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重男轻女的英语是" prefer boys to girls",在日常中也可以翻译为"prefer boys to girls",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到78个与重男轻女相关的短语释义和例句。


1. prefer boys to girls

重男轻女翻译为 prefer boys to girls 。

示例:非自然选择:重男轻女,世上有那么多男人的后果。 Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men.


2. prefer boys to girls

重男轻女翻译为prefer boys to girls。

示例:重男轻女的传统风气在亚洲根深蒂固,尤其是在农村地区。 Traditional preferences for sons are deep-rooted in Asia, particularly in agricultural communities.


3. Son preference

重男轻女翻译为 Son preference 。

示例:并非所有的传统社会都重男轻女。 Not all traditional societies show a marked preference for sons over daughters.


4. look up to men and down on women

重男轻女翻译为look up to men and down on women。

示例:culture,global issues,men,women culture,global issues,men,women


英语短语&俚语, Many people in rural patriarchal Many rural people patriarchal ( 很多农村人重男轻女 )

change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters ( 破除重男轻女习俗 )

patriarchal tradition ( 重男轻女传统 )


1. And because of selected abortion by families who favored boys to girls, now we have ended up with 30 million more young men than women.

译文:基于重男轻女的原因 许多家庭进行选择性流产 造成现在 男性比女性多3千万的现状。

2. Our neighborhood was full of large families, where fathers were the heads of households, so i grew up seeing my mother as a divorcee in a patriarchal environment.

译文:我们的邻居都是大家庭, 这些家庭中都是父亲当家。 因此,我在离异的母亲身旁, 在一个重男轻女的环境中长大。。

3. And there is one more norm of the patriarchal societies that is called obedience.

译文:在重男轻女的社会里, 还有一项常态, 那就是服从。 。

4. The news continues to give us a picture where men outnumber women in nearly all occupational categories, except two: students and homemakers.

译文:这些重男轻女的新闻报道不断地描绘出男性的数量 在几乎所有职业中都超过女性, 除了两项,那就是:学生和家庭主妇。(全场笑) 。

5. Most of Xinran's mothers submit stoically to the cruelties of "son preference"and the one-child policy.

译文:欣然笔下的大部分母亲在“重男轻女”的残忍现实和“独生子女”政策下,采取了绝育手段。 。

6. So i grew up seeing my mother as a divorcee in a patriarchal environment.


7. You see, in patriarchal societies, right from the very beginning, when a girl is born, her birth is not celebrated.

译文:你会发现, 在重男轻女的社会里, 从一开始, 也就是从女孩出生那一刻开始, 她的出生是不被庆祝的。 。

8. And because of selected abortion by families who favored boys to girls, now we have ended up with 30 million more young men than women.

译文:基于重男轻女的原因 许多家庭进行选择性流产 造成现在 男性比女性多3千万的现状 。

9. Our neighborhood was full of large families, where fathers were the heads of households, so i grew up seeing my mother as a divorcee in a patriarchal environment.

译文:我们的邻居都是大家庭, 这些家庭中都是父亲当家。 因此,我在离异的母亲身旁, 在一个重男轻女的环境中长大。 。



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