十二个月份的英语单词缩写形式 英语_考研要求词汇81个

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1、 Acclaimed success for women

中文翻译: 为妇女成功喝彩

例句:Your success has been a publicly success. 翻译:Your success has been a publicly success.。

2、 Add Grain

中文翻译: 增加颗粒 添加颗粒 添加杂点 增加杂点

例句:Got semolina, seven-grain and whole wheat. 翻译:-grain and whole wheat!。


3、 advanced country

中文翻译: 先进国家 发达国家

例句:"iceland is an advanced country" 翻译:(以下為引用其研究)"冰島是個先進的國家。

4、 legal adviser

中文翻译: 法 法律顾问 法令参谋 法律参谋 执法顾问

例句:Put the case that the legal adviser said to the mother of the child... 翻译:假设那位律师对那位母亲说... Put the case that the legal adviser said to the mother of the child...。



例句:Request RND for creation of Drawings and follow up until Agile release. 翻译:向研发提请图纸需求并跟踪至Agile发行。。



例句:And the fluffy white lines that the airplane leaves behind 翻译:∮ And the fluffy white lines that the airplane leaves behind。



例句:"Would through the airy region stream so bright 翻译:"Would through the airy region stream so bright。

8、 alien from

中文翻译: 相异的

例句:it's a sign from an alien! 翻译:这是外星人吧。



例句:Sorry, i don't have any antidotes to tell you. 翻译:我没有动听的antidote[解药]。



例句:And they're very adept. They like to drag it and drop it from appendage to appendage. 翻译:而且它们很熟练。它们喜欢拖拽这些东西 然后丢在身体的某些部位。 。

11、 Applicable Industry

中文翻译: 应用行业 适合行业 适用行业 适用领域

例句:The described method is applicable to the advertizing industry for quality management. 翻译:该方法为广告业提高质量管理水平具有一定的借鉴意义。。

12、 systems archetype

中文翻译: 系统基模

例句:Tools and techniques: archetypes. 翻译:工具和技术:原型(Archetype)。

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例句:The man with the artichoke 翻译:拿着洋蓟的男人。



例句:i had made that assumption, sir. 翻译:我知道 先生 I had made that assumption, sir.。

15、 The Astonishing Hypothesis

中文翻译: 惊人的假说 惊异的假说

例句:The internet has done both, and both are kind of amazing and astonishing and which one will win out in the long run is up to us. 翻译:and both are kind of amazing and astonishing。

16、 to his astonishment

中文翻译: 使他吃惊的是

例句:His precocity was the astonishment of the neighborhood. 翻译:他的早熟是这一带的奇闻。。



例句:Honest atop a pyramid of corpses! 翻译:在军队金字塔顶端的诚实!。

18、 moral authority

中文翻译: 权威性

例句:Moral authority demands... 翻译:- 道义上来讲...。

19、 one armed bandit

中文翻译: 强盗皮肤 匪徒皮肤 匪徒肉皮儿 匪徒肤质

例句:-No one carries on this flight. 翻译:Our agents go armed. - No one carries on this flight.。

20、 Sleeve Bearing

中文翻译: 含油轴承 机 套筒轴承 机 滑动轴承 油封轴承

例句:Sleeve. S-L-E-E-V-E. Sleeve. 翻译:袖子,SLEEVE,袖子。

21、 very beautiful flowers

中文翻译: 姹紫嫣红

例句:And some beautiful flowers. 翻译:还有鲜花 and some beautiful flowers.。

22、 bedroom furniture

中文翻译: 卧室家具 卧房家具

例句:We've rearranged the furniture in the bedroom. 翻译:我们重新摆放了卧室里的家具。

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例句:No money, even a single benefit 翻译:even a single benefit。



例句:Wars, bigotry, televangelism. 翻译:战争,排挤,电视布道。

25、 billionaire playboy

中文翻译: 亿万富翁浪子

例句:She's going out with a billionaire. 翻译:She's going out with a billionaire.。

26、 Blue Moon

中文翻译: 蓝月 蓝月亮 千载难逢的时机 蓝色月亮

例句:# Underneath a blue Tahitian moon # 翻译:∮ 在那忧郁的皎洁月光下∮ ♪ Underneath a blue Tahitian moon ♪。

27、 OST-The Bodyguard

中文翻译: 摇滚女歌手专辑 最佳流行专辑 最佳电影原声带专辑 年度最佳专辑

例句:- i could've put it there sleepwalking... 翻译:-OST! - 我已经把它 有梦游...。

28、 Bonfire Night

中文翻译: 篝火之夜 焰火节 焰火之夜 篝火节

例句:Until the night of the bonfire. 翻译:直到篝火那晚。

29、 Bounce pass

中文翻译: 击地传球 反弹传球 地面反弹 地板传球

例句:♪ Make her booty bounce, bounce, b-bounce, bounce ♪ 翻译:Make her booty bounce, bounce, b -bounce, bounce ?。

30、 asbestos braid

中文翻译: 石棉绳 石棉线编包

例句:They called it the braid-- 翻译:他們稱呼它為BRAID。

31、 Brisk Pace

中文翻译: 轻松的步履 轻快的步伐

例句:And the story moved along at a brisk pace. 翻译:故事发展节奏迅速。

32、 bake a cake

中文翻译: 烘蛋糕

例句:Are we going to bake a cake? 翻译:-我们要烤蛋糕吗。

考研基础单词表:0,33、 Capability Criterion

中文翻译: 主要性能规范 性能规范 能力标准

例句:he worked here. Uh, then he left and he went to work for Criterion across the street. 翻译:后来他辞职了 转去对街的Criterion车行。



例句:Spring break in Mexico, winters in the Caribbean. 翻译:winters in the Caribbean.。

35、 ammonia synthesis catalyst

中文翻译: 氨合成催化剂

例句:Study of structure and mechanical properties of FeO based catalyst for ammonia synthesis 翻译:FeO基氨合成催化剂的结构与机械性能研究。



例句:"The war has come to a point of cessation. 翻译:现在已近停战 The war has come to a point of cessation.。



例句:- Did i say you could talk, Cherry? 翻译:Cherry?。



例句:Chlorine! Chlorine in my eyes! 翻译:氯气 氯气 氯气进了我的眼睛。


中文翻译: 镀铬滚筒

例句:Specifications for lead chromes and zinc chromes for paints 翻译:涂料用铅铬与锌铬规范。

40、 clipboard manager

中文翻译: 剪贴板管理器 剪切板工具

例句:Why do you need a clipboard? 翻译:Why do you need a clipboard?。

41、 accent coarsely

中文翻译: 粗声粗气地重读

例句:Where'd you, uh, pick up that accent? 翻译:Where'd you pick up that accent? 口音? Accent?。

42、 nine-year compulsory education

中文翻译: xx年制义务教育

例句:The state regulates a nine-year education. 翻译:国家规定义务教育是xx年。

考研基础单词表:0,43、 Recovery Console

中文翻译: 恢复控制台 故障恢复控制台 修复主控台 修复控制台

例句:Uh, it's, uh... it's under the console. 翻译:it's under the console.。



例句:- Fitz broke into containment! 翻译:- It's Fitz! - Fitz broke into containment!。



例句:Might that be a reference to contraception? 翻译:也许这和避孕有关?。



例句:Are you heavy on contraceptive pills? 翻译:是不是避孕丸吃得多了?。



例句:"Cordial" and "reception" come from French. 翻译:"cordial"和"reception"则来自法语。 。

48、 Coupon rate

中文翻译: 孳息率 票面利率 息票利率 金融 息票率

例句:- i want to know her - You will What was the fight about? 翻译:[Sighs] Some crazy bitch with a coupon.。



例句:Coyote got me across the border. 翻译:Coyote帮我过了边界 Coyote got me across the border.。



例句:Not the daffodil daydream. 翻译:我没说水仙 我说那女孩 Not the daffodil daydream.。



例句:The delegate is the class that the EMC surrounds. 翻译:delegate是EMC所围绕的类。

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52、 The quantity demanded

中文翻译: 需求量

例句:equalizing the quantity of options supplied with the quantity of options demanded. 翻译:使期权供应数量与期权需求数量相等。。

考研重点单词表:0,53、 To Designate Offender

中文翻译: 指出犯规队员 指出犯规球员

例句:To designate this traumatic experience - 翻译:为了命名这一创伤性的经验。

54、 It Destroys Families

中文翻译: 它破坏家庭

例句:Let it loose, and it destroys everything it touches. 翻译:and it destroys everything it touches.。

55、 The Diaspora Museum

中文翻译: 大流散博物馆

例句:With the museum locked down for the night? 翻译:With the museum locked down?。



例句:All the difference in the world! 翻译:All the difference in the world!。

57、 dirty air

中文翻译: 污浊空气

例句:You don't air your dirty laundry at work. 翻译:You don't air your dirty laundry at work.。



例句:To the surprise and dismay of the Money Changers, 翻译:令貨幣兌換商感到驚訝和沮喪的是。



例句:What's the dispersal radius? 翻译:发射范围有多大?。

60、 dogmatic theology

中文翻译: 信理神学 教条神学

例句:That will teach me to be dogmatic. 翻译:我会离狗远点的。

61、 each of us

中文翻译: 我们每个人

例句:No, each of us for ourselves. 翻译:each of us for ourselves.。

62、 eligible bidders

中文翻译: 合格的投标商

例句:According to our record, you're eligible. 翻译:you're eligible.。

考研常见词汇:0,63、 The Guiding Ideology Embarks

中文翻译: 指导思想出发

例句:Guiding ideology and planning principles of Donghua Manor were described. 翻译:介绍了东华庄园的指导思想和规划原则。。



例句:Process of withdrawing with imbed of the process is contrary. 翻译:提取的过程和嵌入的过程相反。

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例句:Don't say just incase something happens to you. 翻译:不要说什么万一你有什么不测之类的鬼话。

66、 Digital Camera Enhance

中文翻译: 模糊图片变清晰 图像清晰处理工具 照片自动变清晰 自动调节图片清晰

例句:Broadcast a digital camera footage? 翻译:播放由普通人用数码摄录机拍到的影像。

67、 An enjoyable moment

中文翻译: 开心一刻

例句:We have had many enjoyable talks. 翻译:We have had many enjoyable talks.。

68、 ensure to

中文翻译: 保证给

例句:You must ensure the success of the operation. 翻译:You must ensure the success of the operation.。

69、 Social Epistemology

中文翻译: 社会知识论

例句:Shera was particularly interested in the affinity between social epistemology and librarianship . 翻译:希瑞特别有兴趣于社会认识论和图书馆管理业务的亲密关系。。

70、 eschewing resentment or revenge

中文翻译: 消除怨恨和报复的 无私的 表现高尚品德的宽宏大量的

例句:"And resentment has changed into a desire of revenge." 翻译:仇恨激發了復仇之心。

71、 excess air coefficient

中文翻译: 过剩空气系数 过量空气系数

例句:The Selection of Spray Coefficient about Air Douches of Deep Well Water 翻译:深井水喷淋处理中喷水系数的确定。

72、 external magnetic field

中文翻译: 外部磁场 外磁场

例句:- Matter coheres using a magnetic field. 翻译:- Matter coheres using a magnetic field.。



例句:Any extremist connections? 翻译:跟极端分子有联系吗?。

74、 failure of eyesight

中文翻译: 视力减退 目力减退 目力消退

例句:♪ The water and sand in our eyesight 翻译:# The water and sand in our eyesight。

75、 failing stress

中文翻译: 破坏应力 誉坏应力

例句:- Stress on the hyperdrive. 翻译:stress on the hyperdrive. - Stress on the hyperdrive.。

76、 Familiar workflow

中文翻译: 熟悉工作流程

例句:i need someone who's familiar with ad-agency workflow. 翻译:我需要有人谁是熟悉的广告机构的工作流程。。

77、 holy father

中文翻译: 基督教圣父 指上帝 天主教徒对罗马教皇的尊称

例句:- Father, Son, Holy Ghost. 翻译:Father, Son, Holy Ghost.。

78、 project finance

中文翻译: 项目融资 项目贷款

例句:Rumors say that this time the finance drives the project 翻译:听说今次是有了资金才有故事概念的。



例句:He flatly refused to discuss it. 翻译:他断然拒绝讨论此事。 。

80、 a flourish of trumpets

中文翻译: 大肆宣扬

例句:Was it trumpets and fireworks? 翻译:你们热情难熄?。

81、 fluid pressure

中文翻译: 流体压力

例句:...and the fluid pressure from the body. 翻译:注意尸体的液压。

82、 Fool Again

中文翻译: 痴心愚弄 再次被欺骗 再次愚弄 再次被诈骗

例句:Don't act the fool again, girl. 翻译:别犯傻了 姑娘 Don't act the fool again, girl.。


标签: 考研 单词 词汇

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