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1、We have to work this problem out by tomorrow.


2、Power-what one can do.


3、Don't carry your grief to excess.


4、Don't be sad. That is exteremly normal.

5、beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看)


6、Did The Buddha ever sulk Daddy?


7、Describe a situation, perhaps a difficult life situation, when you took some actions to break through and live life at its best?


8、Music wakes sad memories.


9、And those who feel sad for your sadness are your in-to-hearts.


10、I felt sorry for him.


11、The toughest part was the waiting.


12、Mortal always hard, love hate it when.


13、He looked at her sadly.

14、I wish you progress in learning祝你学习进步


15、Suddenly feel heart good sad!

16、beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看)

17、I feel sorry for them. 我为他们感到难过。

18、和朋友道别你很难过You are very sad to say goodbye to a friend


19、Tell me about the most difficult problem you've ever dealt with.


20、Don't be sad. Let bygones be bygones.

21、And then I feel very sorry.听到这个消息我很难过。

22、Should I, after tea and cakes and ices.喝过茶,吃过糕点和冰激淋,难道我就会。

23、Not much to say, two people blink even moves, played inextricably involved.话不多说,眨眼间两人连过数招,打得难解难分。

24、I hope you can get over your difficulties soon.我希望你们能早点度过难关

25、This news cut him up badly.这个消息使他非常难过。

英文句子26:,26、They were devastated.他们很难过。

27、What? Have you never heard about it ? That's unbelievable!什么?难道你从没听说过和田玉?难以置信!

28、Was there ever a genuine dilemma?真的曾有过两难之境吗?

29、Heart good sad! ! ! ! !心里好难过!

30、Nikky: J, never get trouble?你从来没有遇到过困难么?

31、That separation grieves God.这分离使神难过。

32、I feel sad to hear that you are sick.希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!

33、The past is always hard to forget.过去总难忘记。

34、You can't count on Liz to help you when you're in trouble. She's just a fair-weather friend.别指望莉斯会帮你度过难关,她只会同你共安乐却难同你共患难。

35、I feel sad to hear that you are sick. 希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!

36、Harder still is bringing insouciant life to this arduous process.更难的是漫不经心的生活有着艰难的过程。

37、Make your brand name memorable.让品牌名过目难忘。

38、We met with the greatest difficulty imaginable.所有的难题再困难的我们都遇过了。

39、) 或是 I'm so glad I have been through finals week. ,强调已经考完了。

40、The bad news saddened me.我得知这个消息后很难过。

41、I am sorry for Gouzai team!我为狗崽队难过!

42、离开了你 日子真难过 Days without you are really hard.

43、I was very sad to see that.我很难过地看到。

44、They are all upset.他们都很难过。

45、It‘s a pain in the neck.那真是难过的事。

46、Let me really very sad.让我好难过。

47、Janet Evanovich: For me it's definitely 珍妮特·伊万诺维奇∶对我来说,最难的肯定是过渡,我觉得过渡真的很难。

5)transition, I find the transition to be very difficult.

48、Life frustration, is the rainbow after the storm; life is suffering, there is sunshine after rain the sky looks blue.人生难免经受挫折,风雨过后就是彩虹;生活难免遭受苦难,雨过天晴终有阳光。

49、300 puzzles over 300超过6个噩梦般的困难的难题。

6 nightmarish difficulties.

50、That day, there was a rarity on the boulevard, a passer-by.这天,路上恰巧有个难逢难遇的过路人。

经典英文句子51:难过,51、I heard you were ill, I am very sadI wish you progress in learning祝你学习进步

52、He shook his head sadly.他难过地摇摇头。

53、don't carry your grief to excess. 听到这事我很难过。

54、Do you have any difficulties in teaching students?在教学过程中,你遇到过什么困难吗?

55、Comparing to songs, pure music is much more difficult to search.不过和找歌相比,找一首音乐更是难上加难。

56、If you wanna impress me.如果你想要我过目难忘。

57、 我听说你最近生病了我很难过 having heard you are ill, i am sad.

58、I heard you were ill, I am very sad I wish you progress in learning祝你学习进步

59、离开了你 日子真难过 A day is a year without you.

60、.. 苦难定会过去, And strength you will gain. 。

61、I am not sad that you leave, just sad a dialogue.我不是难过你的离开,只是难过一个人对白。

62、例如你写了一个程序,但你不知道能不能成功地执行,你就可以说I don't know if this program is gonna work out. (我不知道这个程序会不会成功)。

63、Heart, or cannot manage sad?心,还是管不住的难过?

64、We wormed our way through the crowd .我们困难地挤过人群。

65、I am so sorry, my love. Jon Arryn is dead.亲爱的,我很难过,琼恩•艾林过世了。

66、You never know till you have tried. 事非经过不知难。

67、Don't carry your grief to excess. 听到这事我很难过。

68、Don, t be sorry I understand.别难过,我可以理解。

69、He broods over past grievances.他在沉思过去的苦难。

70、This news is really upsetting.这个消息真令人难过。

71、I am not sad that you leave, just sad a dialogue. 我不是难过你的离开,只是难过一个人对白。

72、The sage monk has suffered eighty ordeals, one trial short of this number.圣僧受过八十难,还少一难,不得完成此数。



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