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关于”描写人物情绪“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Describe the emotions of the characters。以下是关于描写人物情绪的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the emotions of the characters


1、In MRI scans, women showed less activation than men in the area of the brain that controls emotions when shown the same visual cues.


2、Though they are quite different in writing style, they share a lot in common in writing content and aesthetic pursuit which are characterized by humane concern and mercifulness.


3、Yue is easy to be influenced by hero. Her mood was much more steady then.

情绪劳务和情绪管理机制分别对情绪耗竭有显著负向影响,而情绪劳务对顾 客导向行为有显著正向影响。

4、Emotional labor and emotional management have significantly negative impact on emotional exhaustion. In addition, emotional labor has significantly positive impact on customer-oriented behaviors.


5、Many places and objects that people have impatience.


6、The author in the description portrays these special statuses when character, also reposes own life ideal in the work, expresses melancholy mood which does not meet in the reality.

天堂在高处,而地狱在深渊;我们“仰慕”自己敬佩的人,“看低”自己蔑视的人。 抑郁是指情绪“低落”,兴奋则是情绪“高涨”。

7、Depression is "feeling down, " while euphoria is "being high."

别让情绪干扰你的成功 EQ差的人,很容易被情绪打败,只有完全与情绪分开来,这样才会战胜自己,才不会踏上失败的路程。

8、EQ poor people, it is easy feeling defeated, only completely separate and emotional, as this will defeat themselves, the failure will not set foot distance.


9、Finally, the 81 students looked at 36 close-up photographs of eyes and judged the emotions portrayed in the pictures.


10、if you need someone you're feeling blue

结论 :空巢老年人抑郁等情绪是常见的负性情绪,团体心理干预能够明显改善其抑郁情绪。

11、Conclusion: Depression is a common negative emotion among empty nester, and group psychological intervention can improve the depression of empty nester.


12、Often, this prospect is viewed with a lack of enthusiasm, a sad feeling that's sometimes referred to as"Monday morning blues".


13、They then collected data on the volunteers' educational attainment and asked them to identify facial expressions in a series of photographs.


14、Kevin Bacon and Marcia Gay Harden give soaring performances in Rails amp; Ties, director Alison Eastwood's moving tale of people in crisis and emotions at the brink.


15、You can explore your own thoughts and feelings through your writing.


16、The individual investor's sentiment has no influence on stock price, including the small size stocks.


17、The artist meticulously depicted the facial expression of the figures, their clothes and the texture of different objects.


18、Sisyphos is a symbolic feature created by Camus by means of philosophic essay. Murtha is a concrete art image described with the literary language and is the real Sisyphos in the world.


19、Haidt's next idea was born of the choked feelings that people often report when they describe experiencing elevation.

如果你是在情绪激动的情况下写下这封email 短暂的休息时间能让你稳定情绪,让你对你刚才写的东西进行重新评估。

20、If your emotions were flaring when you wrote the email, a little time can allow these emotions to settle, allowing you to evaluate the message in a different light.

21、“Hysterical” was how one man described to me the mood in his home, adding that the hysteria was followed by humiliation and shame.一个人对我描述他全家的情绪,用的词是“歇斯底里”,并补充说,其次便是屈辱感和羞耻感。

22、安抚病人的情绪 reassure the patient's emotions pacify the patient's emotions

23、Whereas in the past Fang painted figures whose emotional disposition was one of alienation, desiring both escape and annihilation, here finally is a material vision of that emotional urge.在以往的画作中,方力钧笔下人物的情绪都是疏离的,渴望著逃走和灭亡,然而这幅画作终于把他这份情绪具体化。

24、Positive and negative emotion regulation strategies are correlated significantly with emotion regulation ability and have significant predicative effect on emotion regulation ability.情绪调节能力和积极与消极情绪调节策略有着显著相关,积极与消极情绪调节策略对情绪调节能力有着显著预测作用;

25、Depression is "feeling down," while euphoria is "being high.抑郁是指情绪“低落”,兴奋则是情绪“高涨”。

英文句子26:,26、Medications known as "mood stabilizers" are usually prescribed to help control bipolar disorder.药物被称为“情绪稳定”通常规定,以帮助控制双相情感障碍。

27、These medicines can improve the balance of brain chemicals that affect mood.药物可以改善那些影响情绪的脑化学物质的平衡性。

28、Besides, emotion regulation can be divided into two aspects, that is, antecedent-focused emotion regulation and response-focused emotion regulation.情绪调节还可以分为两个方面,即先行关注情绪调节和反应关注情绪调节。

29、It certainly increases stress for the patient.这势必增加病人的紧张情绪。

30、After criticizing other people, gossipers’ positive emotions were reduced by 在批评其他人之后,八卦者的积极情绪减少了16%且消极情绪增加了34%。

16 percent and negative emotions increased 34 percent.

31、Indulge the passions mood, in addition to affect the emotions of others, will also drive the other's attitude to you.放纵喜怒哀乐的情绪,除了会影响别人的情绪之外,也会引动别人对你的态度。

32、The researchers also point out that this difference in perceptionis reflected in the differences between Eastern and Westernemoticons--the typographical characters used toconvey emotions in e-mails。研究人员同时指出,这种知觉差异也反应在东西方人使用的符号表情中。 符号表情通常在电子邮件中使用,以表达书写者的情绪。

33、But there is hostility toward finance that I think is very fundamental to a lot of our thinking.但是人们对于金融有敌对情绪,我认为,这种情绪对很多人来说,是深植于心的

34、The results suggest that those with a particular kind of highly emotional temperament are more likely to match the description of an orchid child*.结果表明,那些具有高情绪化气质的特殊人群更可能符合兰花孩子的描述【*】。

35、They recruited 有12位体重正常的志愿者参与了此项研究。 科学家向这些志愿者展示了一系列让人产生伤感情绪和不会让人产生情绪变动的图片和音乐,与此同时,对他们的进行了脑电波扫描。

12 healthy-weight volunteers and scanned their brainwaves as they were shown a series of sad and neutral images as well as exposing them to sad and neutral music.

36、There is a feeling of hostility toward that.人们对这种事情有一种敌视的情绪

37、Spirits soared women swooned and gods were created.情绪高涨,女人伉奋,灵魂驰骋。

38、A dialog of one is still a dialog, and like journal writing provides an amiable outlet to vent our feelings.一个人的言论不仅仅是言论,它能够给个人情绪提供一个出口,就像给杂志写文章一样。

39、Don't write in all upper case letters (which is an E-mail convention for anger or other strong emotions).不要用大写字母写信(那让人感觉是种邮件中的意气之争或感觉是带有其他强烈的情绪的辩论)。

40、We call this emotion self-abasement most people suffer such emotion we need to conquer it.我们称这种情绪自卑,大多数人都有这种情绪,我们需要征服它。

41、A diet rich in complex carbs and whole grains encourages your body to produce increased levels of serotonin, a feel-good hormone that improves your mood and produces a sensation of relaxation.一份富含碳水化合物和全麦谷物的食谱,能提高身体内血清素的含量。 血清素能让人感觉良好,改善情绪,放松思绪。

42、For example, the hormones in our bodies can affect our moods.一个人身体、智力、感情上的很多感觉都是由生物节律引起的。 “例如,我们体内的荷尔蒙会影响我们的情绪。

43、The point at which one loses one's temper.一个人控制情绪的极限点。

44、When high emotions get in the way of your professionalism, prevent you from effectively communicating, or cause your mascara to create a raccoon effect, it’s time to take control.当你的这种情绪影响到你的职业、这种情绪不能使你有效地与人沟通、或是这种情绪使你的睫毛膏产生了一种浣熊效应的时候,你就应该要学会控制你的情绪了。

45、Being EmotionalWhen a woman is upset or emotional she may cry, wave her arms around and constantly talk using emotional adjectives to describe how she feels.感情用事。 当女人心烦或激动时,她也许会哭,或舞动自己的手臂,不停地说,使用情绪化形容词描述自己的感受。

46、In comparison, healthy volunteers described their mood with a shade of gray only about 相比之下,健康志愿者只有10%用灰色调来描述他们的情绪。

10 percent of the time.

47、If a person tries to bury such feelings they only pop up somewhere else-as tenseness for example.如果一个人想掩盖这类情绪,它们只会在别处流露出来,例如紧张情绪。

48、He that can compose himself is wiser than he that composes books.能够平抚自己的情绪,比能够提笔写书更有智慧。

49、Moods sort of drift from person to person unconsciously --- slight, unintentional signals carry the mood.情绪像是一种漂流物,不连续的从一个人传到另一个人。

50、There are places and objects that signify impatience.许多场所和物件都表明人们有急躁情绪。

经典英文句子51:描写人物情绪,51、Understanding your emotions can help you better understand your food addiction.正确理解你的情绪可以更好地帮助你了解你的食物上瘾的情况。

52、Detective Del Spooner: But emotions dont seem like a very useful simulation for a robot.戴尔·史普纳警探:但是对一个机器人来说,情绪不像是个有用的模仿物品。

53、Old people dream on emotions .旧人旧梦旧情绪。

54、And at the same time, accepting the painful emotions are as much part of human nature as the wonderful emotions.与此同时,也认同痛苦的情绪,和美好的情绪一样都是人性的组成。

55、"We know that the biological clock regulates mood in humans," said study researcher McMahon.“我们已经知道生物钟控制着人类的情绪,”研究人员麦克马洪说道。


标签: 人物

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