有成就感的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为have a sense of achievement,还经常被译作 feel a sense of accomplishment,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到55个与有成就感相关的短语释义和例句。
1. have a sense of achievement
有成就感翻译为have a sense of achievement。
示例:为了增强自信心,你需要每天都有成就感。 You need a sense of accomplishment every day to strengthen your belief in yourself.
2. feel a sense of accomplishment
有成就感翻译为 feel a sense of accomplishment 。
示例:我感觉自己很有成就感,更有信心去尝试我以前从未做过的事情。 I feel accomplished, and I'm more confident about attempting things I've never done before.
3. have a sense of accomplishment
有成就感翻译为have a sense of accomplishment。
示例:尽管这项工作让我们疲惫不堪,但是完成它的时候我们都很有成就感。 Though the work stressed us out, we all gained a sense of fulfillment when finished it.
1. sense of accomplishment( 成就感;
2. sense of achievement(成就感)
3. personal accomplishment( 个人成就感;
4. get established( 有成就)
5. make him( 有成就他)
英语短语&俚语, unfulfilled ( 没有成就感的 )
Very sense of accomplishment A sense of accomplishment Great sense of accomplishment ( 很有成就感 )
A sense of accomplishment Great sense of accomplishment it A very strong sense of accomplishment ( 很有成就感吧 )
I satisfying ( 我更有成就感 )
Me sense of accomplishment ( 让我有成就感 )
fulfilling ( 使人有成就感的 )
1. Depression occupational underachievement marital problems and questionable professionalNconduct much discussed at dinner partiesNaround our great city.
译文:沮丧 职业上缺乏成就感 婚姻问题。
2. Yeah, but it's so fulfilling that, uh - beyond belief.
译文:但也很有成就感 超出想象。
3. Or is it crap? is it autocratic, controlling, restrictive and untrusting and unfulfilling?
译文:还是没意思?机械化,控制欲强 诸多限制,没有信任,没有成就感? 。
4. it's about feeling proud of yourself.
5. You must be pretty pleased with yourself.
6. There's honor in being a steward.
7. And, when you get down to it, handling dirt is, you know... is not my idea of a rewarding career.
译文:老实说,玩泥巴 不能算是有成就感的事业。
8. That gives people a sense of accomplishment.
9. Was it for a sense of accomplishment?
10. i was proud of this, and it wasn't that i had any special magic.
译文:我很有成就感, 不是因为我施了什么咒。 。
11. i think everytime you urines
12. Or is it crap? is it autocratic, controlling, restrictive and untrusting and unfulfilling?
译文:还是没意思?机械化,控制欲强 诸多限制,没有信任,没有成就感?。
13. Makes it that much more glorious when you get it done.
14. But just what you eat, you get the feeling Being busy.
译文:给人的印象是 当摄入 是最有成就感的事情 曾经发生。。
15. And it's really rewarding when you spot them in new places.
译文:当你发现它们应用在新领域时, 会觉得非常有成就感。 。
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