin and Lord Wen of Jin were two feudal lords during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. Lord Mu's wife was the elder sister of Lord Wen.秦穆公和晋文公是中国春秋五霸中的两位霸主,秦穆公的夫人是晋文公的长姐。

50、BDBD hedge anger snarls Han Jinquan Han Jinquan can only apology.魏东篱气得怒骂韩金铨,韩金铨只能连连道歉。

经典英文句子51:骂人的霸气,51、Jackson teed off on the selection committee in an ill-tempered article.杰克逊在一篇怒气冲冲的文章里把选拔行员会痛骂一顿。

52、It is not in the genes of the Chinese nation to invade other countries or seek world hegemony. China does not subscribe to the outdated logic that "a strong country is bound to seek hegemony".中国人民爱好和平,中华民族的血液中没有侵略他人、称霸世界的基因,中国不认同“国强必霸”的陈旧逻辑。

53、The Decepticons attack the Autobots in Autobot City.霸天虎进攻在地球汽车人城堡中的汽车人。

54、Afraid of being scolded, the naughty boy ran away without turning off the water.害怕挨骂,那个淘气的男孩没关水龙头就跑了。

55、The Autobots want the All Spark to rebuild Cybertron and end the war, while the Decepticons want the All Spark to defeat the Autobots and conquer the universe.“汽车人与霸天虎都为各自的目的不断追寻着火种源:汽车人是为了重建赛博斯坦及结束战争,而霸天虎则是为了打败汽车人及统治宇宙”。

56、Don't hurt each other through your words. It reflects that you have jealous and zero space in your heart for others.不要再互相责骂伤了和气,这映射出你们有嫉妒心,容不下别人。

57、Don't your other girls ever get upset when you call them by so many different names?你别的姑娘给你这样变着法儿地骂,她们不生气吗?。

58、As you exhale, allow your diaphragm to deflate gradually.吐气的时候,任横膈膜慢慢地把气释放出来。 一个笑柄,就不大可能对一个占了你停车位的讨厌鬼破口大骂。

59、I think calling people fat nerds is a type of bullying.我认为叫别人肥宅是一种霸凌。

60、Ba Wang Bie Ji is an immensely popular film.《霸王别姬》是一部脍炙人口的电影。

61、There are plenty of reasons to doubt the dollar's dethronement.有大量的理由让人怀疑美元会失去霸主地位。

62、That early cultivation has ensured diving supremacy for the People's Republic.早期培养为人民共和国确保了跳水的霸主地位。

63、Create my own Starcraft and/or first-person shooter level.制作一个属于自己的星际争霸或者第一人称射击游戏

64、He's too angry to hold on to himself not to scold.他太生气了,甚至控制不住自己大骂了起来。

65、But these days the region's grandest sight is man-made: the Baling River Bridge.但是,最近该地区最引人瞩目的景观是人造的霸陵河大桥。

66、He was very angry for being smacked down.他因受到责骂而十分生气。

67、The bully said he was going to duke out anyone who disagreed.那恶霸说他要痛打任何不同意的人。

68、Lady to personal attacks on the heart to tongue, Jiang Ma immediately scold by imposing fly into a rage, no words of a lady.庄夫人继续以毒舌对可心进行人身攻击,蒋妈立即火冒三丈,用气势骂得庄夫人一时无以言对。

69、Whenever he gets angry, he never shouts but beats the devil's tattoo on his desk.每次他生气时,他从不 大声 叫骂,而总是用手指把桌子敲得“得得得” 地响。

70、She huffed off the house when her mother scolded her.她母亲责骂她时,她气鼓鼓地离开了家。

71、The most famous PPP calculation is the Economist's Big Mac index.最有名的PPP计算方式是“经济学人”提出的巨无霸指数。

72、Oslash; Starscream, Overlord, Scorponok and Onslaught agree to follow Megatron.红蜘蛛,霸主,萨克巨人与袭击同谋共保威震天。

73、You die, the farther the better! Let me see you once again scolded, my temper you should understand!你死开,越远越好!再让我见你一次骂一次,我的脾气你应该了解!

74、Watching the tears of mothers and sisters together, Feng angrily blaming the infant sister.看着哭在一起的母亲和姐姐,冯文儿生气地骂了姐姐。

75、The original Starcraft was released some 自xx年前发售以来,初代《星际争霸》已经成为最具人气的PC游戏经典,时至今日其销量已在1100万套以上。

12 years ago and has become one of the most popular PC titles ever, selling over

11 million units to date.

英文句子模板76:Cursing domineering,76、When his father saw the grades, he became very, very angry and said, "You always fail in class!"他的爸爸看了成绩单以后非常生气,责骂他说:「你的功课老是殿后!

77、He became a bad boy, and like to bully weak nepenthes.变成喜爱欺负霸凌别人的不良猪儿!

78、Not even the wonderful brains of Oxbridge can solve that problem.即使爱词霸、外企富有智慧的人也无法解决此疑难。


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