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5 basic structures。

英文句子模板1:5 basic structures


1、A robust configurable multiplexing approach is proposed, which presented 2∶1,3∶1,4∶1,5∶1 multiplex modes.


2、There are two basic take-up mechanisms, the direct and indirect.


3、This article briefly presented a new method of micro-drivers based on photo-thermal expansion.


4、The result states that the structure of them is nearly the same in the epidermis, mesophyll and the vein.


5、Tongxinluo and Allium extract protected the structure and function of endothelial cell, regulated the gene expressions of 5-HT1D and 5-HT2A receptors in artery.


6、The results showed that grass species could break dormancy in

2 month and did not stand storage. Only Achmathenm beauv had germination ability after stored for

5 years.


7、The "automatic starting terms, " designated in table

3 and

5, are based upon the results of computer simulation.


8、The fundamental principles and configuration of a sort of all-fiber current transducer are introduced in this thesis.

在门户体系结构中,Portlet(通常是使用上面提到的某种 UI 框架开发的)是基本构件。

9、In the portal architecture, a portlet (typically developed using one of the above-mentioned UI frameworks) is the basic building block.


10、I've provisionally settled on the directory structure in Listing 5

5 中的目录结构


11、The investigation of DVSC asymptotic law designing method includes:(

1) Three basic types of discrete asymptotic law derivate from asymptotic law of CVSC.

1) 由连续变结构系统的趋近律得到离散趋近律的三种基本形式;


12、Compound 2-substituted amino-3-cyano-5-nitropyridine has relatively high radiotherapy and chemotherapy sensitivity enhancing effect.


13、The outputs of various products and structure, imports and exports, and appearance consumption in China's phosphate & compound fertilizer industry in the past

5 years are reviewed.

吕本富(2014)。 大数据的结构和价值分析。 《互联网天地》,(

14、Lv, Benfu(2014). Analysis of the structure and value of big data.




15、To study the genic characteristics of 5' non - coding region (

5 'NCR) of HGV in Jiangxi, China.


16、Secondly, for the working principle and structure of the circuit chip, a component composition based on thread-tree was presented.


17、According to the pseudo-inverse relationship between global stiffness matrix and flexibility matrix, a flexibility-based method for structural damage localization is presented.

结果,在两组被测者中,最受欢迎的学生都拥有一种特别结构的5- 羟色胺基因——这种基因与违规行为关系密切。

18、In both samples, the most popular students turned out to be the ones with a particular form of a serotonin gene that was also associated with rule-breaking behavior.



5 defines a basic UDP-based client communication framework.

5 定义基于 UDP 的基本客户机通信框架。


20、First, we compare the efficiency of two basic kinds of information structure: hierarchy and transverse coordination from the angle of information coordination.

21、Originally, the project included several metal structures, supporting glass cubes (5X5X5 meters), which would be placed in the river over a bridge.最初,该项目通过几种金属结构支撑着穿过桥梁,位于河中的玻璃立方(

5 ×

5 ×

5 米)。

22、Study on Synthesis, Structure and Reaction ofa New Compound 新化合物2,3—亚甲基—5,8—二甲氧基萘的合成、结构及反应的研究。

2, 3- Methylene-


8 - Dimethoxy Naphthalene.

23、Figure 图

5 shows the Compute Grid infrastructure including the PJM, and shows the general flow of execution for the PJM.

5 显示了包括 PJM 的计算网格基础结构,并且显示了 PJM 的常规执行流。

24、The notations included data flow diagrams, structure charts, HIPO diagrams, 记号包括了数据流图,结构图,HIPO 图,

5 procedure templates, pseudo code, structured flowcharts, structured English, and decision tables.

5 过程模板,伪代码,结构化流程图,结构化英语和判定表。

25、The experiment shows that its accuracy class is 实验表明:这种热量计测量精度达5级,且具有结构简单、成本低及实用性强等优点。


5, and its structure is sim…


英文句子26:,26、Chapters 5-6 focus on scopes, which, are a way of managing state without polluting logic with infrastructure concerns.5-6章集中在范围(scope)上,范围是一种不让基础结构的关注影响到上层逻辑的管理状态的方法。

27、Compound 化合物4和5分别是由16元环状结构单元和20元环状结构单元组成的一维双链结构。

4 and

5 are 1D double chain which constructed by 16-membered rings (

4) and 20-membered rings (


28、Based on the comparative anatomical studies of rhizome of 本文通过对国产散生竹16属77种、5变种和15变型的地下茎解剖结构的比较观察研究,发现竹类地下茎解剖结构特征在种属间是有差异的。

16 genera 77 species,

5 varieties and

15 form of chinese bamboos, the authors find that there are varieties in the genera and species.


5: Clockwork Companions: Where Does Life Begin?


30、This thesis combines the segmentation-based strategy and the segmentation-free one with serial structure and parallel structure, respectively, seeing their potential complementary capacities.本文在验证了两种识别策略的互补性的基础上,分别设计了串行结构和并行结构的双策略组合系统。

31、The membranous aril contains 5-7 parenchymatous cells.假种皮膜质,由5~ 7层薄壁细胞构成。

32、Dr Lippman and his team cross bred more than 李普曼博士和他的团队采用了5000多种基因结构差异些微不同的植物进行杂交。

5, 000 plants with slightly different genetic make-up.

33、New high throughput architecture of lD (具体给出了一种新的一维(5,


3) DWT was introduced especially.


34、The invention relates to broad band a meta-material microwave absorber based on a dendritic structure.本发明涉及一种基于树枝结构的超材料宽带微波吸收器。

35、Calpain-5, Catalytic domain, Rabbit anti.钙蛋白酶-5, 催化结构域, 兔抗。

36、RESULT: A deoxyuridine was isolated from 70% alcohol extract and identified as as 5-methyl-3′, 5′-di-O-(p-chlorobenzoyl)-2′-deoxyuridine.结果:从广枣70 %乙醇提取物中分离出一个胸腺嘧啶脱氧尿苷类化合物,结构为

5 -甲基-3′ ,5′-二氧-(对氯苯甲酰基)-2′-脱氧尿苷。

37、Study on the 5' flanking region of 对4畜种FSHR基因5’端转录启动调控区的研究发现:在转录启动元件类型上,它们的遗传结构与人和鼠的FSHR基因存在重大差别。

4 species FSHR gene showed that their genetic composition controlling gene transcription is significant different from that of human and murine.

38、The cable-stayed bridges, a kind of determinate flexible structure with many redundant degrees, consists of three basic members:towers, cables and girders.斜拉桥是由塔、梁、索三种基本构件组成的高次超静定柔性结构体系。

39、Figure 图

5: Essential method-specific tasks in the Construction phase, together with their associated role and input/output work products

5: 构建阶段中详细的方法基本任务,还有与它们相关的角色和输入/输出工作产品

40、The results show that herbicidal activity is closely related to the steric and electronic properties of the 5-position of the benzene ring.结果表明,此类磺酰脲类化合物的除草活性与苯环5位取代基的立体结构和电场性质密切相关。

41、Buds composed of 潜在种群芽由5个和6个龄级构成,均以2龄级所占比重最大,呈稳定型龄级结构。

5 and

6 age classes, the

2 age class was dominant, and this also showed stable structure.

42、Types, application structure and the index is still weak, the basic blank single continued to hold, available 型态,均线结构及指标依然偏弱,基本空单可续持有,可用5均不收上不出埸止盈方式控盘誏利润最大化。

5 don't accept lang not live under control plate on profit maximization.

43、Results Main pathogens were 结果 xx年间医院主要的病原菌有

7 693 strains during

5 years, showing the increasing trend year by year.

7 693株,基本呈逐年增多趋势;

44、Notice that three repetition groups are present within the intended structure (lines 注意,在目标结构里出现了三个副本组(第


5 and


2、5 和

12 行)。

45、Other fields seek to enhance knowledge about the bacterium itself. Structural genomics, for example, aims to uncover the three-dimensional structure of every protein in Mtb.其他领域寻求强化关于这种细菌本身的知识。例如,结构基因组学著眼于发现结核分枝杆菌的每一个蛋白的三维结构。

46、We mainly study stable molecular geometries and atomic charge distributing of 5-methoxy indole 5-methyl indole and 5-chlorin indole.着重研究5-甲氧基吲哚、5-甲基吲哚和5-氯吲哚的稳定几何构型和分子中各原子上的电荷分布。

47、Results Similar culture results were obtained in the plates containing Sheep blood ang human blood(P>0.05).结果:幽门螺杆菌在含人血培养基生长情况与在含羊血培养基培养结果基本一致(P>0 .0

5 )。

48、Clormium Clormium 5是一种能够进入供水系统的无臭无味且基本无害的工业副产品。

5 is an odorless, tasteless, and generally harmless industrial by-product that can enter the water supply.

49、In this article, we will introduce an antenna structure with reconfigurable pattern, which comprising an active antenna and current draggers.本文将介绍一种具有可切换多种辐射场形之天线结构,这种天线结构是由主动天线与电流导引结构组成。

50、This subject has completed the research and development of a digital IF receiver based on PCI bus, associating with the proj.本课题结合项目要求,设计实现了一种基于PCI总线结构的数字中频接收机。

经典英文句子51:5种基本结构,51、Thea saponin is to make up similar structure 5-7 species sapogening of triterpenoid saponin.茶皂角甙是由结构相似5─7种三萜类皂甙元构成。

52、Extend structural equation, supposing celestial body is charged ideal fluid. Give three methods to discuss structure of charged celestial body .假设星体为荷电理想流体,将星体的结构方程推广到荷电情形,并给出了讨论荷电星体结构的三种基本方法。

53、The simulating studies are then carried out on three kinds of treated casings: the Circumferential Groove Casing, the Steppe.在此基础上,本文对周向槽机匣,梯状间隙结构和自循环式机匣三种结构进行了数值模拟研究。

54、Figure 图

5 depicts the underlying architecture for this extension.

5 描述了此扩展的基础体系结构。

55、About 系统结构研究所承担了北京大学信息科学技术学院5门本科生和研究生课程,其中包括《计算机组织与结构》,《高等计算机系统结构》等核心课程。

5 graduate and undergraduate courses were given by teachers in MPRC, which include the core subjects "Computer Organization and Design", "Advanced Computer Architecture", etc.

56、The basic data of ant were collected in investigation including 43 species, 通过调查获得开封地区蚂蚁的基本资料:包括5亚科,18属,43种。

18 genera,

5 subfamilies .

57、Of equal-string structure 均线结构

5 fall Friday on Thursday resumed averages structure robust trend is still too many.

5 均周四失守周五收回,均线结构稳健的偏多走势仍在。

58、A method for the evaluation of structural similarity between protein pairs is proposed, which is based on the shape distribution of Cα representation of the backbone.本文提出一种基于形状分布的蛋白质三维结构相似性比较方法,进行两种蛋白质三维结构的一致性比较。

59、Introduced a inner ejection pin in angle ejector structure that prevent product pulling pulling injury and displacement.介绍了一种从斜顶内顶杆顶出,防止产品拉伤、位移的基本结构。

60、After compared with many structures of DAC, the segmented architecture of current_steering DAC is adopted. The 通过比较几种常用的结构,决定采用分段式电流舵结构,其中高

5 MSBS are thermometer code weighed and the 3LSBS are binary_weighted.

5 位采用温度计码,低

3 位采用二进制译码。

61、A novel geometric structure-based autonomous star pattern identification algorithm is presented.提出了一种新的以星三角形为基本识别单元的几何结构星图识别算法。

62、Listing 清单

5. Output of struct thread_info for pids 1508 and 1509

5. pid 1508 和 1509 的结构体 thread_info 的输出

63、Objective To investigate the structure and function of the N-terminal region (NTR) of death receptor 目的 研究死亡受体5(DR5)氨基末端的结构与功能。

5 (DR5).

64、Dielectric ceramic coaxial resonators have been used in microwave commmunation field, they have three basic structures.介质陶瓷同轴谐振器广泛用于微波通讯领域,它有三种基本结构。

65、The difference of two tRNA genes is lower than 0 5%.两种新蚤氨基酸t RNA基因碱基的变异率低于0 .5%。

66、The flora turn to be complex in the middle spontaneous fermentation, which contain 到发酵中期,酵母菌群的构成复杂化,含有本试验所分离鉴定的5种酵母;

5 classes yeast species;

67、It's a double stranded circular piece of DNA, meaning that the 3', 5'ends that hang off are joined back together again to form a continuous loop.它是双链环状DNA,它的3'末端和5'末端首尾相连,构成一种连续环状结构

68、Two compounds of fruity aroma 2-hydroxy-5-pentyl tetrahydrofuran and 2-hexaoxy -5-pentyl tetrahydrofuran were prepared, and their structures confirmed.合成了两个具有果香香气的香料:2-羟基-5-正戊基四氢呋喃及2-己氧基-5-正戊基四氢呋喃;证实了其结构。

69、The invention discloses a 5-(4-chlorophenylmethyl)-4-tertiary butyl-2-aminothiazole nitrate chiral crystal shown in a chemical formula I and a preparation method thereof.本发明公开了化学结构式I所示的5-(4-氯苯甲基)-4-叔丁基-2-氨基噻唑硝酸盐手性晶体及其制备方法。

70、Figure 图

5 shows the cheat sheet's tree structure.

5 显示了备忘单的树结构。

71、The samples were inoculated into 5% sheep blood, chocolate, and MacConkey agar.这些样本均接种在5%绵羊血、巧克力和麦康基琼脂里。

72、The purpose of this design is to do the anti-seismic design in the longitudinal of axis 本设计主要进行了结构方案中纵向框架5轴框架的设计。


73、Objective: To qualitatively identify 目的:对结构相似的5种二氢卟吩金属络合物进行定性鉴别。

5 chlorin metal complexes which had similar structures.



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