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关于”六一儿童节“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Children's Day。以下是关于六一儿童节的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Children's Day


1、Her roommate Li Fan also thinks in this way, children's day will get them more or less child's simplicity.


2、Bedwetting can also affect children older than six or seven.



3、Though today is Children but I must go to school.

“有可能可以在电视上放针对儿童的节目,真正提高儿 童的口头表达,”克里斯塔基斯说。

4、"It is possible to put on the TV and really engage with a child verbally, " says Christakis.


5、The majority of products marketed during children’s programming are foods.


6、They judged the preferences of three groups of children. Five-to six-month-old infants looked at native speakers longer than non-native speakers.


7、and it's, they're just like four, five, six years old little kids


8、Rose would also like to thank opened, the Children's Day will never Viiv!

Dia del Nino庆祝日和儿童节今天宣布取消。

9、Celebrations for Dia del Nino, Day of the Child, have been cancelled today.


10、But beneath these flagship shows, how good is the rest of children's TV?


11、Only very thrifty chirdren manage to fill up a money-box.


12、The following programme is not suitable for children.


13、The second way it may go is toward any and all industries that cater to children, including education, clothing, toys, books, children's TV programming, or is in some way connected to teaching.


14、Theatres put on special shows for children during the Christmas season.


15、In China, family foster care of orphans and disability children is a new model of child welfare and child protection in recent years.


16、Last year's "61" Children's Day and the day-to-day holidays, the free market is the "joy pleasance activities" for children were shooting, play music, recitation, the Big Dipper gyro etc.


17、In Africa a child dies every 45 seconds of Malaria, the disease accounts for 20% of all childhood deaths.

学龄前 儿童受暴力电视节目的危害最深。

18、Preschool E children suffer most from TV violence.


19、This week has been mostly busy with preparing for children's day. Since this has occupied the minds of the kids I am not sure if all the words have stayed in their minds.


20、In 2008, milk contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine killed at least six children and caused illnesses in nearly 300, 000 others.

21、Chinese children begin their school at the age of six. 【俊狼猎英,团队为您解答。

22、in order to celebrate the "June 1" Children's Day, special preparations for more than 为了庆祝“六一”儿童节,特准备20余种水果,诚邀各位于下午6点45分到酒楼聚会。

20 species of fruits, invite you to share

18:45 restaurant gathering.

23、Model child is the dominating image both in children's literature and in childhood narrative, becoming the model in children's life and education.榜样儿童因其模范作用而成为主流的儿童形象,成为儿童生活及教育中的榜样,并成为“童年叙事”的一种主要模式;

24、A flock of children are pulling his dress to want money, he gave one height Tong Yiwen money.一群儿童拉着他的衣服要钱,他给了一个儿童一文钱。

25、On Saturday to take part in an activity of caring for children left behind in rural areas.周六去参加一项关爱农村留守儿童活动。

英文句子26:,26、The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland proclaimed June xx年,在瑞士日内瓦召开的关于儿童福利的国际会议上提出将xx月xx日设为“国际儿童节”。

1 to be International Children's Day in1925.

27、These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.这些桌椅的高度可以根据儿童的身高调节。

28、Korean Channel providing quality infotainment programmes such as drama, movie, news and children.提供高质素娱资讯节目,如剧集,电影,新闻及儿童节目之韩国频道。

29、On Children's Day Li Ming and his parents went to the zoo.在儿童节那天李明和他的父母去了动物园。

30、Those time, quiet and Ann, Yang to my childhood.儿童的天真和老人的理智是两个季节所结的果实。

31、The Fringe also includes theater, dance, comedy, and performances for children.边缘社团也有剧院、舞蹈、喜剧和儿童节目。

32、What six year old child ever heard of a conjugation?xx岁的儿童何时听说过连词?

33、Then in the wink of an eye, the eight old men all turn into five- or six-year-old children.说着,八位老者一眨眼工夫,忽然全变成xx岁的儿童了。

34、The Austrian state of Carinthia askedthat pregnant women and children under six remain indoors.澳大利亚的克恩顿州要求孕妇以及xx岁以下的儿童待在室内。

35、One child,please.请买一张儿童票。

36、On Children's Day, the foreign teacher Larrie's strumming and singing alone moved all parents there. He expressed his festival wishes for the kids with his loving singing.在“六一儿童节”的舞台上,外教 LARRIE老师的自弹自唱打动了在场的每一位家长,他用他深情的演唱抒发对孩子节日的祝福和问候。

37、Keshe: Ah! Listen don't ask this question, this is children program.凯史:啊!注意别问这个问题,现在是儿童节目。

38、Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under six.意外服用过量含铁产品是一种致命性中毒的xx岁以下儿童的首要原因。

39、All the children under 本周六所有xx岁以下的儿童接种斑疹伤寒疫苗。

3 years old are to be vaccinated against typhus this Saturday.

40、To evaluate the treatment of idiopathic chondrolysis of the hip in children.观察儿童特发性髋关节软骨溶解症的疗效。

41、Broadcast or various child program of running commentary to the students and infants.利用这些设备,定期向学生及幼儿播放或现场转播各类儿童节目。

42、In last year's Sanlu milk scandal, which killed six and sickened nearly 300,000 children, several celebrities were criticized for having endorsed its products.去年的三鹿奶粉丑闻共导致六名儿童死亡,近30万儿童患病,几位名人因代言了三鹿的产品而受到了指责。

43、They found that only 36 and 37 kids respectively needed treatment compared with an average of 67 children on "normal" weekends.他们发现在xx年xx月xx日和今年的xx月xx日(周


44、Dairylea Lunchables contain up to Dairylea午餐含盐

1.8g of salt – more than half a young child’s recommended daily allowance Photograph: Karen Robinson


45、In 1965, Head Start had a $96.4 million budget and served 561,000 children through summer programs.xx年开端计划有九千六百四十万美元预算,通过暑期活动为五十六万一千名儿童提供了服务。

46、This dieting by children can stunt growth and brain development.这种儿童节食会阻碍身体和脑部的发育。

47、I have together the beloved handkerchief, is children's day time, downstairs Grandma Wang gives my holiday gift…我有一块心爱的手帕,是过儿童节的时候,楼下的王奶奶送我的节日礼物…

48、Children n's Day is our favorite festival. Each year we will hold a party. The most interesting party last year.儿童节是我们最喜爱的节日。每年我们将举行一个聚会。去年最搞笑的聚会。

49、This form must be signed by the applicant for a child under 16years of age, this form must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of the child.此表格必须由申请人签署,xx岁以下儿童的申请必须由该儿童的父母或合法监护人签署。

50、It is now a children's festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbor's homes to ask for sweets.现在成了一个儿童节日,节日期间孩子们打扮起来,去邻居家要糖果。

经典英文句子51:六一儿童节,51、Children play around a bonfire in Kart-e-Sakhi cemetery in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010.xx月xx日星期六,阿富汗首都喀布尔萨基墓地。一群儿童正围绕着篝火在做游戏。

52、According to the rules, the orphanage only had to keep children up until the age of 本来按照规定,孤儿院只养育院童到xx岁,洁茹却是一个例外;

16, but Jerusha was an exception.

53、This is the sixth discussion in a “book club” series on Born to Buy by Juliet Schor, which focuses on consumerism issues and young children.今天“书吧”系列节目将要对朱丽叶·肖尔的《天生购物狂》进行第六次讨论,这次讨论围绕消费主义问题和儿童展开。

54、I went to take part in the activities of caring for children left home on Saturday.我礼拜六去参加了关爱留守儿童的活动

55、Everyone is energetic this year to celebrate Children's Day… Is it because that the day couple weeks later is the time to say goodbye?IDK. However, I know today is not our last Children's Day.今年的六一童鞋们特积极啊… 是因为即将到来的别离么…

1、 无论如何,今天不会是我们最后过的一个儿童节!

56、Arthritis afflicts people of all ages, even children, when it is called juvenile arthritis.关节炎折磨着各种年龄的人,甚至儿童,当它被称为少年关节炎。

57、The third monthly birthday party was held on Saturday March xx月份的生日派对于xx年xx月xx日星期六在全澳最大型的全新儿童乐园童梦天地举行。

13, 2010 at the newly opened Kids' City, Macau largest kids' attraction.

58、Most deaths occur among children living in Africa where a child dies every 45 seconds of malaria and the disease accounts for approximately 20% of all childhood deaths.大多数死亡发生在非洲儿童中,那里每45秒钟便有一名儿童死于疟疾,死于此病的儿童数目占儿童死亡总数的近20%。

59、First, according to the age of the child to choose the child-specific cuff.第一,根据儿童年龄选择儿童专用的袖带。

60、I don't want to be pigeonholed as a kids' presenter.我不想被归类为儿童节目主持人。 。

61、Objective To observe the speech development in monosyllables from Chinese children so as to establish references in the provision of rehabilitation to hearing impaired children.目的调查正常儿童常用单音节词语音发展状况,为聋哑儿童康复提供参考;

62、Ivorian children play on the streets of Abidjan June xx月xx日,非洲各国准备庆祝儿童节的时候,象牙海岸的儿童在首都阿比尚的街道上玩耍。

15, 2005, as the continent prepares to commemorate the Day of the African Child on Thursday.

63、Children between the ages of 1-3 years of age have rates of iron deficiency between 6-15 percent.一到xx岁的儿童中铁缺乏的百分比在六到十五之间。

64、Zeum is one of the children's, it's the children's museum here in the city.儿童博物馆是这座城市里针对儿童的博物馆之

65、Objective:To evaluate the X ray diagnosis of elbow joint trauma.目的:回顾性研究儿童肘关节创伤X线诊断。

66、Methylphenidate is the most widely prescribed drug for the treatment of ADHD in children but is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in children younger than 利他林是没有被FDA允许用于小于xx岁儿童而又在治疗儿童ADHD北最广泛应用的处方药。


67、Dear parents We will hold a party in Children's day, welcome 请给好评谢谢

68、Pre-School children can read more picture book that have more complex plot, but this age of children like to play three-dimensional picture book.中班儿童能够阅读更多画面的绘本,情节稍稍复杂,但是这一时期的儿童更喜欢立体图画书;

69、Went to school, teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate "61" Children of the huge banner, banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent.来到学校,只见亮堂堂的教学楼前挂着庆祝“六一”儿童节的巨大横幅,横幅下面是让我们展示才艺的广阔舞台。

70、Nearly all of the cases have been among children younger than six, with most under two.几乎所有患者都是xx岁以下的儿童,其中大多数都不到两岁。

71、Some children make lanterns out of pumpkins at Hallowe'en.有些儿童在万圣节前夕用南瓜做灯笼。

72、There are men, women and children, some as young as six.他们中有男人、妇女和儿童,有些孩子只有xx岁。

73、Softy Basket for Easter or for any occasions with children at $198 only.复活节礼篮($198),适用于儿童聚会及庆祝事宜。

74、Many children a child will be epistaxis , in general, there would be no big problem.许多儿童会儿童鼻出血,一般不会有大问题。

75、Small host must have six one children to host word or speech and trouble.小小主持人们肯定为六一儿童的主持词或者演讲稿而烦恼。

英文句子模板76:Children's Day,76、Twenty-six percent of the children had one or more episodes of emesis.百分之二十六的儿童有一个或多个发生的呕吐。

77、有些儿童在万圣节前夕用南瓜做灯笼. some children make lanterns out of pumpkins at hallowe'en.

78、However, there are fewer children's programmes on the radio than their used to be (BBC Radio 尽管质量没话说,但出现在BBC广播上的儿童节目数量也已经不如以前了(BBC7频道是为数不多的几个还坚守儿童节目的阵地之

7 is one of its last remaining bastions).



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