电脑游戏的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 Computer Games,其次还可以说成"computer game",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到80个与电脑游戏相关的译文和例句。
1. Computer Games
电脑游戏翻译为 Computer Games 。
示例:这个圣诞节电脑游戏很畅销。 Computer games are a popular buy this Christmas.
2. computer game
电脑游戏翻译为computer game。
示例:65%的孩子玩电脑游戏。 65% of children play computer games.
3. PC game
电脑游戏翻译为PC game。
示例:电脑游戏市场已达到饱和。 The market for computer games has reached saturation point.
4. personal computer game
电脑游戏翻译为 personal computer game 。
示例:if you're playing in the women's league. If dating is the game,then marriage is winning the game.
1. shoot 'em up(adj. (电脑游戏等)充满枪战暴力的)
2. cutscenes(剧情画面 出现在电脑游戏中 的复数)
3. thumb candy(指那些仅考验手眼协调能力无需动脑的电脑游戏)
4. simcity 2000(SimCity 电脑模拟游戏)
5. electron brain(电脑)
英语短语&俚语, Computer Gaming World COMPUTING GAMING WORLD ComputerGameWorld ( 电脑游戏世界 )
Computer game design Computer Games Design BA Computer r game design ( 电脑游戏设计 )
play computer games Playing computer games play computers ( 玩电脑游戏 )
PC Gamer Magazine PCworld GamesForWindows ( 电脑游戏杂志 )
Game Booster ( 优化电脑游戏性能 )
play computer games Playing computer games ( 打电脑游戏 )
1. A study by Liverpool John Moores University found regular use could help shift 27lb (
12.25kg) a year.
译文:利物浦约翰·莫里斯大学的研究显示,经常玩新型电脑游戏的玩家体重每年可减少27磅( 。
2. Misc Computer Games. The King Of Fighters 96 - Arashi No Saxophone
3. A study by Liverpool John Moores University found regular use could help shift 27lb (
12. 25kg) a year.
4. - Oh, sh- "The Game,"available in cartridges as well as floppy disks for computer, has everybody playing.
译文:-噢 嘘 -"游戏"不仅有游戏卡 也有电脑磁盘每个人都在玩它。
5. Play has rules, especially when it’s group play.
6. Tag, you're it! Tag, tag, tag!
译文:- 捉人游戏 捉人游戏 捉人游戏。
7. it stores energy in our mobile phones, PlayStations and laptops.
译文:在我们的手机、游戏机和笔记本电脑中 被用于储存能量。 。
8. Saxophone music from a computer in the classroom, drowned out a moment ago by this call-and-response, suddenly seems loud.
9. So does "Soldier of Fortune".
译文:"命运战士"也说. (电脑游戏)。
10. And i think that computing is not just about accounting or playing Candy Crush or something.
译文:我觉得电脑不仅仅是拿来计算, 或者玩游戏的。 。
11. Play has rules, especially when it’s group play.
译文:游戏有规则,尤其是团体游戏。 。
12. Use the -x switch to reduce the graphics quality to a minimum. This will enable you to play Dominions ii on older computers.
13. You get the go-ahead from the President, and i'll make history. Consider it done.
14. No, out of play, out of play, out of play.
15. No pagers, no Palm Pilots and no e-mail.
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