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关于”记句型“的英语句子56个,句子主体:remember sentence patterns。以下是关于记句型的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:remember sentence patterns


1、Declare the properties and types of your record.


2、Internal wiring of small-scale electronic equipments such as notebook computer, CDP, DVD, and mini cassettes .


3、A subnotebook is a small and lightweight portable computer, with most of the features of a standard laptop computer but smaller.


4、But we never forgot those words of Mr. Goh's, uttered almost two years ago.


5、Mostly so, more and light. And a: remember the memorable, or you choose?


6、Record bit serial number.


7、But the line I wrote down out of that piece was this.

8、记录=record 会议=meeting 会议记录=meeting minutes. Example, please record the meeting minutes

第一个 else if 语句:另一方面,如果关闭的标记($newTag)与打开标记($openTag)相等,则不会出现错误。

9、First else if statement: Otherwise, if the tag ($newTag) being closed is equal to the open tag ($openTag), then no error results.


10、Remember the saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step?


11、The chop must be in conformity with the specimen retained in issuing bank's file.


12、There's a old saying about those who cannot remember the past being condemned to repeat it. But those of us refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it.


13、Reporter: How do you consider such an ancient motto as "Reading is always beneficial"?


14、Can anyone remember the two types of sets of sentences were?

通过添加两个斜杠标记,输入注释取消 (largestCityPopulationSB == null) 判断语句: //.

15、Enter a comment to negate the if (largestCityPopulationSB == null) statement by adding two forward-slash marks: //.


16、Confabulation is an important type of false memory.

记得总要使用 -Wall 标记来编译程序,并要特别注意缺少原型消息。

17、Always compile with -Wall and especially pay attention to missing prototype messages.

可能是一句无心的戏言,可能是与众不同的心,人群中浮现你的脸----- 一张不记得却也没忘记的脸。

18、May be an unintentional joke, may be out of the ordinary heart, people see you face - a don't remember never forget a face.


19、'Enoch walked with God' is how Genesis describes his life.


20、In fact you might want to start your notes with the following phrase, this is what the seminar is all about.

21、decision models to log decisions made.决策模型用以记录决策制定。

22、We'e giving customers the chance to trade in laptops for handhelds.我们给予顾客用笔记型电脑换购掌上型电脑的机会。

23、With peals of distant ironical laughter at every word I have written.隆隆作响的反讽遥笑我逐字逐句记在心里了去。

24、An easy sentence to remember is, "I'll believe that when pigs can fly."下面这句话很容易记:“猪能飞的时候我就相信。”

25、However, many packaged applications use dynamic SQL statements with parameter markers and therefore the values of these parameter markers are not known.但是许多打包的应用程序使用具有参数标记的动态 SQL 语句,因此,这些参数标记的值是未知的。

英文句子26:,26、The minutes of the last meeting are read out before the meeting starts. 【英语牛人团,

27、It relies on so-called "passphrases, " which are longer but much easier to remember.它依靠所谓的“口令句”,更长一些,但是记起来要容易得多。

28、An optical disc device can record data both on a write once type disc and a rewritable type disc.本发明的光盘装置,对于一次记录型盘以及改写型盘中的任一方都能 够进行数据的记录。

29、The immune memory antibodies of RAIN model are divided into two regions:specific memory antibody and free memory antibody.该模型在结构上将免疫网络的记忆抗体划分为特异记忆抗体区和自由记忆抗体区。

30、Role-based record types enable users to follow a more streamlined CM process.基于角色的记录类型让用户经历更流线型的 CM 过程。

31、A small recording accelerometer in the model furnishes data on its behavior .模型中装有小型加速器用以记录其运动状态的数据。

32、The records in hierarchical databases are organized in a treelike structure, with each level of records branching off into a set of smaller categories.层次型数据库按树型组织记录,每一层的记录分解成更小的属性集。

33、I always forget to add the punctuation at the end of a sentence.我总是忘记在句末加上标点符号。

34、The Work Request record could be a state-based record type with the Unified Change Management (UCM) package applied.工作请求记录类型是一个可以运用统一变更管理(UCM)包的基于状态的记录类型。

35、The latest pearl of Zen wisdom from Phil Jackson: "40 before 还记得禅师的那句话么,“在输20场球前达到40胜”?


36、The mould use LKM standard mould frame. The cavity and core use LKM 2316.模具使用龙记模架,型腔、型芯用龙记2316。

37、I will live with the words, "You must save the saints" in my heart.我会将「你必须拯救先圣先贤」这句话牢记在心。

38、More and more people are forgetting the saying, "Pride comes before a fall."有愈来愈多的人忘记了“骄者必败”这句俗话。

39、M: I always forget to add the punctuation at the end of a sentence.我总是忘记在句末加上标点符号。

40、Safe boxes, fancy clock, mini fans, timers.保险盒,玩具钟,微型风扇,记时器。

41、A general journal can be used to record all types of transactions.普通日记账可以被用来记录所有类型的业务。

42、Zhang Bin always remember, years later he really understand the meaning of this sentence.这话张斌一直记着,多年后他也真的明白了这句话的含义。

43、The experiment done, the students went on to take notes in the experiment report.实验做完了,同学们继续在实有句话这样唱验报告上做记录。

44、Keeping a diary as a student is not the same as a grocery store owner keeping a ledger.例句学生的日记不同于杂货店店主的流水帐。

45、Free text can be plotted using the tag cloud and tree map chart types.可以使用标记云和树型图表类型绘制自由的文本。

46、You said to me every word I will firmly in mind!你对我说的每一句话我都会牢牢的记在心里!

47、Don't remember how to start, just remember in others in the laughter of my haughtiness of paint on words.不记得怎么开始,只记得在别人的笑声中我的傲慢中画上句话。

48、Non-parent mark- er bonds appeared.出现非父母标记带型。

49、In fact you might want to start your notes with the following phrase, this is what the seminar is all about. Write down.如果你们想开始记笔记的话,不妨将下面几句话写下来,这也正是这次讨论会的内容。

50、He has the typical reportorial manner.他有一种典型的记者派头。

经典英文句子51:记句型,51、Disc recording method, disc reproducing apparatus, and disc-shaped recording medium.盘记录方法,盘重放装置,和盘型记录介质。

52、This mood adjunct can mark retorting and assessing mood. These mood adjuncts can be classifies into ranks according to modal word at the end.前者可以标记“反诘”和“揣度”两种语气,通过是否与句末语气词同现,这些标记副词可以分出等级;

53、Modelers sometimes tend to forget that their models are only models.建立科学模型的人有时候就是会容易忘记他们的模型仅仅只是模型。


标签: 英文

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