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关于”关爱老人“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Caring for the elderly。以下是关于关爱老人的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Caring for the elderly


1、WHO’s Age-friendly Cities programme gives them something tangible as a way to address these trends.


2、As one netizen commented, elderly people offering their seats to the young shows caring and understanding in society.


3、Our boss always finds fault with other's work.


4、Feder IX King approachable , affable, and the people of Denmark have a harmonious relationship, the love of the people.


5、The programme team has been contacted by many additional cities that are now initiating age-friendly city projects, such as Donostia-San Sebastian in Spain and Berne in Switzerland.


6、We should love animals and care about others.


7、Respect the elders, love juniors , save all with mercy, care for others.

8、Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀。


9、Our boss always finds fault with other’s work.


10、And what about Fiona?She loves the Old!


11、Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.


12、And the object of the love does not matter: it can be a woman, a dog or a stump of an old tree.


13、The carline is fond of prying into others's things.


14、Teachers, fellow students, let us join hands, more care life, pay more attention to fire safety, wish everyone's mind is filled with love, love ourselves, love our family, fire safety, start from me!


15、The teacher has won the love and esteem of his (or her) students.

Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. 对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀。



17、He ran all the way, this pair of eyes let he lost human care, became a rat crossing the street.


18、Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.


19、The young man was much given to daydreaming.


20、Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.

21、Grumpy old sound man needs love, too. - Lennie Rosengard.脾气暴躁的老人,虽然身体健康,但也需要别人的关爱。

22、The devotion of the aged couple is inspiring.老人的挚爱是催人奋进的。

23、And so began his lifelong interest and love of China.于是,老杜对中国长达一生的关心和热爱开始萌芽。

24、We all need love, life little also not to care, others to give us the love, that we should be more to care for others, so that the world is full of love!我们每个人都需要关爱,生活上也少不了关爱,别人给予我们关爱,那我们更应该去关心爱护他人,这样世界上才会充满 满——爱!

25、There is also a love relationship with Aurelius and Fronto, one between a twenty-four and a forty-year old man.马苦士跟佛朗图也有相爱的关系,xx岁跟xx岁老年的相爱关系。

英文句子26:,26、Men grow too old to woo, my love.人老了,忘了如何求欢,我的爱。

27、The theme of this month donation activity is "care for the old, plant Cornel everywhere". Donation boxes have been placed in every shop of our campus.爱心基金部已在校内各大商店摆放“关爱老人,遍插茱萸”主题月捐盒。

28、During the decade, the purpose of Jinjing: "love life, protect health" for the old customers with excellent service.xx年来金晶人以“关爱生命,呵护健康”为宗旨,竭诚为新老客户提供完善的服务。

29、I am a single man, having no wo -man.我是个黄老五, 没有爱人。

30、Originally, the old woman was an out-and-out flower-lover.原来,老人是一个地地道道的爱花人。

31、Your woman is old, man and love.令女人老去的,是男人和爱情。

32、No, my dear,'said the old woman.“不,亲爱的,”那个年老的妇人说。

33、Sexuality is part of being human. Love, affection and intimacy all play a role in healthy relationships from childhood through old age.性是人类的一部分,从童年到老年,爱情、喜爱和亲密感在健康的情侣关系中都发挥着重要作用。

34、The old man is a patriotic overseas Chinese.这位老人是一位爱国华侨。

35、Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while lovings\omeone deeply gives you courage. – Lao-Tzu.被一个人深爱会给予你力量,而爱一个人会给你勇气。——老子。

36、An old man lived alone in Idaho.一个单身老人孤独的住在爱达华州。

37、Why are you always glowering at people?你怎么老爱跟人瞪眼?。

38、Chinese population is aging quickly. Kindness & Wisdom Foundation takes the duty to care for seniors who live by themselves, sending them warmth and accompany.针对目前趋于老龄化的社会形势,慈慧也将责无旁贷地为独居、孤寡老人送去一份关爱和帮助。

39、The old lady tenderly cherished her dog.老妇人十分爱她的狗。

40、Mrs. Sun Huiguo was one of the Guan Ai teachers responsible for organizing the event.孙会果老师是关爱小学负责组织这次家长会的老师之

41、Everyone should respect the elderly and care for the young.每个人都应该做到尊老爱幼。

42、Development of the market centering on the old-age consumption becomes an integrate part of the perfect market structure and economy benefit.开发老年人消费市场,已成为完善市场结构、提高经济效益不可缺少的内容,是关爱老年人与构建和谐社会内容的重要组成部分。

43、Loves a prolonged illness's person, is the destiny.爱一个老病的人,是命运。

44、Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. 对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀

45、Following the meeting, a guide and checklist were produced for cities to use to assess their “age friendliness”.会后编写了一份指南和核对表,供各城市评估其“关爱老人”程度。

46、Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. 对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀

47、Her boss is a skinflint.她老板是个爱财如命的人。

48、For love? What antediluvian notions you have! Can one talk of love in these days?爱?多么古老的字眼!现在还有人谈论爱情吗?

49、The traditional virtue of Chinese people of respecting the old and maintaining a harmonious family relationship should be carried forward.应发扬尊老爱老的传统美德,保持良好和谐的家庭关系。

50、The querulous old man refused to be put on the shelf.那个爱抱怨的老人不肯让人撇在一边。

经典英文句子51:关爱老人,51、 Here I got the teacher's trust, Guan Aiduan students(在这里我收获了老师的信赖,同学的关爱)。

52、The hope can with another half mutually admire, mutually cared about.希望能够和另一半互相爱慕,互相关心,白头偕老。

53、I just want to take this has nothing to do with anyone any love, go to a man of the earth.我只想带着这与任何人任何事无关的爱情,走去一个人的天荒地老。


标签: 老人

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