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1、State-owned commercial banks refer to China Industrial and Commercial Bank, China Agricultural Bank, the Bank of China, China Construction Bank.


2、Doyou like Chinese culture? Do you like Chinese traditional food or panda orscenery?


3、The brand new TEC centre-China World Centre is located in China World Office Tower

1 in the complex of China World Trade Centre.


4、We call people from China, Chinese. This is their nationality.


5、Jun Dong, East China Normal University, China.


6、There is a joke in China-- "What is the national bird?"

7、 LqJ中国英语学习网 中国农历是以月亮为根基LqJ中国英语学习网 The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the moon。


8、These are the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, the Bank of Communications and the Postal Savings Bank of China.


9、From the perspective of domestic politics, bailing out EU countries with Chinese money is hard for the Chinese people to accept.


10、Chinese discourse in the study of Manyoshu Tanka Collection refers to the research of the relationships between Manyaoshyo studies and China, the Chinese culture, and the Chinese literature.


11、China's number one ally has been a united China and its number one enemy has been a China divided by warlords.


12、Four, after several stages of reform, there are now China Unicom, China Railcom, China Telecom, China Netcom, China Mobile and China Satellite, the six main players.


13、Liu Xiaoming, the Chinese ambassador to Britain, said: “Pandas are a Chinese national treasure.


14、Four kinds of "Slater's Crimson China" "Parson's Pink China" "Humu's Tea-secnted China" and "Park's Tea-scented China" were successive and were introduced to Europe from China and India.


15、England trades with China.


16、[The River-Retrospective Exhibition of Oil Paintings in New China] National Art Museum of China Beijing;


17、Young Chinese, Chinese youth of responsibility.


18、The country contains a massive population that is still in the process of entering the global middle class.

19、I prefer Chinese dishes for they are dainty. (强调宁可选择)


20、South Korea, China and UK are all running at above-target inflation bands.

21、I-checking in China is which involves improving China.中国的投行是鞭策中国增进。

22、Lardner, Hillary Institute, PRNewswire, The Economic Club of China.希拉里协会,美通社(中国),中国国际经济俱乐部。

23、" In it French quotes a Chinese student writing to his Western professor: "How can Chinese people and Chinese media make the foreign world understand the real China?弗兰奇引用一位中国学生写给西方教授的话:“中国人和中国媒体如何能让外国了解真正的中国?”

24、Four state-owned commercial banks, including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, are principal part of banking in China.四大国有商业银行,包括中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国银行和中国建设银行,一直以来是我国银行业的主体。

25、The top 本届"最佳雇主TOP10"分别为:中国移动、阿里巴巴、海尔、微软中国、中国银行、谷歌、联想集团、宝洁、中国工商银行和中国电信。

10 employers are China Mobile, Alibaba, Haier, Microsoft China, Bank of China, Google, Lenovo, P&G, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and China Telecom.

英文句子26:,26、S. and Israel, whose drones are unrivaled in the world today, and could worry China's neighbors, many of which have territorial disputes with China in the East and South China Seas.另外,中国无人机可能还会让中国的邻国担忧,很多邻国与中国就东中国海和南中国海都有领土之争。

27、You must go give the apologize to china and chinese pepole.们入侵中国领事馆,们必需给中国和中国告罪。

28、Air China, the country's Beijing-based flag carrier, is financially the strongest of China's three largest state-run airlines.总部位于北京的中国国航是中国挂旗航空公司,也是中国三家国有大型航空公司中经济实力最强的。

29、Long live china , Bravo China ! ! ! !中国万岁。为中国喝彩!

30、The Chinese market was led down by China Mobile and China Life.中国市场表现受权重股如“中国移动”和“中国人寿”带动。

31、Our country in 2001 are north-south split, constituted the China Telecom, China Netcom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Railcom with China satellite communications market pattern.我国于是在xx年进行南北拆分,构成了中国电信、中国网通、中国移动、中国联通、中国铁通加中国卫星通讯的市场格局。

32、Taiwan's investments are greatly appreciated. But China! That becomes mesmerizing, not to say hallucinating .然而「中国、中国、中国」已经慢慢开始催眠并使人开始产生幻觉。

33、Chinese tea art: China is the homeland of tea.中国茶艺:中国是茶叶的故乡。

34、Today's Chinese Art Exhibition, China World Art Museum, Beijing, China;今日中国美术展中华世纪坛北京中国;

35、中国功夫 chinese kungfu 我喜欢中国功夫. I like chinese kungfu.

36、The shares of China Telecom, China Unicom and China Netcom were suspended, and those of China Mobile fell in value by 10%, or $31 billion.中国电信,中国联通,中国网通的股票被停牌,中国移动的股票跌去10%——折合310亿港币。

37、China is the home of tea while tea is China's national drink.中国是茶的故乡,茶是中国的国饮。

38、The other 其它三席被中国石油、中国石化和中国神华占据。

3 most profitable companies are PetroChina, Sinopec and China Shenhua Energy.

39、China's soccer team, by contrast, is a perennial disappointment.相比较而言,中国国足却叫中国人连年失望。

40、Since the beginning of creation, CHIC organizers put the "guiding China's progress in the apparel industry, promote the development of Chinese clothing brand" as the exhibition purposes.中国国际服装服饰博览会(CHIC)由中国服装协会,中国国际贸易中心有限公司和中国纺织行业国际贸易促进委员会共同主办的分支。

41、With China telecom, China netcom, China education online three high-speed fiber-optic network.拥有中国电信、中国网通、中国教育网三条高速光纤网络。

42、The evaluation jury created 据介绍,本届中国专利奖将设中国专利金奖及中国专利优秀奖、中国外观设计金奖及中国外观设计优秀奖4个奖项。

4 award categories: Chinese patent gold medal, Chinese design gold medal, Chinese patent award of excellence and Chinese design award of excellence.

43、"En Chine, " the man replies. In China.“中国,”那男子回答。中国。

44、China to evacuate 33,000 from Libya.中国将从利比亚撤退


45、Beijing: China World Trade Exhibition Center北京:中国国际贸易展览中心

46、Trysms lets you chat with China by SMS.中国通,让你和中国短信相通。

47、A Chinese even Chinese rice don't eat, can call Chinese?一个中国人连中国饭都不吃了,能叫中国人吗?

48、The state-owned manufacturer China North Industry Corporation, or Norinco, is one.中国的国有制造企业中国北方工业公司即是其中一例。

49、China Life is China's largest state-owned commercial insurance conglomerate.中国人寿是中国最大的国有商业保险集团。

50、No, they want USDs. They need USDs.中国想要美元,中国需要美元。

经典英文句子51:中国,51、Nanjing International Expo Centre, Jiangsu , China.中国。江苏。 南京国际博览中心。

52、China's top 500 enterprises are the scale-largest 500 ones selected by China Enterprise Union and China Entrepreneur Association.中国企业500强是由中国企业联合会和中国企业家协会共同评选出的中国规模最大的500家企业。

53、Dr. Shanglu Yang, General Motors China Research Center, China.杨上陆博士,通用汽车中国研究中心,中国。

54、Eg:China meets Chinese Taipei.中国对对中国台北对。

55、Phillip Beckman is living in China. He likes China.生活在中国,他喜欢中国。

56、I love Chinese dishes for their delicacy. (强调因其魅力产生的感情)

57、China's existing Il-76s are operated in the civilian colours of China United Airlines, a PLAAF owned entity.中国现有的伊尔-76飞机由带有民用色彩的中国联航运作,中国空军是中国联航的投资主体。

58、Liu Mei is a Chinese girl and China is her homeland.刘梅是个中国姑娘,中国是她的祖国。

59、China Mobile after China Life Insurance, surpassing Bank of China, the first time among the "China's 25 most respected companies, " the top three.中国移动仅次于中国人寿,超越中国银行,首度跻身“中国25家最受尊敬上市公司”前三甲。

60、China's plans are not only a call to rally China's domestic industries overseas. They are a warning for foreign multinationals.中国的计划,不仅是中国是要在海外重振中国国内工业雄风,也对外国跨国公司的一个警示。


标签: 中国 英文

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