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关于”表达心情“的英语句子37个,句子主体:express mood。以下是关于表达心情的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:express mood


1、And in its rhythm and the symmetry of its delivery, it perfectly captured the mood of an epic moment in history.


2、That then provides us the courage to express our true thoughts and feelings, without the fear of being judged.

后半的一会儿,我们心启动大约风景用言辞表达, 并且我们再次知道我们的感情和想法。

3、A little while latter, our mind starts verbalizing about the landscape, and we become again aware of our feelings and thoughts.


4、it is no use crying over spilt milk


5、With fixed forms, modal deixis has forward and back orientations, by which the psychological distance of the speaker can be expressed. It can be divided by its orientation and expression angle.


6、At one time or other, someone has probably told you “it’s written all over your face.” That’s because your emotions can influence your expressions.


7、Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know that others care and sympathize today.


8、My music is a mix of all those things, and it expresses what I feel - like my paintings or comic books do - by sharing that emotion of happiness, anger, or exciting feelings with the listeners.


9、Pick a bouquet of flower; show someone that you care.


10、We can look ahead into the new biennium with confidence, hope and resilience.


11、Conclusion (

1)The phenotype of myocardial cell had altered, the rate of PCNA positive expression was directly proportional to the areas of myocardium fibrosis.



12、Using immunohistochemical SP method to observe the expression of BRCA1.


13、This is because poetry is, in the first instance, carefully contrived to express exactly what the poet wants to say.


14、Because growing up, so get good at expressing feelings, it is gratifying that we had been on the minds of the rhetoric behind the rankings is gone.


15、But I could not express my innermost feeling to you, I am scared for any words to leak my mind.


16、The third occasion where defining contracts using Boolean expressions raises issues is non-functional contracts.


17、But higher in yellow-feathered broiler chest muscle and heart and duodenum, lower in fat , heart and leg muscle.


18、When the artist sends his song forth from the depths of a full heart that is joy indeed.


19、The highest expression of empathy is accepting and nonjudgmental.


20、He said Turner was "slightly brutish - a man with love in his heart but not sure where to put it".

21、Carey told Ebony magazine that the song "represents everything in my life" and "is a song from the heart."玛利亚·凯莉在接受《黑檀木》杂志(Ebony)采访时表示,这首歌“表达了她生命中的每一件事情”,“是一首发自内心的歌曲”。

22、Jiang Minhao hugs pure feeling of the scene is Li Junxi saw, he recalled his right from a young age to be pure, but always on express feelings than dong-xu ma slower, so he cant resolve this slow.姜敏浩拥住纯情的一幕被李俊熙看到,他回忆起了自己从很小的时候就心仪纯情,但在表达感情上总是比马东旭慢半拍,因此他决心这次不能再慢。

23、Under similar classification of the cardiac function, the expression level of calreticulin in Pe AF group was higher than that in SR group.在相同心功能分级情况下,钙网织蛋白的表达水平在持续性房颤组明显高于窦性心律组。

24、This makes him good at expressing a rich variety of emotions in his songs, which easily captures the listeners' hearts.他善于在歌中表达丰富的感情,轻易地就把听众的心给虏获了。

25、Working with patience is an expression of desire.耐心的工作可算是表达成功的欲望。

英文句子26:,26、Dominated by emotion, literators writing intention leaded realistic portraiture in selecting subject matter and personal comparison and compensation in expressing idea.情感支配创作心态,进而表现为历史剧创作中题材选择的现实写照性与主旨表达的自喻性、补偿性。

27、For example, the representation of a VDC will include representations of the Clusters which inhabit it, which in turn include representations of the VMs within each cluster.例如,一个虚拟数据中心的表达式将包括其中集群的表达式,而且还包括每个集群里的虚拟机的表达式。

28、If the eccentricity is toward the exterior, Expression (如果离心率朝向外部,表达式

6.39) applies.


29、Conclusion The expression of CD28 is different in different HBV-specific CTLs.结论不同HBV抗原表位特异性CTL的CD28表达情况不同。

30、The expression of DAF was assayed by flow cytometry.通过流式细胞仪检测转染细胞DAF的表达情况。

31、As to the expression of IL-8 of GES-1 cells in groups, the control group was in very low level too.从各组胃黏膜上皮细胞IL-8表达情况看,空白组亦存在极低水平的表达;

32、Ace of Cakes star Duff Goldman was a couple of tables away.蛋糕王牌大明星达夫高盛是情侣对表。

33、It was higher in yellow-feathered broiler chest muscle and heart and duodenum, lower in leg muscle, fat and heart.在黄羽肉鸡中较高的表达于胸肌和十二指肠,较低表达于脂肪和心脏。

34、Can you think of situation where you can use this expression?你能想出一个运用这个表达法的情景吗?

35、We express our profound sympathy and heartfelt condolences.我们表示深切同情和衷心哀悼。

36、Objective To observe the expression of cardiotrophin-1(CT-1) in ischemia-reinfusion cardiac muscle of rats and the effect of neuregulin-1(NRG-1).目的研究大鼠缺血再灌注心肌中心肌营养素-1(CT-1)的表达及神经调节蛋白-1(NRG-1)对其表达的影响。

37、When used with care, regexes are very fast.小心使用它,正则表达式是非常快的。

38、Objective To detect the expression of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and its receptor (NPR-A) in the developing rat cochlea.目的探讨心钠素(ANP)及利钠肽受体A(NPR-A)在不同年龄段大鼠耳蜗组织中的表达情况。

39、"Guiqu Lai Xi speech" is the famous Fu Tao Yuanming, a poet of Cibie officialdom return the joy of feeling.《归去来兮辞》是陶渊明的著名辞赋,表达了诗人辞别官场回归家园的喜悦心情。

40、Consumers have had no qualms about expressing their concerns.消费者毫不迟疑地表达出他们的担心。

41、His sister was less delicate, and directed her eye towards Mr. Darcy with a very expressive smile.他的妹妹可没有他那么用心周到,便不由得带着富有表情的笑容望着达西先生。

42、Conclusion The expressions of ACE2 and ACE gene were up-regulated in CHF patients.结论心衰患者心肌组织ACE2和ACE基因表达明显增强。

43、Pity and compassion are words appropriated to signify our fellow?feeling with the sorrow of others.怜悯心和同情心是对别人悲哀而产生的我们同袍情的表示。

44、it is my duty to express the deep sense I entertain of this new proof of confidence from my fellow_citizens at large我有责任来表达我对同胞们普遍寄于我的信心这一最新证明的深深情感

45、Heart is more helpless, I really want to do something for them, but every time I don't know how to express that feeling.心中更多的是无助,很想很想为他们做些什么,可是每次都不知道要去怎么表达那份情。

46、"Piece of cake" is another expression that means something is extremely easy to do.Piece of cake"(小菜一碟)是另一种表示事情极容易做的表达。

47、It is a metaphor, showing the enthusiastic and shocking emotion between the poem person and his lover.留学解答资讯网:它是一个比喻意象,表达了诗中人与恋人之间热烈奔放、震撼人心的情感。

48、The two-argument case starts off with a let expression.两个参数的情况从 let 表达式开始。

49、The Date and time input parameter is an XPath expression, which by default, uses the variable representing the input connection of the function.Date and time 输入参数是一个 XPath 表达式,该表达式默认情况下使用变量表示函数的输入连接。

50、Now, please accept our Khatag which represents sincere friendship. We wish you health and prosperity! May all your wishes come true!下面,请各位接受我们献上代表真挚情谊的哈达,祝大家心想事成,福寿安康!

经典英文句子51:表达心情,51、In his work, he expresses his sympathy for nobodies.他在作品中表达了对小人物的悲悯之情。

52、For example a horizontal line suggests calmness and tranquility, a vertical line gives a feeling of balance, oblique suggests movement.比如水平线能够传达出平静和安宁,垂直线表达出平衡的情绪,而斜线表明运动。

53、Garden will be the highest state - mood of the United States, used to express the emotions of life, improve quality of life, to find spiritual sustenance.并将造园的最高境界——意境美,用于表达生活情感,提高生活质量,给心灵找到寄托。

54、This means she not only has to train hard to be realistically cold-blooded and physically strong, but she also has to convey her emotional side.这意味着她要把自己训练为实实在在的冷酷无情和体能上的坚强,而且我还也必须表达她内心的感情。

55、In both cases, disability represents the aesthetic value and the summit of what beauty might achieve.在两种情况下,残缺都表达了美学上的价值,并且达到了美所能达到的顶峰。

56、To SunLiRen HanShaoGong also expressed praise of love.孙立人对韩绍功也表达了赞扬之情。

57、Pick a bouquet of flowers; show someone that you care挑一束鲜花;向他人表达你的关心

58、Objective:To study the expression of heme oxygenase 1(HO 目的:研究血红素氧化酶1(HO

1) in the bronchis of rats with chronic col pulmonale.



标签: 心情

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