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关于”学好的励志“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Learn the inspirational。以下是关于学好的励志的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Learn the inspirational


1、Annotation of Rites is an important symbol to show that the traditional Exegetics has been truly set up, and approached to maturity and scientific nature.


2、A lean award is better than a fat judgment.

章学诚; 方志学; 理论创新。

3、Zhang Xuecheng; Local chronicles study; Theory innovation.


4、More and better education for all requires good teachers and incentives to encourage male and female teachers into all areas and levels of teaching.

Sara Basse 博士曾因她突出的教学而获奖,如果她的教学与她的作品一样好的话,那么这些奖励就没有发错。

5、Dr. Sara Basse has won awards for outstanding teaching, and if her teaching is as good as her writing, these awards are not misplaced.


6、Journal of International Pharmaceutical Rese…


7、Small can you be good comrades.


8、The fifth benefit of growing old, “one of the most important marks of maturity, ” is gratitude.


9、Kally, pick a sign. OK.


10、The influence posed by the teaches whose feeling is sentimental is better to key school students than to common school students in intercourse, feeling and will;


11、Bey Logan, a student of Hung Gar and an avid martial arts film buff has been editor of two UK publications, Combat magazine and Impact magazine.


12、So, I would like to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, and foster lofty ideals and lofty aspirations.


13、Another is developing better ways tohigherhire, keep and reward effective teachers and school leaders.


14、The study will be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.


15、Gaydar ("My best friend from uni, are you sure?").


16、Dry periods coincided with the demise of the Tang, Yuan and Ming dynasties, researchers report in Friday's edition of the journal Science.


17、The academic prose is Zhang Chengzhi's academic.

志明非常愤怒,欲取消佩仪的学护资格,祁乐却维护她,志明却叫祁乐先处理好自己。 。

18、Chi Ming very angry, who wish to cancel the palin instrument of learning, QiLe maintain her, chi Ming call QiLe you handle yourself.


19、Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, C: Photochemistry Reviews.


20、Zhihong riding to the school gate to pick up her daughter, when passing trade country show remind him good point pairs Ping, give her a birthright, Zhihong prevarication.

21、"We still believe in rewarding superior achievements and know that these top students truly value the scholarship," says Scott Friedhoff, Allegheny's vice president for enrollment.我们仍然相信对成绩优异者进行奖励的效用,好学生很重视奖学金", 阿勒格尼大学负责招生的副校长斯科特·弗利达霍夫说。

22、Science doi: 《科学》杂志doi



23、The school awarded Merry a prize (for her good work).学校(因为她工作好而)奖励了梅丽。

24、Therefore can promote the good image of art song is a measure of the importance of a qualified sign learners.因此能否唱好艺术歌曲是 衡量一名合格学习者的重要标志。

25、Wu Guanzhi in a bad mood but came to the seaside for a walk with students met the original core.吴冠志心情不好来到海边散步却碰到了原来的同学子芯。

英文句子26:,26、This thesis makes a comprehensive survey about the creation and the theory of science essay in the magazine of Taibai.《太白》杂志是中国现代文学史上第一个倡导科学小品的杂志。

27、Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.耳鼻喉科学与头颈外科学杂志。

28、The basic function of the university is education…大学的基本功能是教学。杨志坚说,…

29、Ruth Reynard's Avoiding the 雷鲁思的《避免学生在使用网志时的五种常见错误》对于在教室中使用网志具有一些很好的指导作用。

5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students has some good guidelines for using blogs in the classroom.

30、Course construction level is the main mark for the university.学科建设水平是大学办学水平的主要标志。

31、Online Journals Related to Volcanology;有关火山学的在线杂志;

32、The atmosphere of study congragetes with participants dedicating all their attention to studying.晨读教室的氛围很好,同学们在专心致志的学习。

33、It is the top magazine in this community.这是这一社区最好的杂志。

34、If we utilize the result on other teaching means scientifically, such as TV, magazines and videos, and so on, I think it will get the same effect.将此项研究的成果扩大运用在其它教学手段上,如电视教学、杂志和音像教学等方面,科学合理的安排于教学活动当中,也会取得很好的教学效果。

35、Shanghai Hope Language School believes that "the students are our focus and our staff is our pride", and that we will strive to be the best English training school in China.上海哈博进修学校奉行“以学员为中心,以员工为骄傲”的宗旨,立志建成中国最好的语言培训学校。

36、Every year the Royal Society Prize for Science Books celebrates the best in popular science writing.英国皇家学会xx年一度的科学书籍奖为最好的科普写作加以奖励。

37、Fortunately, good news came over the weekend for Pan and the volunteers from Tongji University.万幸的是,潘志军和其他同济大学的志愿者们在周末得到了一个好消息。

38、In Chicago ninth-grade students were rewarded on a sliding scale for good grades in five courses, including English, maths and science.在芝加哥,xx年级学生们可以因为英语、数学和科学等五门课程的好成绩而获得阶梯式奖励。

39、Zhou Jingchen stable patients condition after accusing tzu chi Ming, he is not a good guide to learn, to the doctor to hold hand tail.周景臣稳定了病人病情后指责志明,指他没有好好指导学护,要医生来「执手尾」。

40、What a good com'rade she is!她是一位多么好的同志啊!

41、Journal of the Institution of Chemists (India).印度化学师学会志。

42、I also hope that every student can value your wonderful university time, temper your aspirations, perfect your characters, and learn how to behave yourself and how to do things.希望同学们珍惜美好的大学时光,砥砺心志,完善品格,学会做人,学会做事。

43、College is also a great chance to meet interesting and motivated people who share your interests.年夜学也是一个熟悉有趣的、有志向的、与你情投意合的人的好时机。

44、Gourcuff demonstrated good timing on the goal. Bonera will play soon as well.进球是对古尔库夫最好的奖励,他的表现很好。

45、How could we not cover the era with gusto, being a science magazine and all?当然啰,作为一本科学杂志,我们怎能仅凭爱好而不报道那个年代?

46、The very next day morning, I went to see her, said she had gone home, volunteers also fill out the.第二天早上,我去找她,同学说她已回家了,志愿也填好了。

47、Since he was little, Xiaoqiang has been determined to study hard and become a useful person in the future.小强从小就立志好好学习, 争取当个有用之人。

48、Journal of Hepatology, with Supplements.肝病学杂志》附《增刊》。

49、That's why I was intrigued by a new study in the journal Psychological Science.因此《心理学》杂志的一项研究勾起了我的好奇心。

50、Xue Li Tun goods" is a unique new school motto."“敦品励学”是学校新颖独特的校训。

经典英文句子51:学好的励志,51、The positive side of this pressure, as many researchers will readily admit, is that it can be highly stimulating.许多科学家乐意承认,这种压力有好的一面,那就是它可以高度地激励他们。

52、Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry and B: Biology.光化学与光生物学杂志,A辑:化学;

53、Based on Hostile working environment and effective incentive mechanism, the company appeals a group of young, knowledge and practical talented people.优良的工作环境以及良好的激励机制,吸引了一批年轻的、有学识的、具有实干精神的人才。

54、European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics.欧洲制药学与生物制药学杂志。

55、Australian Journal of Entomology.澳大利亚昆虫学杂志。


标签: 励志

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