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关于”写的顺序“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Order of writing。以下是关于写的顺序的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Order of writing


1、This behavior avoids hot spots in the storage and exploits the performance of sequential writes (faster than random writes).


2、Remember that the questions for certain task types follow the order of information in the reading passage.


3、As the essays move chronologically--they were written over a period of time--as the essays that were written near Lolita come into the book, that word appears, also, describing various things.


4、Add the fields to this block in the order shown in Listing

7. (These constraints don't affect the order of the columns in the table — just the view.)

7 所示的顺序将字段添加到这个块(这些约束不影响列在表中的顺序 — 只影响在视图中的顺序)。



6: Customer's Order Number, Letter of Credit Number, and etc. may be included if required.


6、Write down the numbers on the tiles in both the starting and goal states (0 for the missing tile) in row-major order to form two sequences of integers.


7、This can override both the order of precedence and the left associativity.


8、Write down what you want to get done - in order of importance - and put it on a daily schedule.


9、You start by writing down your life story and every milestone, in chronological order.


10、Sequence Valve;


11、Ice Jam Evolution Sequence;


12、Please follow the steps above to complete your registration.


13、Each character in a string is given several categories of sort weights, including script, alphabetic, case, and diacritic weights.


14、Dictionary order, case-insensitive, for use with the 936 (Simplified Chinese) Character Set.

由于这些行是按照物理的群集顺序来写的,因此不需要运行 REORG。

15、And since they are written in physical clustering sequence, there should be no need to REORG.


16、Dictionary order, case-sensitive, for use with the 936 (Simplified Chinese) Character Set.


17、By looking at the read and write sequence counts in detail, you can further determine if the access is sequential or random.


18、“All writes to an entity group are sequential”, hence is it preferable to ”use small, localized groups”.


19、So if we were to write this in terms of energy,

4 s

2 we would actually have to rewrite it has

3 d

3, and then

4 s


然后,DB2 可以根据预期顺序,也就是索引顺序,向程序返回符合条件的行。

20、DB2 can then return qualified rows to the program in the desired order, the order of the index.

21、The sort is case-insensitive and in alphabetically ascending order.排序不会区分大小写,并且依照字母的递增顺序。

22、So far, I've considered two approaches to spell checking: phonetic matching and sequence comparison.迄今为止,我已经介绍了两种拼写检查方法:语音匹配和顺序比较。

23、Categorized and Alphabetic buttons are near the top of each property page.“按分类顺序”和“字母顺序”按钮位于每个属性页的顶部附近。

24、Write a story about a shark from the shark's point of view. Tell how it feels to be a shark. Be sure to give details about the experience in time order.写一篇自叙性短文,以鲨鱼的视角写一个故事,说说当鲨鱼的感觉,一定要按时间顺序写出细节。

25、This thesis is about the speciality of sequential transportation and the waterpower speciality of sequential transportation pipeline.本文介绍了顺序输送的特点及顺序输送管道的水力特性。

英文句子26:,26、It's in alphabetical order.依字母顺序的。

27、Rank - A rank scale applies to a set of data that is ordinal (the values and observations belonging to it can be put in order or have a rating scale attached).定序尺度(rank)— 定序尺度可应用于一组有顺序的数据,有顺序指的是属于该尺度的值和观察值可以按顺序排列或附带有评级尺度。

28、With two different tensioning schemes, the influence of the tensioning sequence on stress and deformation is calculated and the tensioning sequence is optimized.基于2种不同张拉顺序的方案,计算出2种张拉顺序对构件应力和变形的影响,并对张拉顺序进行了优化。

29、Over time, they become unable to recall the stroke order to write some characters.在不久的将来,他们就变得记不起来书写有些汉字的笔划顺序。

30、Sequential - The sequential model is the traditional approach to small or medium project delivery.顺序式——顺序式模型是用于中小型项目交付物的传统方法。

31、Ranked companies are shown under the headings with their rank listed to the left of their names.上面写上行业,下面列出上榜公司,公司名称的左侧是排名顺序。

32、Players take turns, going clockwise from the first player. Only the first player skips drawing a card on his or her first turn.玩家行动的顺序为顺时针顺序。只有第一个回合的第一个玩家必须略过抽牌。

33、Does it mean that Mark kind of wrote things in one order and this guy knows a better chronological order,a historical order?难道说马可以一种顺序写了,而这家伙有更好的编年顺序,历史顺序?

34、Consistency of the run data only exists when the snapshot of the data is write order consistent.只有数据快照实现了写入顺序一致,才能保证运行数据的一致性。

35、First you draw the line, then you write the denominator (below the line), and finally the numerator, above the line. In that order.第一步,写一个线,然后写分母(在这个线下面),最后在这个线的上面写分子,按照这个顺序。

36、Renamed in order to support, modify, extension, case, etc. , including the bulk editing MP3 ID3 music information.支持按顺序改名、修改扩展名、大小写等,包括批量修改MP3音乐的ID3信息。

37、This doesn't mean that all programs are amenable to sequential solutions.这不意味着所有的程序都顺从顺序的解决方案。

38、Well, I just put them down in the order that came out of my head.好的,我把它们,按照从我脑袋出来的顺序写下来的。

39、The main functions of the Reducing Valvesorder of valves: (顺序阀的主要作用有: (

1) control over the order of movement components;


40、Listening, speaking, reading, then writing constitute the fundamental order in language learning.听、说、读、写是学习语言的根本顺序。

41、A blog is a time-based, sequential publication usually authored by one person, whereas information on a wiki is assembled and structured by a group of people.博客是由一个人书写的,以时间顺序发布的东西。 而wiki则是由某一群体共同书写的。

42、Plenty of good writers don't use outlines at all but discover ordering principles as they write.很多优秀的作者根本不使用提纲,但写作中发现了顺序原则。

43、Successive without the first ordinal heir, by the 2nd order heir accedes.没有第一顺序继续人继续的,由第二顺序继续人继续。

44、Traditional Chinese sort uses number of strokes as primary order and radical as secondary order. It supports supplementary characters.注释:繁体中文按照第一顺序“笔画数”是第二顺序是“部首”进行排序;

45、For random accesses, the performance penalty can be ignored, and for sequential disk accesses, there are about 7-28% performance degradation.对于随机读写安全所造成的性能损失几乎可以忽略不计; 对于顺序读写,性能下降了7%-28%。

46、A Dryad programmer writes several sequential programs and connects them using one-way channels.Dryad程序员会编写几个顺序程序,然后使用单向通道将其连接起来。

47、I can write my numbers in order from 1-10.我能把一到十按照顺序地写出来。

48、Depending on the sort order that you need, the code that you write for this bean specifies whether that column should be sorted in ascending or descending order or not sorted.对于您所需要的排序顺序,您为这个 bean 所编写的代码要么可以以升序或降序的方式排序,要么不能排序。

49、Our index is in DEPTNO order, and within that order, in groups of identical (but unordered) values of LASTNAME.我们的索引是 DEPTNO 顺序的,而在该顺序中,相等(但无序)的 LASTNAME 值分为一个小组。

50、The order of the byte-codes corresponds to the order specified in the test set.字节码的顺序需要和测试集中的顺序相同。

经典英文句子51:写的顺序,51、Where do I learn the order to write the characters in?我从哪儿学写进字的顺序?。

52、Etaps are classified by sequence order.分级由顺序排序分类。

53、A function's prologue usually follows the following sequence函数的序言通常遵循以下顺序

54、Byte ordering (endianness)字节顺序(endianness)

55、They are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom like English text.这些点从左至右,从上至下进行编号,类似于文章的书写顺序。

56、She listed the states alphabetically but California was out of order.她按字母顺序把各州排列出来,但加利福尼亚却排错了顺序。

57、The redo log buffer is one-third full or contains 同时, 这个顺序与重做日志缓冲区的顺序一致。

1 MB of buffered data.

58、Sequence table and calculation block are programmed.编写了顺控表和运算块的程序。

59、Sequence number is the number of candidates' registration.序号是指考生报名顺序号;

60、Predictions order must correspond to their order in the test set.预测顺序需要和测试集中他们的顺序一致。

61、Non-numerical sequence.不按图片顺序。

62、Converts an integer value from network byte order to host byte order.将长整数值从网路位元组顺序转换为主机位元组顺序。

63、This allowed him to experiment with the order of the chapters before transcribing the final manuscript.这使得他能够在写最后的手稿前理清每章节的顺序。

64、Emphasis is on the box write letters in sequence, each frame to write a.重点在于在方格内按顺序写上英文字母,每格写一个。



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