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关于”简单的语句“的英语句子58个,句子主体:simple statement。以下是关于简单的语句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:simple statement

我不讲中文也不读它,但是我学会。 哀伤地,我不得知简单汉语。

1、I do not speak Chinese or read it, but I am learning to.


2、For some languages, text input is as straightforward as one-to-one mapping from keysyms to characters, such as English.


3、The taxonomy of strong and weak presuppositions simply observes that different presupposition triggers lead to different sorts of felicity properties.


4、I'm sorry . I can speak only a little English . I will get you the Assistant Manager.


5、In more complex grammars and the corresponding inputs, it might not be so easy.


6、The functions of anaphoric expressions in discourse are complex, and can not be simply described as accessing or retrieving"given"entities.


7、One of the most important things to do is to study English using topics that you like.


8、If you forget that you're afraid, it's easy. And then it becomes fun.

由于其简单性和易于理解的语法,我们使用 COBOL 作为本文中的样例程序的编程语言。

9、Because of its simplicity and easy-to-understand syntax, COBOL is used as the programming language for the sample program in this article.


10、I not too meet various countries ' the language, turned the dictionary, said simply, the grammar to please do not forgive.

为了使此功能保持简单,没有使用诸如工具命令语言(Tool Command Language,Tcl)等现有的扩展语言。

11、An existing extension language, such as Tool Command Language (Tcl), was avoided to keep this capability uncomplicated.


12、The thesis finally makes a full evaluation of the cooperative movement.

在本例中,为了简单起见,语言环境被硬编码为 de_DE。

13、In this example, the locale is hardcoded to de_DE for the sake of simplicity.


14、Many developers who know a particular programming language and want to learn a second one, often find it the hardest language to learn but subsequent languages being easier.


15、Don't appear so scholarly pray. Humanize your talk, and speak to be understood.


16、The functions of anaphoric expressions in discourse are complex and cannot be simply described as accessing given entities.


17、This has made it much easier for Facebook to keep up its cross-language development.


18、He was a relatively quiet man and was known for his brevity, though the few words he had made quite an impression, especially with this wonderful comeback.


19、Besides, the process to distinguish and deal with the language of technology is described.


20、To begin with, Vice-dean Li introduced briefly the aim of Chinese college English Teaching and the characteristics of English teaching in IEC.

21、It's a little more straightforward now, but even then semantically frankly it's a little confusing.现在这就稍微简单点了,但是,根据语义,它有点令人困惑的。

22、The problem with a completely new programming paradigm isn't learning a new language.这是个全新的编程范式,并不像学习一门新语言那么简单。

23、I will never forget hearing her singing. 这个问题太简单了,因为我是英语本科专业的学生,以后有问题可以找我

24、As in a complex arithmetic formula, you can use parentheses simply to group terms.正如在复杂的数学公式中,您可以简单地使用括号来给术语分组。

25、We spent a bit of time on more cognitive stuff: development, language, vision, memory.然后简单地学习了认知学:,认知发展,语言,视觉,记忆。

英文句子26:,26、Short answer: no, at least not in C. You can construct such constructs in other languages and in theory even C.简单回答:没有,至少在C语言里是没有的,你可以,在C语言或其他语言中创建这样一个结构体。

27、Once you break the ice and get the conversation flowing, the rest is easy.一旦你们打破了坚冰使语言之河流动起来,其他将变得简单。

28、Let’s see how you can use TBot in 让我们看看仅仅简单的3步就可以用 TBot 使用外语聊天。

3 easy steps to chat in a foreign language.

29、I think that learning math is than English, In fact, math is as.我认为学数学比学英语更难,事实上数学和英语一样简单。

30、Afterwards, they learn from Cui Yan about how to say hello to others in Chinese.之后,他们又跟随崔岩老师学习怎样用汉语进行简单的问候。

31、It makes it so easy that it almost becomes a defacto open storage format in the language. (Wikipedia)它非常简单,以致它几乎成为这种语言事实上的开放存储格式。

32、it is reasonably easy with dynamic and static languages in general as can be illustrated by the existence of the DLR.总体上说,应用动态语言和静态语言是相当简单的,DLR的存在很好的证明了这个观点。

33、explain the products/services you are offering in easy-to-read language——用简单易读的语言解释了你提供的产品和服务;

34、Therefore, English became the language of the poor and more and more simplified as a result of disuse.因此,英语成了穷人的语言,由于不被使用而变的越来越简单。

35、Listing 清单

16 shows how easy it is to use Ruby-like syntax to add objects to lists -- and it's actually quite groovy.

16 显示了使用类 Ruby 的语法将对象添加到 列表中是多么简单 —— 这就是 奇妙的groovy。

36、"It is true, there is some angels in this city," Cotillard said in fractured English in collecting her award.歌迪亚在领奖致辞中用简陋的英语说“这是真的,这个城里有天使。” (小猪:从这句话来看,这位姐姐的英语是不太好。)

37、That write statement will produce a single line like the ones in Listing 那个 write 语句将生成一行与 清单

3. Now you are ready for the reduce phase.

3 中的那些行类似的代码。

38、If GetInt's return value is greater than zero, what do, in plain English?如果GetInt的返回值比0大,该干什么,用简单的英语说?

39、It is checked only for syntactical validity when the profile itself is validated.当概要文件被验证时,它只是做简单的语法验证。

40、The circulation process and the characteristic of "The Analects of Confucius Variorums" in this part.在这一部分笔者还简单介绍了《论语集注》成书过程及特点。

41、The execute command is mainly used for the execution of single-line PL/SQL statements as shown in the example below.execute 命令主要用于执行单行 PL/SQL 语句,如下面示例所示。

42、In fact, it’s English-speakers who have been duped: the original, in Swedish, is simply “Men who hate women”.而事实上,受骗上当的是说英语的人:它的原创是瑞典语,就是简单的《憎恨女人的男人》。

43、The core of Mr. Liu's teaching idea is " Learn Chinese in daily life ", which could be simplified in a word: Chinese teaching should and must be connected with life.刘国正语文教育思想的核心是“语文生活观”,其思想内涵可以简括为一句话,即语文教学要与生活相联系。

44、All of us know, lead languages, say briefly it is the beginning of the news.我们都知道, 导语,简单说就是消息的开头。

45、I need a Bangla blog to develop. Simple but quality is my preliminary requirement.我需要一个孟加拉语博客发展。简单但质量是我的初步要求。

46、From the level of the languages expression, his pure proses presented the style of the simplicity and tenacity.因此,从语言表征的层面看,周作人纯散文呈现出简单、坚韧的风格。

47、then you can go...There's a lot of available things online, which makes it really easy.那么你可以去……网上有很多可利用的资源,它让学英语变得简单了。

48、Think of your reader as being your college roommate who majored in English literature.反复阅读。 简单来说,把你的读者当作你主修英语文学的室友。

49、The Go authors have adhered to a single guiding principle when designing the language: simplicity and clarity above all else.Go语言的作者在设计这一语言时坚持一个单一的指导原则:简单明了至上。

50、Computer programmers use assembly languages to make machine-language programs easier to write.计算机编程人员使用汇编语言使机器语言程序编写起来更简单一些。

经典英文句子51:简单的语句,51、You'll run into problems if you perform all of your SEO tasks in English and simply translate the results to other languages.如果您用英语执行所有 SEO 任务,并简单地将结果翻译成其他语言,就会遇到问题。

52、A easy and efficient wav for speech recognition technique is given.为语音识别技术提供了一种较为简单而有效的途径。

53、Write first in easy-to-understand pseudolanguage; then translate into whatever language you have to use.先写出简单易懂的伪代码,再将其“翻译”成你要使用的程序语言。

54、为什么在要做的事会是你迷惑的时候,改变你的语言,使它变得简单。Why change your language when what it is going to do is confuse you.

55、The others, broadcast language must use honorific briefness and understand words, and it must let audiences be the center.此外,它必须使用以听众为中心的敬语、易懂的简单语、排除传播者主观思想的客观语等特点。

56、Another difference is the number of words used. Structure similarities may come from three factors: stipulation in code-switching, simplicity in meaning, and identical subjects.译语结构方面的共性,主要是由语码转换的规约性、语义简单性、主位-主语一致性这三点决定的。

57、You can refer to the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements in Listing 您可以参考清单

1 to create the database and table for the sample application.

1 中的数据定义语言(DDL)语句,为样例应用程序创建数据库和表。

58、Rich gradations of tone and style exist in even the most straightforward of applications.即使在最简单的应用中也存在着语气和风格的丰富变化。

59、Why change your language when what it is going to do is confuse you.为什么在要做的事会是你迷惑的时候,改变你的语言,使它变得简单。

60、Simple multi-lingual environments may need the ability to map languages one to one.简单的多语种环境可能需要能够在语言之间进行映射。

61、It is found that corpus-based approach employed in the study of the grape of wrath can reveal the features of the novel.研究结果表明,运用语料库研究约翰斯坦贝克的《愤怒的葡萄》可以发现该小说语言,具有口语化,朴实,简单的特色。


标签: 简单

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