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关于”洪水的防范措施“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Flood prevention measures。以下是关于洪水的防范措施的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Flood prevention measures


1、Pushing over the embankments and returning grain fields to the lake is an important measurement for the flood control of Poyang Lake.


2、So it's of great importance to assess the risk of China's life industry and illustrate the implications to operation and policy .


3、Common used measures in design of buildings in collapse loess area are mainly focused in three aspects:foundation treatment, waterproofing, and structure.


4、He ruminated on his defences before he should accost her father.


5、Major earth and rockfill dams must have "an emergency exit" (emergency spillway or emergency measures) in case super floods cause dam failures.


6、Based on these, protective measures and proposals of revamp for water-sealed tank are put forwards.


7、A business site as required accompanied with suitable safety and other relevant facilities.

这道堤防需要采取一些措施, 免得被洪水冲坏。

8、Some measures are needed to secure the bank from a flood.


9、Data about the business site, safety and other relevant business facilities; and


10、The technology prevention measures for the security of eletronic businesss consists of the security measures for the website and the business trade.


11、Having business sites, safety measures and other facilities fit for its business operation; and.


12、Data about the business site, safety and other relevant business facilities;


13、Cable Trench should be taken water-proofing measures.


14、The business site, safety and other relevant business facilities of the branch; and


15、This article studied the harm of calamity, role and effect of non engineering measures on the calamity prevention.


16、Prevention is really the only effective measure to consider.


17、Control methods were offered such as silviculture, quarantine, biological and chemical control.


18、That includes calibration standards, logistics, safety precautions, and special facility requirements.


19、At last, references of . water-proof and protection of railway base were given.


20、So , we have to think of the advanced flood control criterion , on the other hand , we must study the steps for flood-controlling and loss lessening over the criterion.

21、Flood risk zonation is a type of the non-structural measures and it divides the area into.洪灾风险分析是实施洪水预报预警、洪水保险等非工程措施的前提,对防洪减灾有着重要意义。

22、Measures are also taken at the tower top to prevent rainwater from massing.塔顶采取防止雨水积集的措施。

23、To avoid misusage of your phone , please take safety measure, such as.为使您的手机免受误用,请采取防范措施,如。

24、Intensified preparedness measures, also by industry, are already fully under way.人们,还包括医药行业,已在全力强化防范措施。

25、The business site, safety and other relevant business facilities of the branch;营业场所、安全防范措施和与业务有关的其他设施的资料;

英文句子26:,26、It is pointed out that underground drainage engineering should be the main measure in pebbly-clay landslide control.指出在含碎石黏性土滑坡的防治中,应将地下水排水措施作为主要防治措施。

27、The controlling strategies to prevent there disasters through engineering and non-engineering measures were also suggested.提出通过工程措施和非工程措施减少洪水灾害的对策。

28、In the meantime, precautionary measures should be taken.在此期间,应当采取防范措施。

29、Some flood control measures also brought forward, it is very import for the controlling of snowmelt flood and the sustainable use of water resource in Xinjiang.文章还据此提出了相应的防洪措施,对新疆融雪洪水的防治以及干旱区水资源的可持续利用有重要意义。

30、The extent of responsibility of soil and water loss control is delimited, which is divided into constructing area of the project and the direct influencing area.确定了防治责任范围,分为项目建设区和直接影响区,对水土流失防治分区布设相应的防治措施体系。

31、Ground water draw down, double parker grouting and flooding gate erection were performed prior the diamond wire saw demolishment of existing structures.并藉由袪水、双环塞固结灌浆及防洪安全门等工程措施,辅助钻石链锯进行镜面破除切割。

32、In discussing the optimal choice of the non-engineering and engineering measures, the preliminary opinions for the o…在论述非工程措施与工程措施优化选择时,提出了防洪最优方案选择的初步见解。

33、Flood diversion and storage areas are very important to flood control.分蓄洪区是平原防洪的一种重要措施。

34、The cement cannot in the open work, probably take the frostproof measure.水泥不能在露天施工,要采取防冻措施。

35、We fortressed the city against the anticipated flood.我们加强了阿谁城市的防洪措施。

36、To avoid misusage of your phone, please take safety measure, such as.为了使您的手机免受误用,请采取防范措施,如。

37、This thesis concludes the flood control situation, engineering measures and the situation of optimal dispatch method.本论文总结了我国防洪情势、防洪工程措施及其优化调度方法研究的现状;

38、The result shows that in spite of the dispatch according to flood forecasting requests the adjustment of flood releasing mode of the reservoir, the risk o…研究表明,相对于常规调度方式,窝水库实施防洪预报调度方式未增加水库及其上下游的防洪风险。

39、Flood protection measures under the same flood prevention criteria may be optimistically selected by the criteria of minimum yearly cost.对满足同一防洪标准的各种防洪措施,也可用年费用最小的原则优选。

40、The prevention measures are as follows:preventing seawater from flowing into the sewage;对溪沙蚕的防治措施有:①防止海水进入污水管道;

41、As I said, preparedness measures on multiple levels have already been launched.正如我说过的,已经在多个层面实施防范措施。

42、Flood hazard map is one of non-project measures.洪水风险图是防洪非工程措施之

43、Non-engineering measures for flood control are inadaptable to emergency requirements against flooding.防洪非工程措施不适应防汛抢险要求。

44、Food security improvement and stress-resilient crops (which will slow down deforestation);改善防洪措施和支持抗病害作物的活动(它将减缓乱砍滥伐的速度);

45、The main measures are as these: people and money should be appropriate;主要的防范措施有:


46、Flood prediction is one of the important non-structural measures for flood control, and the improvement of the precision of prediction mainly depends on scientific development.洪水预报是防洪减灾的重要非工程措施之一,其精度的提高主要依赖于科技进步。

47、The obvious counter-measure is the shielding or hardening of electronic equipment.对电磁脉冲的防范措施是对电子设备施加屏蔽或进行强化。

48、Meteorological Stations suggest that local departments take appropriate flood precautions.气象监测站建议当地有关部门采取相应的防洪措施。

49、Taken at the Flood aka There is a Tide…在防洪措施(又名有一个潮…)

50、Nor-structure measures of the Yellow River flood control works is effective way to harmonize the relationship between the human being and flood, and to reduce the effect Yellow River flood disaster.黄河防洪非工程措施是协调人与洪水之间关系,缓解、减少黄河洪水灾害影响的措施。

经典英文句子51:洪水的防范措施,51、When the flood storage is large, the risk loss with control measures is obviously smaller than that without control measures.当蓄洪量较大时,有控险措施的泡沼蓄洪风险损失明显小于无控险措施的泡沼蓄洪风险损失。

52、Systematic data are the bases of the flood control planning, structural and nonstructural approaches, emergency management and flood insurance.摘 要 数据是制定防洪规划、防洪减灾的工程和非工程措施、水灾应急管理和洪水保险的前期基础工作。

53、Hydrological information collection and hydrological forecasting are the important parts of the non-projective measures in flood control and disaster prevention.水文信息采集和水文预报是防洪减灾非工程措施的重要组成内容。

54、Hydraulic cutting excavating techniques realized nobody watch in the course of taking measures and increased the safety of the course of taking measures and excavating .试验证明,水力掏槽措施卸压范围广、防突效果显著,同时水力掏槽掘进工艺实现了措施期间无人值守,提高了措施、掘进过程的安全性。



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