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关于”可以划分成分的软件“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Software that can divide components。以下是关于可以划分成分的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software that can divide components


1、Every group can be partitioned into equivalence classes called conjugacy classes.


2、Of course, the plug-in could be part of a bigger application that has its own way of packaging plug-ins.


3、Once the total available size is determined, this area can be divided into different buffer pools to improve utilization.


4、At this point, you can assign this software package to all user groups or assign it to specific user groups.


5、The user-oriented software flexibility is described as the potential flexibility, the available flexibility, the used flexibility, the current flexibility and the demand flexibility.


6、There are two classical ways, K-center way and K-mean way.


7、None of the layering, except for the original platform layer, was strict; it was based around logical, observable groupings of software elements.


8、Also, the release plan can now be grouped by Activtiy or Assignee.


9、However, with Agile, software release could be bucketed into two categories of internal and external releases.


10、It is easily seen that electrical networks can be used to obtain tilings of rectangles of prescribed shapes.

hypervisor 可以划分为两大类。

11、Hypervisors can be classified into two distinct types.

该软件包括一个内置的压缩器,因此你可以创建ZIP 存档并且减少百分之70的文件尺寸。

12、It includes a built-in compressor so you can create ZIP archives and reduce image sizes by 70 percent.


13、You can divide permanent storage pages into two sub-types

卷组 可以在逻辑上划分成多个逻辑卷。

14、And a volume group can be logically partitioned into logical volumes.


15、The BlackBerry Messenger, known as BBM, enables people to share texts and messages within groups of people.


16、The partitioning can be either by project phase or by some division of effort (e.g., by component development team), or both.


17、Due to factors such as demographic changes and the emergence of new housing estates, the re-drawing of electoral boundaries is understandable.


18、Such adaptive navigation can also be part of the processing module or middle tier of the software application.

IBM NAS 中的可服务性按子组件和级别划分。

19、Serviceability in IBM NAS is divided into sub-components and levels.

Geoff Henton(FHLB-OF的CIO):敏捷指导与我们敏捷软件开发早期的成功是密不可分的。

20、CIO of FHLB-OF: Agile coaching was integral to our early success with agile software development.

21、The twist drill may be divided into three principal parts:shank, body and point.麻花钻也许可以被划分成三个主要的部分:钻柄、钻体和钻尖。

22、Don’t undertake too many tasks and take on the all things.可以将一件大的繁杂的工作分成若干小部分,根据事情轻重缓急,做些力所能及的事,

23、However, interpolation can be implemented by re-dividing each quadrant to make the diagonal ellipse arc locus in each part monotonic function.但是,可以重新划分各个部分,让斜椭圆弧轨迹在各个部分中是单调函数,从而完成插补。

24、Therefore, you should almost certainly not use this jumper; instead, use your Linux partitioning software to create properly aligned partitions.因此,您几乎可以肯定不能 使用该跳线;二是使用您的 Linux 分区软件创建合理对齐的分区。

25、We extend our capabilities through partnerships with a network of reliable local companies in distribution, software and product referencing.我们与许多可靠的当地分销公司、软件和产品检索公司结成伙伴关系,并以此扩展了我们自己的能力。

英文句子26:,26、This speeds up time to value and simplifies software development, distribution, and management.这可以缩短实现价值的时间,简化软件的开发、分发和管理。

27、After completion of delivery process, the remaining securities or funds may be deducted.在交收程序完成后,对于剩余部分可以扣划。

28、Thus we will not distribute software that is licensed "freely for non-commercial use".所以我们不以这样的许可证分发软件 – 不许用于商业用途。

29、The software component concept can be decomposed into what this article calls coarse-grained components and fine-grained components.可以将软件组件概念分解为本文所称的粗粒度组件 和细粒度组件。

30、To do this, designers can not only cluster cells considering logic dependency but also partition them aiming at min-cut.这样不仅可以使划分能够考虑电路本身的逻辑依赖,而且可以得到很好的“最小割”划分结果。

31、Tea tree oil is a naturally therapeutic skin conditioner that will leave skin unbelievably soft.茶树油是一种自然的可以治疗皮肤的调节成分, 会使皮肤变得柔软。

32、We can say on nowise the ground, the social every vocation is already inseparable with software.我们可以毫不夸张地说,社会各行各业都与软件已经密不可分。

33、Experiments show that compared with the current automatic hardware-software partitioning methods, the proposed algorithm can reduce 25% of the programs' execution time on the average.实验结果表明,相对于现有软硬件自动划分方法,该算法可以平均减少25%左右的程序执行时间。

34、With this solution, software development teams can manage change and configuration across distributed geographies.有了该方案,软件开发团队就可以管理不同分布地理范围内的变更与配置。

35、SEVERABILITY . These terms and conditions shall be deemed severable.可分割性。本条件与条款应被认为是可以分割的。

36、Fortunately a number of software tools are now available which can take the guesswork out the planning for secure and reliable wireless applications says Martin Kunz.幸运的是,目前已经出现了为数不少的软件辅助工具,可以帮助专业人员去掉规划中的臆测部分,从而提供既安全又可靠的无线网络应用。

37、ROADM enables the configuration of drop, add and express wavelengths at remote nodes via software control.可重构光分插复用(ROADM)设备可以通过软件实现远程节点上、下路和直通波长的配置。

38、Under the condition of undesirable lighting, one can adjust the graduation lighting on the panel 在照明不理想的条件下,可调整面板5上的分划照明,使分划的亮度与视场亮度相匹配。

5 to make graduated luminance match with the field luminance.

39、In order to save the cost of software rejuvenation and improve software availability and reliability further, the rejuvenation granularity should be improved to the process-level.执行细粒度的进程级软件抗衰,可以进一步降低抗衰成本,提高软件可靠性。

40、Energy science can be divided into hard energy science(HES) and soft energy science(SES) .能源科学可以划分为能源硬科学与能源软科学两大类。

41、The new plugin is just one part of a larger strategy by Zoho to integrate with Microsoft, in the hopes that they can encourage converts to their SaaS products.这一新插件只是Zoho整合微软的大战略中的一个组成部分,Zoho这样做是希望此举可以鼓励更多的人转换到Zoho的SaaS(软件即服务)产品上来。

42、As such, software platforms are optimised for flexibility and sharing of development costs when building products based on the same technology foundations.所以软件平台一般会对灵活性进行优化,对于在同样技术基础上进行开发的产品可以分担开发成本。

43、You can share the vision of the organizationand the department with your team members.你可以和你的团队成员分享公司组织和部门的规划愿景。

44、Refer to IBM trial software in the Resources section to download trial versions of these products.在 参考资料 部分中的 IBM 试用软件 中,可以下载这些产品的试用版本。

45、The schema file is divided into sections which begin with a heading in square brackets.架构文件被划分为很多部分,每个部分都以一个位于方括号中的标题开头。

46、Written by Nate Eldredge, the YAMD package finds dynamic, memory allocation related problems in C and C++.YAMD 软件包由 Nate Eldredge 编写,可以查找 C 和 C++ 中动态的、与内存分配有关的问题。

47、The supporting corporate configuration management backbone becomes the vehicle for a software delivery chain, staging deliverables into solution integration, test, and delivery.支持的公司配置管理中枢成为软件交付链的运载体,将可交付件分阶段为解决方案集成、测试和交付。

48、For instance, divide a main folder into subfolders for customers, vendors, and co-workers.例如:可以将文件夹分成“顾客”、“卖方”和“同事”三个子文件夹。

49、Horizontal lines also divide the space.横线还可以划分空间。

50、Having a substantial portion of your testing software already in proven configurations makes the work that much easier.在公认的配置中包含足够部分的您的测试软件可以使工作更加容易。

经典英文句子51:可以划分成分的软件,51、Based on the 3D rock cracking imaging, obtained the conclusions: key stratum can be classified according to the special attribution of the microseismic cracking events.根据岩体在三维空间的破裂成像,得出:可以依据微震破裂事件的空间分布对关键层进行划分;

52、An OSPF network can be broken up into smaller networks.一个OSPF 网络可以被划分成更小的网络。

53、In addition, the event and processes in this diagram are plotted against the part of the organization where the event happens or the process takes place.另外,在图中,事件或过程被单独划分出来以区分位于事件或过程发生位置上的组织部分。

54、This means that for them time is scheduled and compartmentalized so that people can concentrate on one thing at a time .这就意味着时间是可以筹划和分割的,这样,他们才可以在一段时间内专注于一件事情。

55、In software, variable step strategy and actual differential PID are applied to meet the need of above two closed-loop controls.软件上,分别使用了可变步长策略和实际微分PID算法,以满足上述两个闭环控制的需要。

56、What follows is a kind of appendix, sharing what I have learned from the Toyota Production System (TPS) and found applicable to software development.以下内容相当于附录,我在这一部分分享从TPS中学到,并发现可以适用于软件开发的知识。

57、Nowthere are two kinds of products in the software market:one is custom-built software for certain cusˉtoms, while the other is general software facing all consumers.软件产品可以分为两类一类是为特定用户的某些需求开发生产的定制化软件,另一种是面向众多消费者的某些需求开发的通用软件。

58、Refer to articles in the resources section below, and the online help in the software, for more details.您还可以参考下面资源部分中所列的文章,以及软件的在线帮助部分,以得到更多的信息。

59、Many collaboration tools, such as Wikis, blogging and groupware are excellent tools to allow people to openly express opinions, resolve and document differences if a consensus cannot be reached.许多协作工具,如 Wikis、博客工具和群组软件都是十分优秀的工具,如果出现不能达成一致的情况,人们可以使用这些工具软件公开发表观点,处理差异并加以记录。

60、Web page can be segmented into multiple blocks and the importance of blocks in a Web page for classification is not equivalent, which can be utilized to improve the quality of Web-page classification.但网页可以划分成不同的块,对分类而言每个块的重要度是不同的,可以利用分块的重要度提高网页分类的质量。

61、So a special software is made in Matlab language. In this software the finite difference method and Object-orientated technology has been used.针对以上问题,本文以MATLAB软件为开发平台,以有限差分法为计算方法,应用面向对象编程技术,编写了专用可视化仿真软件。

62、Fractionating the conditioned medium first by solubility revealed that its tumor suppressive activity could be divided into a morphogenic insoluble fraction and a cytotoxic soluble fraction.首先按照溶解度对条件培养基进行分级,结果显示其肿瘤抑制活动能够划分为细胞形成不可溶部分与细胞毒性可溶部分。

63、Originally, the membership was supposed to include the entire spectrum of software, hardware and telecommunications firms along with Internet companies.最开始,成员范围计划包括软件、硬件、通讯企业以及互联网公司在内的整个范围。

64、For consumers, the cloud also means that software can be delivered and used through the internet, which threatens to disrupt desktop software incumbents like Microsoft.对于消费者,云也意味着软件可以通过因特网分发和使用,这威胁到了桌面软件提供商——例如微软。

65、Using this method of successive division, you can turn your design into components.按照这种连续的划分方法,可以将设计转换为组件。

66、However, you can modularize the content by breaking the file up into three or more parts.不过,通过将文件分解成三部分或者更多部分,可以将内容模块化。

67、Like trading software, most charting software offers a demonstration version, so that you can test the software before you decide if it is the charting software that you want to use.和交易软件一样,绝大部分绘图软件也提供演示版本,你也可以在决定是否是你想用的软件前使用演示版。

68、With block storage, a file is divided into blocks, and the blocks are dispersed among the drives.有了块存储之后,文件可以被划分为块并分布到不同的驱动器中。

69、Part 第

4 (this tutorial) describes packaging your software assets for reuse.

4 部分 描述包装您的软件资源,以便于可重用。

70、At the end of every software development phase, such as SRS and LLD, we should re-estimate our software size and adjust our project plan.在每一个软件开发阶段的结束,正如SRS和LLD,我们可以重新评估软件的规模并调整我们的项目计划。

71、Research on trusted software is one of the branches of trusted computing.软件可信性研究是可信计算的一个分支。

72、Consider modularizing your software to isolate and centralize important functions考虑模块化你的软件,以分离和集中重要模块。

73、Bone marrow stromal stem cells isolated from bone marrow are the special mesenchymal stem cells, which can be differentiated in culture into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes, and even myoblasts.骨髓基质干细胞是一种由骨髓中分离获得的具有多种分化潜能的间质干细胞。在体外培养条件下,它可以分化为成骨细胞、 软骨细胞、 脂肪细胞、甚至于成肌细胞。

74、To generate the recording file for 60 minutes, -R option can be used.要生成 60 分钟的记录文件,可以使用 -R 选项。

75、From the beginning, we've designed our products around the concept of less software. Whenever possible, we chop up hard problems into easy ones.从一开始,我们设计产品就围绕着精简软件这一概念.只要有可能,我们就把难题分解成简单的部分.

英文句子模板76:Software that can divide components,76、For all the transactional RPCs, you can use either container-managed transaction demarcation or component-managed transaction demarcation.对于所有事务的 RPC,您可以使用容器管理的事务划分或者组件管理的事务划分。

77、It can enumerate product names and vulnerabilities, including software flaws and configuration problems, identify the presence of vulnerabilities and assign severity scores to software flaws.它可以列举产品名称和脆弱性,包括软件的漏洞和配置问题,找出存在的漏洞,并分配软件缺陷严重分值。

78、The project management plan can be either summary level or detailed, and can be composed of one or more subsidiary plans and other components.项目管理计划详略均可,可由一个或多个部分计划,以及其他事项组成。

79、The program can form bibliographies of various styles, create digests and other types of reports, and export HTML to PDF and MHT.该软件可以形成各种不同的参考风格,创建分类和其它类型的报表,以及导出为PDF 和MHT 格式。



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