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关于”四个单词的短句“的英语句子20个,句子主体:a short sentence of four words。以下是关于四个单词的短句的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:a short sentence of four words

What might be the repercussions of this word, or that sentence?

1、这个词用在这里会是什么后果? 那句话呢?


2、My daughter learned ten new words in lesson 143 when she finished her homework this evening.


3、It also allows us to take a word of a given category and form a new homophonous word of a different category.

然而最近的研究发现, 自然话语中的90%是由那些处于单词和短语之间的半固定的词块来实现的。

4、However, recent studies have found that 90% of spontaneous speech is to achieve through the semi-fixed chunks which exist between words and phrases.


5、When my daughter finished remembering the left ten new words in lesson 143, it was almost half past eleven.

6、或者 have a good apitite(这个单词你自己查,意思是 胃口)


7、The letters spelled a rather rude word.


8、So we agreed with that she learned only three new words and four conversations in lesson 106 tonight.


9、The single word gloss was usually interlined.


10、In modern life nothing produces such an effect as a good platitude. It makes the whole world kin.


11、The instructions said: Look at the word, try to visualize it (see "tree;" imagine "tree") and then go on to the next word.


12、Meanwhile, we should divide the semantic characteristic of monosyllable verbs which have been included in studys scope into four groups, and consider some special conditions.

这个词用在这里会是什么后果? 那句话呢?

13、What might be the repercussions of this word, or that sentence?


14、Four sentences later, Joyce refers to a general leaning on his spear—that is, a sharp weapon with a triangular head.

人们通常所说的“范围副词” ,应分属于四个不同的副词次类。

15、Adverbs of sphere", as they are often called, should go to four different adverb sub-classes."


16、The element iterates from

1 to the number of words in the word list.

1 开始,遍历单词列表中的每个词。


17、A third group clenched their right fist ahead of memorising and their left ahead of recall and a fourth did the reverse.

18、我不知道该怎么发这几个单词的音 I don't know how to pronounce there words。


19、A brief tutorial on parsing and lexing is in order.


20、A lot of the dictionaries I looked at don’t even include the word hobbit.

21、Four units are arranged in the plate antenna in square array of top-left, top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right.平板天线内部分为四个单 元,四个单元分左上、右上、左下、右下的方形排列。

22、You might want to add emphasis to a word or phrase that is hyperlinked to another Web document.您可能希望强调某些链接到其他 Web 文档的单词或短语。

23、acronym for "Thank God Its Almost Friday", word is only usually used on thursday.该词为“谢天谢地就要周五喽”这几个词的首字缩写词,通常也就在星期四那天才说。

24、He curtailed his speech.他缩短了他的演说词。

25、' New words and expressions 生词和短语 pub n. 小酒店 landlord n. 店主 bill n. 帐单 参考译文 我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。

英文句子26:,26、Ginger is one of the first words she learned.“姜”是她学会的第一个单词。

27、Its energetic word-building ability is used to create new words whose majorities are four-character noun phrases in the structure of modification.其构词能力非常强,不断地被用来创造新词或临时性造词,而且其构成的新词多是偏正结构的名词性四字短语。

28、Choose from the given choices the correct one that has the closest meaning to the underlined( italicized ) word or phrase and write the corresponding letter in the brackets.在下列每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个与划线(斜体)单词或词组含义最相近的答案,并将其字母标号填入括号中。

29、A quad amplifier contains four identical circuit units.一台四元组放大器包含四个恒等电路单元。

30、Click on a letter to look up words, phrases and concepts that use references from Foucault, Burke, Frye and others as definitions.A Glossary of the Humanities:点击一个字母可以查询引用傅科,柏克,弗赖伊等人的单词,短语和概念。

31、Unlike speaking to another person, a computer cannot draw on experiences and extrapolate inferences and hints for words and phrases it does not explicitly recognize.与和另一个人谈话不同,计算机无法吸取经验、无法推断它不能明确识别的单词或短语的言外之意。

32、Neil: But it can also be used as a noun. A wind-up.这个短语还可以变成一个名词 a wind-up.

33、Except the introduction and conclusion, text into four chapters:The first chapter of the book for the verb predicate sentences.除了绪论和结语以外,正文分为四章:第一章《尚书·周书》的动词性谓语句。

34、与和另一个人谈话不同,计算机无法吸取经验、无法推断它不能明确识别的单词或短语的言外之意。Unlike speaking to another person, a computer cannot draw on experiences and extrapolate inferences and hints for words and phrases it does not explicitly recognize.

35、Ideally, each phrase you're trying to optimize your page for should make up 1-7% of the text on the page, which should contain 250-700 words.网页中,在文本内容包含250-700单词的情况下,每一个关键短语应该占据文本内容的1%-7%。

36、He has got two small eyes, two little ears and four short legs.他有两只小眼睛,两个小耳朵和四个短腿。

37、A term is a word or phrase that can be used to classify and group objects in the metadata repository.术语是用来对元数据存储库中的对象进行分类和分组的单词或短语。

38、The most selfish one-letter word is "I".最自私的一个字母的单词是:“I”(我)。

39、Write a memo in about 50 words.写一份50个单词左右的备忘录。

40、It has aw ord you may not know.它包含有一个你不懂的单词。

41、What if you need to replace one word with another, or a series of spaces and tabs with a single space?如果您需要将一个单词替换为另一个单词,或将连续的空格和制表符替换为一个空格,那又应该怎么办呢?

42、With the "four abilities" of skillfully using about 1000 words and phrases upon graduation, the students don't have to read and write at the first Stages.虽然到小学毕业时必定能够达到掌握大约1000个单词及短语,并形成“四会”的能力,但在小学低年级阶段却暂时不要求阅读和书写。

43、A Glossary of the Humanities: Click on a letter to look up words, phrases and concepts that use references from Foucault, Burke, Frye and others as definitions.A Glossary of the Humanities:点击一个字母可以查询引用傅科,柏克,弗赖伊等人的单词,短语和概念。

44、This word is too long and can be cut back in use.这个词太长,在使用时可将其缩短。

45、Finally, make the classification tables of the sinogram and English words.第四步,列出图表(见会意字、英语单词组合方式、意指方式归类表)。

46、" And "Si Ku of Summary of" Volume 200, stating that his words "are often lost in shallow, more than words in particular, Minato-Park.与《四库总目提要》卷200,谓其词“往往失之浅俗,字句尤多凑泊”。

47、The word dates back to the 1600s.这个单词可以追溯到17世纪。

48、Read the short passage on Page 80 and look up the new words in your dictionaries. Retell the story briefly.读80页上的短文,在词典中查找生词,并简要复述这个故事。

49、What is the longest word in the English?在英文中哪一个单词是最长的?

50、The same one word may have more than one meaning. This is what we call polysemy , and such a word is called a polysemic word.同一个单词可能有一个以上的意义,这就是我们所说的一词多义,这样的词叫多义词。

经典英文句子51:四个单词的短句,51、They learn the Latin root later, or side, and construct such English words as bilateral and quadrilateral.他们又学了拉丁词根later(意思是“边”),并且组成了英语单词bilateral(双边的)和 quadrilateral(四边的)。

52、Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?为什么“缩写”是这么长的一个单词?

53、Chapter IV, Linying morphological features of dialect words.第四章,临颍方言词汇的构词特点。

54、Speaking with some of the verb infinitive phrase as object complement, when saved to, one tactic is: a sense so that the four two three watch.在谈到与一些动词不定式短语作为对象补充,当储存到,一个策略是:从某种意义上使四个两三个观赏。

55、Make a habit of keeping an eye of the financial sector and jotting down words or phrases you don't understand or conclusions you find hard to swallow.养成一个好习惯——关注金融部门并记下你不理解的单词或语句,或记下很难消化的结论部分。

56、Well, here's one that beats Disney. Sam found it in the Oxford English Dictionary. Their longest non-technical word is这里有一个词可以打败迪斯尼的那个。萨姆在牛津英语词典中找到了它,最长的非专业名词的单词是

57、Ten months on he trimmed four full seconds from his time.时隔十个月,他的成绩整整缩短了四秒。

58、“The four most expensive words in the English language are, ‘This time it’s different.’” -Sir John Templeton英文中最珍贵的四个单词是‘这一次不一样(This time it's different)’

59、Four powerful little words: learn, try, stay and care.四个强大的小词:学习,尝试,住宿和照顾。

60、She practiced playing the flute and reviewed the new words in lesson 94 this afternoon.下午,她练习了吹长笛,并且复习了第九十四课的新单词。

61、During the Norman occupation, about 在诺曼人统治期间,约有10000个法语单词被英文采用,其中约四分之三至今仍在使用。

10, 000 French words were adopted into English, some three-fourths of which are still in use today.

62、The wife say:The your unit person is also too many, every month light get married of have 45-exaggerative its phrase.老婆说:你们单位人也太多了,每个月光结婚的就有四五位——夸大其词。

63、A listener—Heather—asked me about yacht saying it was spelled strangely.一个名叫希瑟的听众曾向我询问单词yacht,并说这个词的拼写怪怪的。

64、What does this string of words really mean?这个 “单词串” 的真实含义是什么呢?

65、If you instead use GetString, same thing: blinking cursor, the function is just going to wait for the user to type a word, a sentence or whatever, and then hit Enter.如果你用GetSring来代替它,同样的:闪烁光标,那个函数只是等待用户来,输入一个单词,一个句子什么的,然后敲回车。

66、A can of lager or a standard (175ml) glass of wine contains two units, so this would set the upper limit at four glasses of wine or four cans of lager.一大罐或是175ml的葡萄酒差不多是两个单位,换句话说,四杯或是四罐葡萄酒就是上限了。

67、Economists were unimpressed by the Bank's need to clarify last Thursday's 91-word statement.英国央行有必要阐明上周四仅有91个词的简短声明,分析师对这点颇有微辞.

68、"Clock, " he says.“clock ”他说,这是他的第一个单词,还少发了“l”的音。

69、Let's see which group can write out the most phrases. One phrase, one point. Now let's start.学生四人一组, 列出已学过的动词短语, 看哪一小组写得最多。

70、As most phones allow up to 160 characters per message, it would take five years and six months to text all 根据调查,大多数手机单条短信允许输入的最大字数为160个单词,按此计算,xx年半的时间即可打完托尔斯泰的名著。

3, 197, 779 characters of Tolstoy's most famous work, according to the research.

71、So my daughter learned all the new words in lesson 104 this afternoon.所以我女儿今天下午学习了第一百零四课的全部新单词。

72、Trousers probably derived from the words trousers-- drawers, trousses--trunk hose, and/or trousse--to cover, truss.单词trousers可能源自trunk hose(宽松短罩裤)和/或trousse(覆盖、捆束)。

73、The fourth part:Study on the formation of the reasons of monosyllabic adjective synonymous relationship of ancient Chinese.第四部分,以《左传》为例,对上古汉语单音节同义形容词形成的原理进行了初步的探析,总结出四种主要成因。

74、All you have to do to win is unscramble the words here to find four names of birds.只要你能从这些单词中找到四种鸟的名称你就赢了。

75、With the girl at the reservation desk show the word "tiki" same girls now dressed in shorts and bikini tops handing over $.随着女孩在预订处显示单词“蒂基”现在穿着短裤和比基尼上衣穿着多美元交给同一个女生。

英文句子模板76:a short sentence of four words,76、a word that implied the German word for “jewelry” for a jeweler, or “apartment” for a rental office.例如,对珠宝商而言,就是(德语中的)“珠宝”这个单词,对出租房屋的公司来说就是“公寓”这个单词。

77、As a new brand, Home of Hailan has accomplished so splendid achievements in a relatively short time.“海澜之家”作为一个新生的民营品牌,在短短xx年间达速成长。


标签: 英文 单词 短句

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